So guys?
I did it.
I robbed a bank.
I mean.
Got my hair cut.
Which hair did I get cut, you ask? Heh, punny.
Do you like my pesudo haiku?
I hope you do.
I do too.
Anyway! Edie didn't really work out, it's a little more Mia Farrow, I suppose? Herm. At first I regretted it but am really happy with it now. SUPERCUTS FTW. Seriously, $12 AND I got to read People. The smell of all the chemicals in there makes me numb of conscience so I actually ENJOYED reading up on Mel Gibson's divorce. I have never even heard of him, other than in Clueless. AND IT WAS STILL FUN.
Then spent the whole day taking pictures until it started raining and I read to my dog on top of the mantle. She was shivering the whole time but she would never run away from me because she thinks I look like chicken.
I robbed a bank.
I mean.
Got my hair cut.
Which hair did I get cut, you ask? Heh, punny.
Do you like my pesudo haiku?
I hope you do.
I do too.
Anyway! Edie didn't really work out, it's a little more Mia Farrow, I suppose? Herm. At first I regretted it but am really happy with it now. SUPERCUTS FTW. Seriously, $12 AND I got to read People. The smell of all the chemicals in there makes me numb of conscience so I actually ENJOYED reading up on Mel Gibson's divorce. I have never even heard of him, other than in Clueless. AND IT WAS STILL FUN.
Then spent the whole day taking pictures until it started raining and I read to my dog on top of the mantle. She was shivering the whole time but she would never run away from me because she thinks I look like chicken.

If you're wondering what what sounds like "quack" is, click here!
Lastly, because it's late on a saturday night and I'm basically just talking out of my ass, I will provide you with my rewritten version "Buy You a Drank." I found out about this song just the other day though it is apparently quite old, but did not however approve of the lyrics.
Going to purchase you a beverage
Going to walk you to your front door and not be a creep
I have an alright income, but I'm not bragging
What are your thoughts on that, hmmm?
Find me in my yellow eco-friendly Smart Car
1 – 200 of 201 Newer› Newest»I actually like more this haircut than the other one. It looks really nice. Or maybe is just that i used to have it that way. Last time I did my own hair cut and it was fun, kind of. Uncertain about how it would end. anyway. I like your blog. And by the way happy birthhhhhday and all that stuff.
loving the hair, really suits you :)
OMG tavi what did you do ? !!! Anyway you look so rock and great !
I love your outfits in the 5° image !
lucille a little french girl
that hairstyle is fabulous. to play the cutesy great-aunt for a moment, you are going to be quite the heartbreaker!
Awesome awesome haircut! It turned out fantastic.
I'm thinking of getting a haircut soon but am at a loss as to what I want.
YESSSSSSSSSSS, girl! I also love the plaid&tweed outfit.
amazing haircut.
LOVE your outfit with the skirt and the socks and the glasses.
your haircut looks so amazing, and i love the outfits.
dude the hair is fabulous
the haircut = uh.may.zing.
and i'm diggin' the lyrics. t-pain could buy more dranks if you were his songwriter.
omg, your haircut is amazing. You look older, and so pretty too! I love all of the outfits too.
I know it's weird because I don't actually know you so how would I really even know but, THIS IS SO YOU! It really suits you! Looks awesome, Tavi!
oh i think you look wonderful, it really suits you!
Hey lady, looking good! I think it makes you look more grown up and makes your outfits that much more interesting. You are rocking the androgynous look: fierce!
Anyways, you could have always gone with this:
i love the hair!!
cool photos!
-Coco Chanel french movie
Salvador Dali movie
Your hair looks beautiful and chic! I love all the outfits, but particularly the one with the knee length skirt and mixed plaids and black heels with cute purple socks.
love the hair! and the shot of you front on in-between the branches.
lovely blog
I love the hair on you, it really shows off your face.
I don't really like the haircut as much as I liked your old haircut, but it doesn't matter until i love you. You're just SO talented.
