So. Peepz always be talking about "thoughtful" or "intellectual" design. Putting a message or concept behind an outfit or collection, etc. Martin Margiela and Rei are probably my favorite designers for this. Rei is great at bringing out emotions like sadness or loneliness that are so much different than the emotions or features some other designers try to highlight, such as happiness or a glamorous disposition. Neither are bad, and I think it's great if someone can design a dress that makes a woman feel confident, but I have much more admiration for people like Rei that can focus on the more scary emotions that are harder to think about and harder to express through clothing (and I don't mean obvious ideas like making a shirt out of bullets to show how ~ANGRY~ you are or writing "ALL ALONE" on a t shirt, I mean the overall feeling and emotions a collection can not only express, but bring out in you as well). Margiela is great at making a point about something. I can't relocate the link I once had bookmarked with more details about this, but he did a collection in the 90's that just blew up Barbie clothes but kept the proportions. You can imagine what this looks like.
BUT, I'm going off on a tangent. My point is, thoughtful design is the kind I most want to emulate (though I don't see a problem with designs based off the look of something: balance of colors, shape, etc. That's most of what goes into styling an outfit, no?) I find that it is much easier to put a concept behind an outfit when you're designing rather than styling, because, well, in design you can create whatever you want and in styling you work with what you have. So, this morning I tried the whole ~CONCEPT~ thing, though I'm not sure how clearly it came across..whatevs, it's a start I suppose? This is not to claim that I am some kind of //deeply//thoughtful// and //intellectual//person//omg read my poem I wrote//it's about rain drops and//crying blood//brb gonna go read some//really big books///about philosophy/// whatsoever, more an experiment to see what my tiny thoughts are maybe capable of producing.
BUT, I'm going off on a tangent. My point is, thoughtful design is the kind I most want to emulate (though I don't see a problem with designs based off the look of something: balance of colors, shape, etc. That's most of what goes into styling an outfit, no?) I find that it is much easier to put a concept behind an outfit when you're designing rather than styling, because, well, in design you can create whatever you want and in styling you work with what you have. So, this morning I tried the whole ~CONCEPT~ thing, though I'm not sure how clearly it came across..whatevs, it's a start I suppose? This is not to claim that I am some kind of //deeply//thoughtful// and //intellectual//person//omg read my poem I wrote//it's about rain drops and//crying blood//brb gonna go read some//really big books///about philosophy/// whatsoever, more an experiment to see what my tiny thoughts are maybe capable of producing.

Anyway, yesterday a very awesome person named Annie dropped off this very awesome pullover. It has lots of very awesome little mirrors and I was making very funny faces in it all day!
The idea is suburbia- the area around me every day, so it wasn't very hard to pick up on qualities of it. The tulle I pinned to random places on the sweater is supposed to make the mirrors look jaded. You can't get an accurate reflection looking into them. Since black leather is considered sort of "rebellious," the skirt represents the sort of rule-breaker we all are on some level..but since we are in suburbia, we're rather caged in, hence the cage skirt.
The idea is suburbia- the area around me every day, so it wasn't very hard to pick up on qualities of it. The tulle I pinned to random places on the sweater is supposed to make the mirrors look jaded. You can't get an accurate reflection looking into them. Since black leather is considered sort of "rebellious," the skirt represents the sort of rule-breaker we all are on some level..but since we are in suburbia, we're rather caged in, hence the cage skirt.

And while I have your attention-don't forget to check CWAC!
The sweater is incredible.
I totally get what yr trying to do and I dig it.
when i look at this outfit i feel quite free spirited because of the tulle yet i also feel somewhat apprehensive & unwilling to want to do anything due to the cage skirt. Hah that was me trying to analyze you outfit. Cool sweater & post tavi. The moment I see something on CWAC that I have to have, imma get it!
Some very thoughtful comments about thoughtful design -and you emulate it well.
You really captured caged rebellion--which is mostly a dreamy or mental state and very brooding, not just with the styling and design of your outfit but with your poses, expressions and photography. Personal style blogs are so inspiring to designers because they integrate all of these levels of creating mood and allow a theme to be sustained and amplified. This outfit seriously looks runway ready! Tulle is so fun to work with and can enhance so many moods, thanks for reminding me of its awesomeness.
