My dad and the friends we were staying with and I met them at their studio. It was extremely cool. All of their books were arranged by color, and Kate said they had a storage unit rented out for the REST of their books. When we got together for lunch on Wednesday, Laura’s first reaction to the Aubrey Beardsley book I got them was “Now we have a green book!” There’d be a title on Christian Dior right below one about Norwegian Black Metal, right next to one about Picasso, right next to one about anime. Lots of figurines and stuffed animals were everywhere. They had a Barbie version of Tippi Hedren in The Birds with crows attacking her in her lovely well-kept 60’s outfit, though Kate noted that when they saw her after being attacked by lots of birds that they thought “this is more our style!”
Possibly more pictures of the studio soon, they're going to email me with a yay or nay because I might've gotten stuff from the next collection in the pictures by accident.She showed us the clothes they keep there to send out to magazines and such. I can’t even describe how magical it is to see the dresses and skirts and jackets in real life, and to hear what they have to say about their own creations as well. My pictures of the clothes are super crappy and now I don't even know why I took them when the ones at their site are so much better..
oh the louboutins...
With a number of designers, it doesn’t seem very hard to imagine what their things are like in person.. with more minimalistic clothing, there are less surprises, but the details in the Rodarte clothes are amazing. I didn't know they disguised their zippers in lots of beads! Let me refresh your memory: silkscreened leather, marble painted fabrics, and hand dyed silk tulle. They developed all of the dye shades themselves, too.
there was an entire room with hip high boots laying out to dry..
They talked about how many female designers are often expected to say that they’re creating the clothes they would like to wear, but Rodarte is more about creating an entire world with a piece of clothing. When they were kids they would do things like climb book cases and do their own thing and make their own fun and were'nt really into what the other people in their grades were. When I told how I could’ve founded they said they could’ve as well. They said their mom once gave each of them a journal; that Kate drew lots of dresses in hers and Laura mapped out their entire house, down to every detail like the keys. My dad asked her how she thought being an English Literature major affected how she designs, and she said that you get used to analyzing almost everything, and that she now pays more attention to detail. We talked about that, and how Kate majored in Art History, how not studying fashion can affect design. I think that in fashion it’s important to draw inspiration from so many different sources and that every season there seems to be one designer that’s able to fill the “I was inspired by the 80’s!” slot, or the 40’s, etc. Um, pretty sure Star Wars and Japanese slasher films are a different kind of thing, and I think by combining such unique references they've created clothes that really haven't been seen before, cannot be easily duplicated, or be classified into labels. Even Comme can be classified, but Rodarte doesn't fit just one. I also think that there are a number of designers that seem to be weird just for the sake of being weird, or just to be anti-trend. Comme is weird but it's conceptual. Rodarte is weird but it's innovative.
Anyway, their studio was incredibly rad. I told them Todd Selby would go nuts and they just happened to have gone to school with him (DUH, right?) and turns out Kate is the one that told him he should go into photography. We looked at Etsy and I showed them my favorite sellers, Angie and Yokoo. I also showed them some of my favorite blogs, like those belonging to Belle, Elizabeth, Hazel, Laia, Jen, and Karl, and they really liked all of them. I was wearing a pair of leggings that they thought were cool that K over at Nice and Shiny made me so they saw her blog too.
After a while we (Laura, Kate, and myself, by this time) left the studio and headed to their awesome friend Wendy’s store in Chinatown called Ooga Booga, listening to one of the mixes they made me in the car (and their tracks are just about as varied as their bookshelf). We browsed the store (completely epic place, carries stuff like Slow & Steady Wins the Race and some vinyl) and they got incredibly rad zines. If I WANTED to be a bit of a BRAGGART, I would tell you about how they said the one I made them was the best one they’d ever seen, but y’know, WHO wants to be a BRAGGART?! (I am awful. I’ll stop.) Next we headed over to Olvera Street, the oldest street in the United States (tourist alert! Hawaiian shirts! Sunscreen! Cameras!) where we met up with Wendy. edit: ooooopsydoops, oldest street in L.A. Same thing! Not really! Carrying on.
the oldest house in the u.s., yo
We went into a store there that had lots of Mariachi hats and fun stuff and they got me Mexican bingo cards and tiny bows and we agreed that I would pay them back by paying for Chicago goodies when we act like loser tourists over here. We also got confetti eggs but didn’t explode them because-as Laura remembered-it would’ve been littering. Then I tried Mexican hot chocolate for the first time and OH MAH GAWWWW. Find it. I don’t care what you have to do-FIND IT. I wonder if there's a Mexican hot chocolate mafia.