WOW. I have always thought you are gorgeous, but this haircut takes you to Advanced Gorgeousness. Applause!
It really suits you and will be awesome for summer.
Can rewriting T-Pain lyrics be a recurring feature? Heh.
You look great!
That looks awesome! You look gorgeous :)
bro that hair looks superfantastic on you! its def edie-eque.
I think the cut looks great! It's very chic.
Tavi, you rock.
Holy crap, it's awesome. It really brings out your face (which I never noticed all that well but it is so amazingly gorgeous!).
this haircut fits you more than last one, way way more. you look pretty and if it sorta helps...older too.
you look like an annoying teenager now tavi! J/K
all in it.
um the buy you a drink remix needs to be recorded. asap.
I like your haircut! I think it makes you look more grown-up. :)
it suits you, it's so much better than the old haircut! you look pretty but also pretty mature:>
you look great!the new haircut suits you very well
Big lovin' your hair - you look beautiful (not that you didn't before) - but my goodness girlie, you are stellar!
you are SO much cooler then i will ever be. JEALOUS!
Your hair looks AMAZING! I cut my hair about that length at 11 but was nowhere near as kwl as u with it ;-D Rock on girly!
P.s. congrats on your tee being featured on!
Love the haircut! Its fabulous! I'm getting mine cut next week and still can't decide what I want - Seeing this make me think I should go short!
Love the first photo of you through the trees- really pretty and mysterious.
It looks super awesome! You're like a mini Michelle Williams - gorgeous.
now why did you have to go do this and get even more stylish than you already were? hair cut is amazing.
girl.. I don't know what to say about you.. you're simply amazing!!! I have no words to describe your talent!
I liked the other haircut better, but maybe that's because it reminded me of.. I'm not sure, but it made me think of.. Well, gosh, I can't put it into words. But that's just an opinion. It's a fact this is just as gorgeous and stylish and pretty and awh as always.
By the way, have you ever had like, really long hair?
Oh and, that cornify thingy on the side first made me smile, then got me annoyed so I kept clicking on it to make it go away but those gold, 7 year-old pony's still didn't disappear so I started to laugh, until I couldn't stop laughing. It kind of made my day, thank you. (:
I love this haircut, you look gorgeous! And I really love all your pictures!
Love the hair Tavi!
I had the same cut when i was your age too.
very gorgeous.
Great cut. In that last image you look exactly like Michelle Williams in "Wendy and Lucy"
You know how some people just are, and then one day, their hair matches up to who they are, well, this hair is YOU.
It's fab, and it really brings out the best in your facial features.
wow, you remind me so much of a (super young) mia farrow now. it suits you heaps and really accentuates your eyes, (which are very gorgeous already). but yeah.
and on haircuts, i can never read magazines while getting my haircut because all the hairdresses these days seem to finish the cut around the same time as your magazine, so by the end of a mag it always feels like i have no hair left either. but mehhh.
you are the splitting image of Michelle Williams!!!
That, hair is beautiful. I much prefer it to your other. It's lovely on you. Makes you look really old for your age. Just wow.
can i say i totally agree with YU and was just about to write the exact same thing! you DO look like michelle williams! luvsit
Stunning haircut! And I love the houndstooth skirt--very professorial.
You look absolutely gorgeous! I have to admit I wish I looked like you when I was your age... ;)
I think the new haircut looks great!
haircut is AWESOME
I love it
You look AMAZING! That style suits you! Funny, I was just quoting Rosemary's Baby last night: 'I've been to Vidal Sassoon.'
i love the haircut, it's such a change
Mia Farrow called, she wants her hair and face back.
But then she realised that that hair and face hasn't been hers for some time so she was like "you know what? let her have it."
And then we talked a bit about humanitarian work and the artistic process behind making movies.
And then she had do go.
Nice haircut Tavi!
Your hair is adorable, and you actually look scarily like Mia.
every time you make such a change in your look, and that should happen often, it seems that you get completely new closet with it! it all looks fresh and new and it's still just good, old stuff, right?
enjoy it!
