Hey guys, remember like, around this time a year ago, when I was semi creative and actually edited pictures and tried to make them look pretty and stuff? Yeah. That was nice. I am SLOWLY getting back to that...slowly. This is from a couple weeks ago:
The pompadour! And Baby Lynnie/Creepy doll lips! This is my new jam you guys, I can feel it. It is perfectly complimented by this creepy stare, like those mean 1800's school teachers at field trips to "settlements" that are supposed to be like the olden days or whatever. More on Flickr, because I never edit my pictures the same way and they look stupid together. Oh the woes of a neurotic...
EDIT: Since some people have asked about the lips: I didn't use a skin tone layer first, just plain simple drawing a heart with lip liner and lipstick. I think I used some type of Wet n' Wild thing that is probably really old and gross and from the 90's and was once worn with a family member's tiny butterfly hair clips and bandannas, but any regular ole lipstick should do..
I am doing my best to get back to everyone's emails but I think it'll help if I can link some people to my FAQ and answer a question a number of readers seem to want to know the answer to.
I can't tell anyone how to make their blog "good" or "popular" and I hope no one decides they can, either. The only advice I can offer is to write about what you care about and have fun, which sounds really cheesy and is something we've all heard before but only because it's true.. By now everyone and their mom has a fashion blog so there are lots to choose from if a reader isn't pleased with yours, so why try to please them? And since there ARE so many blogs now, nothing wrong with standing out from the usual stereotype, of course. Go with yourself, go with yourself, go with yourself.

The pompadour! And Baby Lynnie/Creepy doll lips! This is my new jam you guys, I can feel it. It is perfectly complimented by this creepy stare, like those mean 1800's school teachers at field trips to "settlements" that are supposed to be like the olden days or whatever. More on Flickr, because I never edit my pictures the same way and they look stupid together. Oh the woes of a neurotic...
EDIT: Since some people have asked about the lips: I didn't use a skin tone layer first, just plain simple drawing a heart with lip liner and lipstick. I think I used some type of Wet n' Wild thing that is probably really old and gross and from the 90's and was once worn with a family member's tiny butterfly hair clips and bandannas, but any regular ole lipstick should do..
I am doing my best to get back to everyone's emails but I think it'll help if I can link some people to my FAQ and answer a question a number of readers seem to want to know the answer to.
I can't tell anyone how to make their blog "good" or "popular" and I hope no one decides they can, either. The only advice I can offer is to write about what you care about and have fun, which sounds really cheesy and is something we've all heard before but only because it's true.. By now everyone and their mom has a fashion blog so there are lots to choose from if a reader isn't pleased with yours, so why try to please them? And since there ARE so many blogs now, nothing wrong with standing out from the usual stereotype, of course. Go with yourself, go with yourself, go with yourself.
here here!!
sage advice.
YES. that pompadour plus those lips and the tavi death stare. SO GOOD.
haha 'Tavi Death Stare' That's awesome!
The lips remind me of...the Queen of hearts in Alice and Wonderland, I think? (but I agree Tavi, editting takes so long!)
what are those shoe? they look like snakeskin cut-i-ness... those arent kirkwood are they?
to make that doll lips effect more profound, do you put on a skin tone color lipcolor first?
I have doll issues..this is legitimately frightening haha.
Tavi, you're amazing.
Too amazing for words.
great editing!!
you have such a great artistic view in your photos!
Love love love this post....the outfit is sooo dapper and I love the lipstick :)
Laura xxx
That picture is insanely awesome.
Please wear your hair like that every day.
thats an awesome photo!
i love your lipstick
You're awesome.
The lips the dress,the cage skirt. I love it.
Everyone asks you that because you're so darn awesome.
brilliant. that outfit is very cute...and so is the whole picture, well in a death stare kinda way.
If looks could kill...
(I mean this in the absolute best possible way, of course)
Amazing stare and lips girl!
LOVE where your going with this look.
wow, nice photo! love your work.
Hi I love you.
frighteningly glamourous!
I love this photo. =)
You look fabulous! Love your style girl!
loving the baby lynnie lips!! your dress (romper?) almost looks like a vera bradley print diaper bag. but you're tavi and you can totally pull ANYTHING off so IT'S ALL GOOD :)
love your blog. SOOO much!
Okay, so I am in love with this photo. The doll lips remind me of a picture I took of myself a while back. I'll link it, if you want to see. :-p
The creepy stare is very Miss Menchin (from a little princess) lol. Love it!