When it was time for lunch we were deciding between two restaurants on the opposite sides of the street from one another. We went to the one that looked more festive and I think it may have been the best decision ever made? The Magic Castle-super secretive castle in L.A. for magicians, srs biz beyond belief-came up in conversation and the man at the table by us goes, “Excuuuuuuse me, but were you talking about the Maaaaaaaagic Castle?” He happened to be a member for 40 years and was incredibly nice-he gave us-a bunch of strangers-a lifelong pass. He also did some magic tricks for us. It was like a movie, that little episode. The restaurant on the other side of the street should be avoided at all costs, what with it being on the opposite side of the street and all. Ew, right? So gross.
After lunch (where they talked about going to the Met, and Steve Martin playing banjo for them, and when they met Karl) we went to an Indian Powow in a cornfield. It was amazing! Watching the dances and hearing the music and everything. Laura and I bought beaded bracelets and mine happens to match the airplane seat I am currently sitting in. We got Hawaiian shaved ice from this woman that put this special cream on top. She said her mom would always use it as the special ingredient and ask the kids to leave the kitchen when she put it on. When the woman’s mother turned 80 she finally told her the recipe and it tastes so. so. good.
We then made a quick stop at Union Station, just to go inside and immediately feel the old Hollywood air. LA is like a museum by itself just because of all the landmarks. Driving around yesterday I saw the liquor store that Cher from Clueless gets mugged outside of! Such rich history!
The last stop was Opening Ceremony, where we walked into a party without knowing what was going on. There was this Hello Kitty clubhouse and all these Hello Kitty figurine machines, and we got the Halloween ones (nerds). There was also this room entirely covered in legos, not like when you go to Legoland and everything is built to look like it’s made out of legos, but LEGIT legos that the people working there covered the walls in entirely. All those years of toddler stupidity in which I could only manage to play with the big ones, fulfilled. The only thing I was good at coordination-wise as a toddler was I think punching this one bully in preschool. But that’s for another time, yes? I mean, ONE LIFE-ALTERING STORY AT A TIME, PLZ. MY GOSH.
Star Wars and glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling!
Aghhhh Jeremy Scott's Keith Haring pink moto jacket afhhhh so beautiful
At some point it came up that Natalie Portman will be one of those actresses that’s still accepting awards at 70; someone that really makes a mark in Hollywood, that is remembered not notoriously but for being a great actress. I feel the same way about Laura and Kate’s label- the house of Rodarte will be around for forever. They told me about when they were invited to Coco Chanel’s old studio, this event where a number of hands in the industry were invited to come and be in this lasting presence she had. Karl told them that one day people will be visiting their studio in the same way and, quite frankly, I couldn’t agree more.
aaah okay, just need to say that the purple / orange / black / white gown is one of my favorite Rodarte creations AND THE RIBBON SKELETON RIB CAGE PIECE OH MY GOD I DIE A THOUSAND TIMES
god you took great pictures
sometimes when you see pictures on you can't really tell what the clothes look like up close, but you captured that
god their studio is amazing! you're very lucky to have seen it!
I am so jealous, i can't even find the words to describe my feelings
aaaaaaa jeez no way. Insane. Amazing.
Also: I love Aubrey Beardsley! Old-timey, slightly pervy weirdos always win my heart.
So unbelievably jealous, you are the luckiest girl ever! and your pictures are great, the sisters seem really nice. I love how they've translated the references into unique clothing, sounds like a great day.
great post. I enjoyed reading about your trip!
just to say you're a very clever girl, and a great writer
TWENTY MINUTES TO LEGOLAND!!!! (via Arrested Development)
I'm glad you had such a killer time in LA I can't wait to hear more about it. I don't know the city at all (and fashion even less, trust me) but all the Roderate stuff looks sweet. But, the pink Keith Herring jacket? That is so awesome I could throw up, and I'm just looking at a picture of it!