Really cool outfit. I was thinking 80's pop princess but Suburbia is cool too.
When I see your acronym CWAC I think Quack, like what a duck says lol.
yeeeeah girl, that thing was made for you! outfit is totes incredibs.
I bet that annie girl is so fine.
completely wackadoo...j'adore!
Love your thought process here!
x Leia
i get what you're trying to do, and i dig it. isn't it always the thought that counts?
p.s. sweet pullover.
Hello there Tavi! I love your blog, i think you are making a huge different in the fashionblogging business. I wrote about you on my blog (, and used a picture, I hope you're down with it! Thank you for being the funniest brightest person on Internet! /Hanna
i love the whole outfit together, it's really clever how you've put it together
gorgeous :)
Can I just be you, please? Thanks x
like the mirror spots :)
I love how your write, dress, and express yourself. Awesomeness!
love the disco ball sweater. also, the photo in your banner is great! I posted that and some of its companions a few weeks ago.
I love your style! I do a blog called Better Than Sex, and I regularly do a feature called StyleWatch. I'd love yo feature you in it! Drop me a line at kingtreehouse at gmail if you're interested!
- Daniel
Love the concept. You look great in sequins!
Whoh this is such a deep outfit.. when I'd be philosophizing about what I'm wearing I'll probably end up with some illogical crazy stuff that only makes sense to me.. every day :p But I love that this is.. logical. :)
Hi, just discovered your blog and stopped by. Love it!
Come to vivis mine
you look awesome.
but as for design behind an outfit or collection, i tend to have places in my heart for those with lots of emotion (CDG, very early Mcqueen) and even those that are...perhaps..."safer" (marc jacobs, miu miu)
you sometimes when i put two looks in front of someone who is not very familar with fashion. like i took a marc by marc jacobs dress and a crazy lavender jacket from Rei suddenly the marc by marc dress looks "boring" and yes, it does. once you see the visionary work of Rei or Viktor and Rolf or Margiela the simplistic design of other designers tend to look less artistic.
i think all designers have a story of emotion provoking design, just some designers are more low key. while louise goldin makes me think of star trek and maison martin margiela just makes me scared, both thought about their design "message"
and i think you're excellent at creating a design "message" in every single on of your looks!
I love your outfit!
I totally get your concept, you did a great job.
Girlllll o love the sweater!!!! Where is it from??Brand???
Love it love it!!!
Amazing. You are my hero.
Wow, love it! :)
Clever matches... and a smart concept too!
This sweater is génial. I love it!
Love this idea!
Please Do a photo shoot!!!
Wow, Your sweater-cool!
Nom nom nom, love tulle. I feel like it might be too whimsical for suburbia, though (especially in such a gorgeous color). I like the overall concept behind your outfit; tres cool.
Very nice you blog!!! I liked!!
Visit my blog ok;;;
Tavi, I think I might be falling in <3 with you.
I like crackers.
I like you and your blog.
hey, i just found out about ur blog in the french glamour magazine (i live in France) and i just wanted to tell that ur blog rox and so does ur style! (plz delete this comment if u can know my email address by clicking my name thx)
You might want to check out Bryanboy. Some blogger drew pictures of all sorts of pictures of fashion bloggers, and you're one of them. At least, I think you are.
great concept and execution! I guess the ultimate goal would be to present something this complex that we all can interpret visually, without explanation, like a painting, coming close to or hitting on exactly what you mean...
Love your stuff.
that's quite a concept. you could put most of the first year design uni students that I tutor to shame. The whole process of taking an emotion/idea/concept and making it into a design (whether that be fashion, product, architecture or interior, which is my interest) is called 'abstraction'. It's the process of taking a concept or idea and making it take a particular form, an un-literal form, an abstract form. I think you're already doing it without knowing, but just thought you might like to know if you want to do any study into it :)
sigh. adore rei too... you look uber-kwl!
42 people have already said they liked this, buuuut i do too. and it's really pretty, as well as being conceptual, which is an achievement for sure. xo
agree with pixie. Long story short - you are amazing!
To create such a truly amazing article, I read your blog every day and give me for that announcement here this article is too great and very entertaining thanks.
togel sgp
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