Brilliant in every way. Loving what you say and do.
Amazing, love the lips!
I just read through many of your blog posts. You are amazing and write so well! I am seriously laughing out loud. It's like your trying not to be funny, but you are so hilarious! I wish I had someone like you to hand out with when I was in middle school! Keep rocking the blogosphere!
Always love your writing, Tavi. You are a very smart girl. And I adore that photo. I missed your edited, stylized, nature-y fashion photos!
you look like an alein from Doctor Who
which means you look cool but also like a villain
Love the GaGa inspired lips Tavi -- but you put so much more meaning (than her) into them with the school marm inference -- love it! Did you wear this all day at school? Did you wear through PE -- refresh afterwards? Wouldn't mind a "behind the scenes" on the work it takes to keep up the look.
For me -- I looked BEST 5 minutes before I scrambled out the door to school (in Washington state, down a dirt road to the school bus in the drizzle. but that's another story.) Maintenance=75% of the day. Besos.
Love the Lynne Y. lips. Next is dots o' bloosh on the cheeks.
Yeah it's true..just go with yourself!!;)
lipstick is gorgeous
<333 as always
You are such an inspiring little girl ! :)
Haha. This is very very cool editing. ;)
I just kind of really wanted to thank you for inspiring me to write a blog. So here I am thanking you. I love the "creepy doll lips". I think you look like a high fashion model...
Adieu for Now (oxymoron...heh,heh)
You guys are the b e s t
Your blog is FABULOUS!!!
Love your style, love you wit, love your outlook on fashion, style, and everything else!!
You've found yourself yet another reader! Thank YOU! ^__^
I'm sooooo happy these are back. I'm a reader from way in the beginning (referral from Fashion Robot) and these are just the juice. Lovin it.
Oh My God your blog is just amaze :) Inspiration for us all :)
love the eyeglasses. vintage, I presume?
so cool
I love that make-up ^^.
It's ridiculous and highly unfair that you should be twice as cool as me when I am nearly twice your age.
You are spot on about the thing about how to make a blog cool - you just gotta write about what you love or feel like and hope that someone feels it too. What do you use to photoedit? And it has to be said - your wardrobe must be out of this world - and slowly taking over your parents house!
Yoiur lips look fantastic !
lovely pic!
everything in the pic remind the automn and maybe wisdom too, the brown shade, the sweet light, the plant in the hands...
After an initial period of concern, I quickly came to like your photographic construct :-P
P.S So happy that U like Pi-cas-so. I could spend an abnormal amount of time looking with awe at his paintings. Another version of Kawakubo, in terms of creative inspiration. I'm hoping that eventually Picasso's art, impels you to draw and paint like a demon!
Ahhhh~Le TAVI!!!
This photo is quite the adorable one. I love the lips. It reminds me of the geisha dolls. Teehee.
I look forward to more creative photos. I love seeing ones imagination! ^=^
I hope this doesn't creep you out but uh..I had a dream and you were in it. I don't even know WHY but you were..it was pretty weird. You acted like you write...it was as if I met you before. XD Pretty weird, yes?
I even wrote a blog entry on it. o_o Ah, this might make you more popular. I'm sorry...and my blog isn't actually all about fashion. At first I thought "That would be cool" Then I was like, "..But it's not unique." Yours is still unique...but I've seen a lot that are the same. :( I actually have two, one is more nerdy than the other...and I cosplay so I add those pictures in there. I hope you know what cosplay is. If you don't...you should! It's...awesome. :)
Sorry for the long post. I just spammed your page..with..spam.
i like you so much ..und yours flowers.. ugh
ive been watching your blog for a while and u have been a great inspiration to me. i even started my own blog about fashion and other things. my only thing missing is a camera for pictures. you really truely inspired me and thanks. your style is amazing....check out my blog rebelstyle212.blogspot.com...
and thanks again
what a beautiful morning to start my day.
you really make me smile!
i'm very impressed and kudos to you!
you're so young but you have already a brilliant mind to create and style your clothes.
plus, i adore the confidence on you when you wear your outfit. thanks for the tip!
i hope you can visit me @
you look awesome :D
ah see this is what makes your blog great! You are so individual and totally fearless with your sense of style. Fabulous outfit - wish I could see your shows though, theres just a little peep of them tantalising me!
Your so creative. What an inspiration!..