I agree that Rodarte will always be around as I guess an Idea, THE rodarte? The hello kitty clubhouse looks beyond way beyond.
You're so ludicrously lucky.
Um and are those spikes on your tights/legs in the last picture? Freakin' awesome.
Guh, guh, guhhhhh I am so jealous. I'm glad you had such an wonderfully epic experience. Wish I coulda been a fly on the wall!
Wow that sounds amazing!! Their bookshelf looks like so much fun, and AHHH their amazing clothes!
dude! you are too HOT for words girlfriend! this is the best blogg ive come across since forever. you've got sass and style. I'd love it if you took a look at my designs and told me what you thought! rip them apart if you think they are awful!!!!
girlfriend you are one styley lady!
Wow! fantastic post and what fantastic experience you had! Lots of great pictures and stories here. I love the story bout the Barbie Tippi Hedren, the bookshelves, all the amazing clothes,and your super perceptive comments about your experience. show what's so great about the Mulleavy sisters and Rodarte. Your statement "Rodarte is more about a world then a piece of clothing" says it all:).
i can't believe you got to go inside their studio!
also, i agree with you when you said they will be around forever - i don't think they're just a fad
Holy shit, this is so cool & exciting!!!!
looks like so much fun
I am sooo jealous!! Rodarte is my favorite!! I especially like the picture of the orange and white dress, its so pretty
How did you meet them? Thanks for posting!
and *tears*
wow i'm so jelous!
yay! I'm so glad you got to hang out downtown-- it's one of my favorite parts of LA and totally under-appreciated. my roommate was at the pow-wow too! she knows Kate and Laura, I wonder if you were there at the same time...what a small, funny world.
wowowowow!!! you are so lucky to have hung out with the Mulleavys...and to see the Rodarte studio. Such an amazing experience. LOVE the ribbon rib cage shirt a million times.
Awesome photos!!!
I can't quite express myself in words right now. I tried, but had to keep deleting...
oh so rad tavz!
they are just as awesome as i figured they would be.
no wait, scratch that, they are even MORE awesome than ever thought possible.
cant wait to read about the rest!
omg i just honestly died reading this post
laura and kate are seriously like Gods i worship them
i would die to meet them and OMG see their showroom? gahhh.
anyway tavi, i am super jealous!
(the girl who bought your romper)
thats so amazing !! making new friends. when's the tavi rodarte collabo coming out?
holyyyy shit you are so lucky, you don't even know.
i'm jellin' majorly right now.
you're going places, girl. i can see it already.
You are soo lucky Tavi to get to see all this! i'm 13 too and its awesome you can do all this stuff just because you are interested in fashion!
you should be on one of those wierd disney channel things where they say that your amazing in eveyrway so that little kids think they can be president and stuff.
exept you should like mess up everytake, and then pour juice at the producer.
I REALLY like rodarte, so thanks for sharing all oh this with us (:
Awesome post! You're very lucky to have visited their studio, thanks for sharing those pics!
But, also, the history geek in me can't help but pointing out that Olvera Street is the oldest street in LA, not the US... just as the Avila Adobe is the oldest standing house in Los Angeles :) Glad you got to go, the atmosphere there is really interesting.
oh wow! amazing trip - thanks for telling us all about it! love all the photos and you look great! woop. xxxc
btw i meant studio... haha when i get excited, you know, umm. ya!
Love your spiketights! Where on earth did you acquire them?? :)
I love legos ! the keith harring jacket is so ... hmmm AMAZING !
Love the Jeremy Scott keith Haring Jacket ! You're so lucky !
and I thought my trip to paris was special... at least I got a lucha libre figurine and YOU DID NOT!
I've been to LA twice and I haven't been to the Opening Ceremony store *cries*
And Rodarte... need I say more? When I saw Reese's dress I died. So gorgeous.
Oh, and GREAT KANYE REFERENCE I was amazed I actually got that. ^_^
hey that black chair looks kinda like cousin it...
hey that black chair looks kinda like cousin it...
What an amazing experience!
