This is part one of the Summer Round-Up Posts (they're very official, with capital letters and everything) and these are some outfits for the style diary part of this blawgy blawg. Dorky tourist photos and an obsession with staples and W Magazine to follow!

hussein chalayan printed dress. dessous white dress, gift. ann demeulemeester purple mesh dress borrowed from the weardrobe closet.

This is the "I just chanted Torah and this was my favorite Chalayan collection ever and I love space ruins and school just got out so yay and it's on sale so you know what I'm getting it" dress, bought a few months ago. I kind of wish I hadn't bought it now, to be honest, and to be even more honest I think part of what compelled me to buy it was the whole buying-into-a-lifestyle thing, which I didn't recognize at the time but probably knew on a subconscious level. Practically, I wish I hadn't bought it-especially since fashion and art books are so expensive!-but I do love it and it is ridonculously beautiful. Maybe in a couple years I'll all of a sudden discover a newly found appreciation for the dress and be way more happy with it and pat meself on me back for buying it. One thing I know is that I'll always love clothes, and that I will be wearing most of what I own now even when I'm adult. What's your worst story of buyer's remorse?
ANYWAY, the ~inspiration~~ for this was the Comme des Garcons SS 97 and SS 94, and the Hussein Chalayan SS 09 collection my dress is from. I'd like to think it looks kind of like a frozen moment in time. If I could have any super power it would definitely be time travel.
ANYWAY, the ~inspiration~~ for this was the Comme des Garcons SS 97 and SS 94, and the Hussein Chalayan SS 09 collection my dress is from. I'd like to think it looks kind of like a frozen moment in time. If I could have any super power it would definitely be time travel.

Um, I wanted to be obnoxious and have to keep adjusting safety pins all day? Seriously though, I've become kind of obsessed with this sock-wedge combo. Alison from Tsumori Chisato was really awesome and sent over these beeyootiful socks which I swear are invincible to SWEAT. They are 100% silk and 200% magic. I have been wearing them grossly often and they are not yet gross, somehow?! I also just realized these wedges (80% off, juuuuust sayin) are knockoffs of two pairs of Marnis combined which makes me feel like a hypocrite since I argue constantly with my friends about knockoffs/the integrity of the artist/designer prices. (I will maybe post a rant about such eventually.) I like to wear them when I listen to Janis Ian and read magazines. Luckily I bike more than I walk, and you can't bike in heels, so I don't wear these often enough to ruin my future of having non-deformed feet. My mom likes to scare me with google images.

I received Laia's tee and wanted to wear it and also wear pants for the first time in ever.
I think this skort was made for a third grader whose mom was trying out her patchwork skills because she was either a), appointed head of the Happy Retirement Mrs. Teachername quilt, or b), appointed head of the school play costume department. YOU DECIDE.
This bow is PERFECT. And makes me miss London.
This bow is PERFECT. And makes me miss London.

I'm definitely ready for Fall. Ignoring the whole 'school' part, I want to wear tights and layers and trick or treat and buy September issues and wake up early to see Spring/Summer 2010 (ten!!) collections online. Yes? YES?
photos via tfs and
I don't even know how you did this. The draping, it's just - my mind is blown. You are incredible. I can't even handle it.
yay my tee!
gah. inspiration. thank you for this.
this is too good. i love everything, and 90s comme is just soooo good. And her collection this season, but they were done in a very similar style. They're just so light and whitty and i can tell she's not taking herself seriously but its still so conceptual, rambling yay
but seriously that first outfit is amaaaaaazing
well i meant to say 2nd, but the first one is still good. plus that colleciton is insanely good. And my worse buyers remorse was buying something at cdg from the new collection and realizing the cdg black pop up store was right around the corner, had just closed, and wasn't opening the next day. The scalloped tail coat was the same price as the main line thing, but i still love my purchase
you're so right about the buyer's remorse...i hope i don't get sick of things i've spent mad $$ on. that's the worst.
I can see the "frozen in time" idea in that outfit, i really love all the pickups. VERY cdg. I did some pinning on this sack-type dress I have and I think it looked pretty dang cool... although I only used 2 pins. ha!
You might feel wierd about the dress now, but I definately think it was a good choice. I mean, a piece by , are you kidding me?!? It's a very special piece and I think it will be even years in the future. It's beautiful, really.
Oh, and you miss London?? Girl, me toooo! I'm so bored sitting here in central Canada!! Frick. I wish we could have all met up back in jolly old London, would have been crazy fun! Could have snuck around dover street market and gropped the Comme a little... although I did that all by myself thnx. Did some of the sales peeps follow you around when you where there, btw? They totally did with me... it was strange
Oh god, you have such amazing style! Only you could pull of these looks! Everything you wear inspires me.
Thaaaanks dudes
Nice and Shiny-I know! I wish we could have! And um YES, I was like a kid in a candy store/being really loud at DSM and they were all staring at and following me.
You pull of the most extreme outfits so well! I love all of these. And buyer's remorse sux to the max, but I think the dress will withstand the test of time. With me it's usually the realization that with all the money I spent on chips and candy and soda I could have actually, like, BOUGHT something.
wow that is so gorgeous. i could never pull that off
you are so daring with your creation of an outfit ensemble, and i love it
you pick beautiful shapes from the runway and transform them into you
so chic!
check out my blog @
Gorgeous. How do you do it? Just brilliant.
I think that dress is beautiful, no remorse is needed! You made a good choice!
very creative! :)
I was at this hussein chalayan show.. it was so crazy! The dress from the picture is INSANE!!
the singular
I love the silhouette of the first dress, its so darling. you should hang onto it.
Lookin' good! And I love the shoes in pic #3.
Ahh, so THAT is the rumoured Chalayan! I've been dying too see it for ages.
You're the best.
love all your variations! and the second picture's dress is gorgeous
I really, truly love your blog! You write so well and dress so awesomely. This post is a prime example.
ohh wutt, how did you get metallic gold print version.
The Chalayan dress is beautiful and I think its nice that you treated yourself. So glad you finally shared it!
You are the next editor in chief of vogue.
The next anna wintour.
Girl, I bike everyday in heels. You can do it too.
Not with clipless pedals or anything like that, and not on a track bike, but otherwise...
Just keep the ball of your foot on the pedal.
Far less deforming than walking in the things.
Your socks are amazing.
idk if im late or not but i wanna congratulate you on possibly landing the pop cover...i never put u and jane in the same category but its pretty funny cause she got the vogues & now here you are makin your mark on the press too. nymag said "(No word on how Sea of Shoes is taking this.)" & i thot that was quite the remark for readers of both blogs like me...
xx joe
From where do you get your inspiration?
I love the draping. Some of it reminds me a bit of Ariel in The Little Mermaid. When she gets on land and has to make an outfit out of some fabric she found and rope.
Am suffering from buyer's remorse in a big way over Fiorentini & Baker boots I dropped a serious load of money on (for me) and have recently admitted are TOO BIG!! When I tried them on while pregnant, with swollen feet, they were TOO BIG! And now that I have had the baby and my feet and rest of my body have returned to pre-pregnancy size, well, whatdoyaknow they're STILL TOO BIG!! Bah.
I wear them with thick socks and have insoles in mind.
Tavi, I absolutely adore you and am working on an email to you...I think you might be my doppelganger (but only in the awkward moments/shoved into lockers/hating volleyball and all things phys. ed., and tiny sprite way. SO NOT in terms of fashion sense as I have little.) But I'll even send a picture of me in earlier days to prove this theory.
Fan from Canada,
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