ABSOLUTE perfection when it comes to the lips
gorgeous darling, loving your blog as always
youre linked on my site
check out my blog @
i love, love, love it! the lips, great.
I really like that photo. This is my first time visiting your blog. It's fantastic. Cheers!
a wonderful pic, i really like the colours and the whole composition.
can i say that again??? lol
you are the raddd-esttt...
the lips and the stare and the flower pot :D
such an amazing blog!!!
come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think and if you want to link exchange
That relative from the 90s who wore butterfly clips and bandannas? That was me.
OMG Super cute...LOving the gaga inspired lipstick!
I love the pomp and heart lips. They look haunting (in a good way!) combined with your stare.
Love the lips, so cool. and well said, you can't please everyone.
Those lips! That pomp! ♥
Wowee Tavi. Better than ever.
PS Thanks for the advice!
haha, wow, so many comments. you probably won't read mine, will you?
well, i've read your blog for a pretty long time.. but i don't really comment on blogs a lot. but i wanted to say 2 things :P
1. you look so much older in that picture o.o like, 20, but smaller xD
2. i definitely agree with that you have to write what you want. i just started a blog, and i have 2 followers. both friends. but i dont really care, cause i think it's just really fun to write my blog, and i just post whatever i want. may it be songs, fashion, or um.. pikachus xD i don't see the point of writing a blog to become.. popular or anything. i prefer blogs over magazines, and thats cause.. well, of course cause blogs are updated a lot xD but also cause fashion magazines are for a looot of people, who all have to like it. and blogs are much less mainstream :)
sooo.. i looong comment xD well, i already wrote a lot, but i shouldn't forget the most important: you're AWESOME. seriously. thats the only word i can think of xD i'm sorry for the long comment, hehe, and i'm also sorry for how horrible i am at explaining things. oh and i'm sorry for my english.
blogs are definitely meant for fun, and i have to say, reading this post was the highlight of my day, lol
(omg, it rhymed! xD )
You probably already know this, but you're on a style.com slideshow!
You're number 22! Congrats!
tavi, you are so cool! i love ths look, it's like old-timey but new!
oh my! your hair = gorgeous. i've never seen anyone try the hair pouf with short hair. it looks so perfect and amazing. all of the other girls have the typical long hair with the "it-looks-like-im-wearing-one-of-those-Hollywood-Bumpit-things" hair poufs. so orginial. love the editing gorgeous :)
I think of those as Lady Gaga lips now!
epic photos
hi Tavi
is alice writing, the photoeditor of ELLE italy!
I would need to talk with you concerning a picture request for an ARTICLE ABOUT YOU in our next december issue!!
please contact me!
hey, pretty lips!!!
pretty picture :-O check-it-out!!
DUH laia!!
Thanks guys <3
hi Tavi
is alice writing, the photoeditor of ELLE italy!
I would need to talk with you concerning a picture request for an ARTICLE ABOUT YOU in our next december issue!!
please contact me!
like, totally awesome.
great glasses!
p.s. everything else that I wanted to say has already been said.
...i love you?
This pic looks really great! you edit your pics very well
Love the lips! What editing pogram do you use? These look really good!
ur so cool!
best make up ever
love the look!!!
omg..tavi! those lips are fierce ;)
i love this. i hope you don't mind me adding you. i love your blog.
Great blog I just discovered it :)
This is such a cute picture, you have to be the most stylish 13 year old I ever saw :)
bisoux from Montreal,
YES! Sooo fab!!
great picture!
beaut-y-ful! so new, yet so classic. LOVE.
Your edit makes me sad. I still have some of my butterfly hair clips! Oh the 90's... love it.
amazing outfit tavi. hairstyle is great too!
oh dear, I LOVE the lips. so good. I think they work better without the skintone layer personally. making lips skin colored kind of grosses me out.
working itt tav, please take more like this!
I love your Style and you have crazy pics. xxx
Beautiful picture! Also saw you in Pop, you looked so amazing:)
You look adorable. The pot plant is a nice touch.
I'v heard about you in a magazin!
i live in Paris!
ps: I love your stuff ;)
You produce such awesomeness! Where do you get it???? a secret cave??? I'd hide my awesomeness there, Tavi!!
PS (about Louis Vuitton, last post, it was amazingly odd. the fur is hideous and i love it! Afrotastic. Louis is a very weird genius. Hmm, lets say like you!)
excuse my hyperactivity. Afrotastic? I was on coke. :D
Love your post.
Lingerie directory
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