Happy for you Tavi!
so awesome! very interesting. VeRy.
hehe the thought i ended with (among many other thoughts) was, wow so funny how the awesome crazy clothes designers r dressed in plain grey shirts/ jeans and sneakers, with normal hair and no makeup. =D
loveeee their stuff. also really cool that they didn't major in nething fashion related. yay for english lit. influences! and the other sister that planned out a house in detail reminds me of my sister. The technical mind. I think I'd be more like the other one... more into english symbolism hehehe
wow what a fantastic read, it's like you dreamed that day or something, amazing! i like all the little details you picked up on your travels, which is infact a quality the rodarte girls seem to have too!
I like the book thing.
And your hair.
But I've said that in previous comments like seven million bagazillion (I invent numbers - sue me) times.
I like the book thing.
And your hair.
But I've said that in previous comments like seven million bagazillion (I invent numbers - sue me) times.
I'm getting my prom dress today, and I will think of you when I pick it out.
Also, the Louboutins? Killed me. The only heels I like.
aaaaaaah thats amazing! sounds like an epic trip, *jealoussss*. haha, no really, who wouldn't be?
fantastic details about everything! love the way they arrange books according to color (i like those kinds of factoids) and yeahh. i'm still in awee.
I feel very lucky, indeed!!
hazel-Well, the photos are runway, I was up close.. they still suck though, haha.
Emma-They have been reading my blog since December and we have kept in touch.
my little apartment-Small world!
laia-They seriously are two of the nicest people I've ever met!
hannah-Hohoho, don't put ideas in my head! That'd be amazing..
Rita-Ack, thank you! Changed, hehh.
soren lorenson-HA, spot on.
emy augustus-Yeah, it was actually sort of funny to see all these super tall, A.Wang wearing girls at Opening Ceremony kind of smirking that they were in jeans and sweats. I could guess that lots of them probably love Rodarte too but don't know who the designers are..
- 1,000,000,0023843498230984032 self-esteem points.
u killz me.
god.damn. absolutely beautiful. and you deserved it more than anyone i can think of (:
wow, great post Tavi - so awesome to get a glimpse into their studio and their personalities.
Sounds like you had a fantastic time! I should love to get down to LA whenever a chance comes up~
though i must say you must have very good self control.. if i met up with the rodarte girls i think i would've either died from excitement or grabbed all the dresses and run haha!
ps. your pics are amazzzzing. don't think otherwise.
(this eleanor hardwick btw)
Words cannot express my amazement - you deserve all this, its just so out of this world and super awesome it makes me gasp!
arranged books by colours, love it! I have to read books, but still dont have that much to arrange them that way, but wow .. I love it, really !
You are the mickey mouse? hahahaha
tavi tavi tavi. i must say, congratzzz. Your ventures sound great. I am quite curious... where is this hello kitty store? A friend of my loves her dearly lol. Once again congrats and keep up the amusing posts
xx joe
GAHHHH. i have no words for this. i mean where do you begin? it's just awesome. supremely awesome.
thanks for sharing bits of your amazing trip with us!
opening ceremony is by far my favorite store ever! i feel blessed to live so near to one :)
omg those dresses are to dieeeee for!
looks like you had the most AHmazing time. those girls are so talented and they are gonna be huge...wait they already are. their shit looks even better up close..thx for sharing pics
I love you lady! I'm glad you had fun in la la land!!!
so unbelievebly jelous right now! no way around it. i want to go to the rodarte studio and then go party with the designers. epic epic epic.
awe so amazing i love these sisters the more i find out about them. just beautiful. thanks so much for sharing your time with them, with us x
You 3 represent what fashion should be: creative, intelligent and amazing! sounds like you had a massively excellent time.
wow! this is seriously amazing! i love the rodarte stuff and the jacket! and hello kitty! xxo
Ok the fact that my cage skirt was within mere feet of these lovely and talented ladies totally blows my mind. Sooooo happy you had an excellent time :)
Jeremy Scott's Keith Haring pink Moto Jacket
I am utterly and completely joke.
Glad you had an awesome time in LA! looks warm.
So amazing. I love Rodarte and I really hope that it will be a label that will be around forever.
So many amazing pictures! I want to organise my books by colour now x
YOU MET GOD. I am so achingly jealous of you right now. However, I will *attempt* to put that aside, and convey how excited I am for you by jumping up and down and squealing in a high pitched manner.
