I'm going out of town and probably away from the internet too for a few days but HANG ON A SEC:
Here's the deal, I watched Harold and Maude like 3 times the other day (I'd never seen it before either), and am now both madly in love with everything about it/Maude's steez/HAROLD'S STEEZE.
Like, can we take a sec?
Why yes yes that is a pearl covered collar. Or rhinestones maybe?

He basically wears lots of sweaters and olive greens and browns and dark pinks, like the outside of his house.
Oh you awkward little 70's boy you. With your banjo and your Cat Stevens soundtrack. And your relationship with an old lady that really could not have been put in a movie nowadays and is maybe the most romantic thing ever?! Regardless that my friend thinks I'm a weird fetish person for thinking so?
Basically why I REALLY want Fall to come is so I can wear my Harold outfit: Old Malandrino brown turtleneck with a sheer front that has a curtain pattern printed on it that I got at a yard sale with Sheba and John and Fred, pair of pants that used to be my mom's with a tag that COINCIDENTALLY says "HAROLD'S," and primarily green and pink floral Docs.
But OH WAIT. There is more.
Here's the deal, I watched Harold and Maude like 3 times the other day (I'd never seen it before either), and am now both madly in love with everything about it/Maude's steez/HAROLD'S STEEZE.
Like, can we take a sec?

Basically why I REALLY want Fall to come is so I can wear my Harold outfit: Old Malandrino brown turtleneck with a sheer front that has a curtain pattern printed on it that I got at a yard sale with Sheba and John and Fred, pair of pants that used to be my mom's with a tag that COINCIDENTALLY says "HAROLD'S," and primarily green and pink floral Docs.
But OH WAIT. There is more.