You and the Mulleavy sisters are amazing and genuinely interesting. Every time you post about Rodarte I feel the need to tell my non-fashiony friends, who then ask "Who's Tavi, and what is a Tulleavy?"
Wow, what a dream trip! Glad you had fun. LA is amazing!
hahaha, great post, yr incredibly funny and their studio is just.. incredible.. keep up the good work ^^
complete amazingness. what a trip. they seem as lovely as they are talented. jealous!
Wow I'm glad you had an awesome time!
I met Kate at a kind of fashion discussion/presentation thingy thang and she was AWESOME.
I am jealous for sure.
Too many cool things, so little time to type. Lemme just say:
- Jeremy Scott and Keith Haring is a match made in heaven
- LEGOOOOO! nuff said
- Kate and Laura look soooooo sweet, I'm glad y'all had fun looking at cool stuff and "doing lunch"... lol!
- The close-ups of the rodarte pieces are reaaaal nice. I can't even picture myself being able to stroke all those dresses in real life. They're all so dreamy, like their not real they just exist on and in my head.
- Last but not least, you are WERQING them leggings giiiiirl (too much street talk? ok, sry) Looking really really good, ace outfit! The fierceness of the spikes really compliments the fierceness of the leather cage, non? yes that made no sense, going to sleep now!!
ok bye
loooove that studio, fuckin great and superb
OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME!!!!!! YOU ARE SO SO SO SO SO LUCKY! Must've been such a really fantasical awesome thing!!!! :-)
And as luck has nothing to do with it, you deserve it ALL!!! And more... New York Fashion Week is next, then I wish you Paris... you'll live it......
i die... this is so amazing! you are the luckiest person... it must have been amazing to see their clothes and to meet them as well! i noticed that the green/silver dress is the one that reece witherspoon wore out to an event once... so cool! gahh... this post is just filled with epicness, totally and completely epic. good luck with your bat mitzvah btw... you will do wonderfully i have no doubt! please check out my blog
so jealous...
woaaahhhhh, WHAT?
& not just at the fact that you were surrounded by rodarte stuff..
you are really good at writing.
That's so cool! I live a couple blocks away from Clown Liquor & my Grandma used to be a hostess for the Magic Castle - you were in my hood!! :D
the clothing looks incredible!
By the way, you should know that Hello Kitty is my life. I bought literally 200 Hello Kitty stickers at the Sanrio store the other day.
movin' n shakin' congratulations.
take 'em by storm!
you're a bright star, tavi!
I'm so jealous! I'm absolutely OBSESSED with Rodarte. They are true artists and to get to hang out with them and see LA with them must have been such a surreal experience! I would have been in awe at their studio. You're so lucky to be living such an amazing life!
what an amazing post! It must have been wonderful to meet the girls behind Rodarte!! Its always interesting to hear and see the process. I was please to see you mention Angie of Norwegian Wood. She is working on a "couture" version of her designs that will incorporate vintage elements for my shop - Shrimpton Couture! I think she is awesome too!!
You are the luckiest person in the whole world.
you are god
that looked like a lot of fun
Wowsa! I'm insanely jealous! Those Rodarte photos are incredible
This Jeremy Scott's Keith Haring pink moto jacket it's Warhol's pattern
Thats one of the best blog posts I've ever read. A private tour of L.A. by Laura & Kate?? Thats coo coo gah gah.
Go See:
That purple Rodarte gown was one of my favs from the collection - so amazing. Would love to kidnap it and wear it grocery shopping, lol
such stunnnning dresses. I absolutely agree with you on Rodarte's pieces being completely innovative. I spent a whole evening reviewing all of their collections from first to last. It's unbelievable how each of their seasons are so different but there is a connective undertone that makes it so distinctly "Rodarte." It's unlike anything I've ever seen.
Thankyou for all of this Rodarte porn though, I'm dying.dying.dying. right now.
Sorry for only finding this post a million years after you wrote it, but I just loved it, much better than the article the New Yorker wrote!!
Rodarte, Hello Kitty and Native American Indians! you really know how to enjoy a day in LA....I think they all have one essential thing in common, the magic to captivate no matter what.....xxA-C
Oh my god! I love it!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Thanks for your nice blog Tavi. You proof that you are very cleaver girl and your writing style are very nice.
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