One of my favorite collections of all time and HAROLD! They're the same! Kind of.
If you haven't seen this movie WATCH IT, if you haven't looked at this collection yet LOOK AT IT, and if you haven't bought anything from it I WOULD LIKE THE CARPET JACKET.
Did I get ya? Oh. Well, anyway. Other creeps like me can go to the Harold Loves Maude community at Livejournal which is almost as creepy awesome as ontd_startrek.
photos: dj_capslock, inspire attire, and youtube stills by me *beams* and shots of the tv by me *brushes shoulders off*
Did I get ya? Oh. Well, anyway. Other creeps like me can go to the Harold Loves Maude community at Livejournal which is almost as creepy awesome as ontd_startrek.
photos: dj_capslock, inspire attire, and youtube stills by me *beams* and shots of the tv by me *brushes shoulders off*
i like the part where there's the parade during the funeral
haha. I can see it. I can see it.
Hokay, I need to see this STAT. Not only is it supposedly a really great film, Harold is SEXY.
I've seen the cover of pop, it looks great!!! congratulations for it.
best from berlin
I love Harold and Maude! Perfect fall aesthetic.
for your info... best r.
Every time I go swimming in my swimming pool I hear Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto #1 playing in my head like in the drowning scene with his mom. I LOVE when she is filling out the dating questionnaire for him. God that whole movie is so perfect, definitely why I own a yellow umbrella.
just an interesting tidbit.. the last i heard from the actual actor- he was living in a garage in silverlake, ca and was bitter about getting paid so little for the film. never recieving a penny of risidulas from the movie... i think nin teh article it said he played the banjo... if i find the artrcile ( i had cut it out) i'll scan and sendy over... ahve a nice trip! ;)
ps i love your name :) it's mine! :P
haha! I remember freaking out the first time I saw this. You may as well buy it on DVD. It's one of those movies you're going to watch again and again.
I need to see this movie. NOW. Harold is sexy!
all these people talking about sexy harold should see what bud cort looks like now. Rent the life aquatic with steve zissou, see him all grown up
I really need to see Harold and Maude. I actually own the movie, and saw it, but i wasn't paying attention.:(
Harold and Maude is the greatest love story of our time. I totally love every second if this fabulous film and how can you go wrong with an all Cat Stevens soundtrack? Josephine, the questionnaire scene is my fav too!
Tavi, Great Pop cover, I am jealous of your fabulosity.
Shopaholic xx
Hi!! Is the first time I visit your blog and is amazing!! love it!
You have a great style, so original!
hey! saw the cover of POP congrats!!!!!
i can totally see it. And those carpet jacket things(grr them being $2000) are soooo good in person, that whole collection really does look better in person. Especially the tulle things, and the toe shoes.
I watched that movie in repeat after first seeing it also.
I love her tactile fetish...
All the fake death scenes are glam.
Great psot (:
ps. love the Comme des Garcons collection!
I saw it in Bryant Park and it was AWESOME, except that I couldn't hear some of the lines. Must watch again.
I love Harold and Maude.
Fur collars and prints galore?!? Amazing. Style crush, for sure. Check out those fierce sunnies at the funeral! Umm, WANT!!!
Have fun with whatever your doing "out of town". Can't wait to hear what you've been up to when you get back!
I bet you'd have loads of chikkas from your trip. snag me an outfit? ;) have fun!
a funny yet slightly disturbing film!! no?
TRUFAX = Harold and Maude is one of the best films EVER.
The soundtrack is amazing as well! You know when Maude sits in this field and talks about flowers? IT MADE ME WEEP A THOUSAND TEARS.
Aw man ;_;
Also my dad totally used to dress like Harold and also looked like him but BLONDE. Yes.
Lol I don't even know what it is, girl. Is it a good film? Nice blog btw!
a reader mailed me a harold & maude dvd that I'm yet to watch, shall we put it on the agenda?
p.s. have fun in out-of-town! heehee
Ah! That is my favorite film of all time. Horold is so bitchin'. Why do all men not wear peacoats and bellbottoms? The world would be a much more attractive place.
great movie. And oh man I totally see it too.
ohmygosh this movie is beyond amazing :)
I c u there, girl
Im pretty sure that Harold is supposed to be 18... not sure why i think this though...
Im pretty sure that Harold is supposed to be 18... not sure why i think this though...
Bud Cort also starred in Brewster McCloud - quirky, dated, very much worth watching
Who What Wear Daily did a little piece about Harold and Maude fashion! I loved it!
As for the movie, I've never seen it but it seems so interesting from the film descriptions I read.
And if you want to be me, be me
And if you want to be you, be you
cause theres a million things to do
You know that there are...
I love that movie ;)
O dear tavi:
once upon a millennial time some terribly awkward one i knew in high school broke down the door of bud cort's dressing room in a frenzied frenzy to be near the same person i remember standing behind @rite-aid, a decade & a half later, unwashed & unknown, filling a prescription which i believe was for some anti-depressant.
life happens & too often this is the way it does.
have fun while it lasts. nice cover.
such a great connection between Herald & Maude and CDG!!
best best best best movie ever.
i wish i had a jag-hearse.
and lived in a train car.
i'm getting a daisy tattoo on one hand and a sunflower tattoo on the other just because i love this movie so much.
I'm also a Harold and Maude lover! I own the DVD for years. It became my way to test peoples characters: if they like it, thats great, and if they find it strange, the will find me strange. What I love most about Harold&Maude is the music and some of Maudes philosophies. Last but not least, Maudes hairstyle!!!
Glad you found them they are so wonderful and heart-warming. Cheers!
One of my favorite films!
That is SO odd...Not only did I *JUST* rewatch Harold & Maude last night, but I did so directly after learning that I just converted one of my friends to the wonderfulness of the movie, who in turn converted her friend, who then converted no less than thriteen of his friends.
I'm feeling pretty good right now.
Tavi, just gave you an award. I think you are fierce (:
keep blogging.
(god i sound so cheesy D:)
"Ooh! What a wonderful collection of knives! May I see them?" "No no no! Don't touch! They're very old." "Do you enjoy knives?" "Oooh...*yes!*".
Girl, you ain't the first to make this call! Who What Wear did a post on Harold and Maude a few months ago.
Tavi!! Im crazy about this blog!!! I saw it yesterday for the first time (there´s a magazine here, in Argentina named PARA TI, and there was a note about bloggers, You were there!)
You remind me of Frida Kahlo, your look is awsome!
Will visit you always!
Did you know that Bud Cort also played 'The Bond Stooge' in The Life Aquatic?
AMAZING movie! You have good taste ;)
I'm happy you've discovered Harold & Maude. It's brilliant.
I liked your blog better last year when you did more outfits on yourself. What happened? Too busy now?
taylor thompson-I didn't say I was ;) that who what wear post is great!
flor m.-You're making me blush! I wouldn't compare myself to Frida, she's way radder..but thank you!
susan-Summers are always lazy for me, in general and in how I dress! Once Fall comes around and inspiration hopefully kicks back in I'll probably post more outfits, but I'm trying to create more of a balance between personal style and fashion in general..
This post is great! The little video made me happy:). Think I'm going to watch the movie....
Comme des garçons is always soo amazing.. And I can't wait to see your Harold outfit!
I remember Harold's mom says he is 21/22, and that is relatively realistic, assuming post-college existential angst similar to The Graduate , plus she is trying to marry him off. This site trumps the livejournal community on both creativity and the sweet beautiful creepiness that movie deserves: http://www.haroldlovesmaude.blogspot.com/
There is something Missoni or Comme about the costumes, but Luella, Krizia, too. I acheived the best approximation of Harold's style by getting weird 70's Sears and JcPenny outerwear on ebay, if you can stand the polyester/orlon.
your blog never ceases to inspire me.
thanks tavi.
<3 The Voguette
hmm this is my favourite movie ever, good choice. :)
and I totally have to agree about the carpet jacket. it's amazing!
You are totally progressive.(highest complement possible)
Nicely done! I have always loved the film but only recently have come to appreciate the incredible sense of style it conveys. I wonder, who did Harold's clothing/wardbrobe for the film? I'm sure it was not off the rack back then. To me, forget Jean Paul Belmondo, Michael Caine and the rest, Bud Cort's style in this film is the best Haute Mod I've ever seen.
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