I discovered your blog and i am fascinated!
I wish I could have been like you when i was 13. hell, i don;t even know what the hell i did during my 13th year lol
great pictures! I need to get a tripod, seriously :P
YOU look like Mia Farrow. You really do now. Honest.
The haircut looks incredibly super amazing!!! I also love the outfit w/ the houndstooth skirt. Basically, I am really feeling the love.
Cuuuuute haircut! It's very Michelle Williams.
I agree! You do look like a mini Michelle Williams.
Your haircut looks great! Props to you for taking the chop. I've been through so many cuts and colors over the years; my theory is that it always grows back, so why not?!
Tavi-you are light years beyond your age in so many ways, but you still show your naivete, which is why I love to read your blog. It reminds me of how idealistic I was in my youth.
I am sure you know the song "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan....that song was written or a girl like you. "Buy You a Drank" was not.
Damn, I wish I was brave enough to go short. Although I'd PROBABLY look like a pig in a wig. You, however, look fantabulous, wonderful, chic, etc. I think it really lets your outfits stand out. Great summer cut! xoxo
this is probably the best thing you've ever done. seriously i love it. a lot. and i can't believe you've never heard of mel gibson. seriously.
wow, this haircut is unbelievable.
it accentuates your beautiful bone structure and eyes and really just took you from "seriously cool" to "off the scale".
I've been reading your fabulous blog for a while now, and this is the first time I've commented (I think...).
as a 14 year old that hails from the land of scones, cups of tea and the X Factor (Great Britain obvz), I can only plead you to come over sharpish and be my best friend. we can watch X Factor whilst having cream tea, I'll take you to London, pleaseee?!
you are an inspiration to me Tavi, and this post just made me hate you even more :D
with this haircut you're going to have SUCH a good year....
Oh, wow. Yes. Good hair.
yes, i saw this on tumblr, it suits you so well
Thanks dudez <3
your haircut is amazing! love it sweets and i love your leather vest!
woah! love your new haircut! gigantic change, total headrush :D
Wow, Tavi. That looks AWESOME :D It's unique but not weird. Amazing.
PS: I emailed you about CWAC about a week or so ago and you didn't reply. I have a lot of really great stuff to donate.
Woah. Dude. It's kind of scary how much this hair suits you.
oh my god -
not that you wern't all ready really cool...BUT YOU LOOK SO COOL.
oh, and your version of "buy you a drink"?? wayyyyy better than the original. ha.
AMAZING You're totally rocking this haircut.
you look so good. you look like mia farrow in rosemary's baby.
Oh crap! That's cute. No, I mean, that's really cool! Amazing!
I LOVE THE HAIR!!!! It truly just adds that extra *SPARKLE* !!
i like your haircut ! x
OMG your hair are reaaalllyyy cool girl ! I prefer this hair cut, you looks much more older :)
Love your new hair! LOL I guess buy you a drank is pretty old by now...O_o
yah! really loving the hair!! looks so good
i don't think you're going to have to worry about anyone calling you cute anymore.
this haircut couldn't be more perfect for you - it suits your face and your style so well.... and from supercuts no less!
just gorgeous.
your hair just looks more than amazingg
Tavi, your haircut looks perfectly fab - total 60's pixie! I love your posts (I always thought my best friend and I were the smartest and funniest 11-14 year olds over, but you blow us out of the water! Of course that was in 1988, so what do you expect). And by the way, get used to being an "awkward" teenager, cus you will probably feel that way forever - I still do, and I still make the tiny "quotes" all the time too. Lame. :)
tres chic!!!!!
Oh my god you have no idea how perfect you look.
It suits you to a T! Lovely! You pull it off that difficult cut miraculously.
I love it a lot.
I love it! you look so good!
Uau! Your haircut is spectacular!
Epitome of fierce? I think so.
oh my GAWSH! do you EVER look grown up. we can completely see your beautiful face!
Oh my god! It's the haircut of the year! You are beautiful !!
really lovin the hair cut.
the re-writen version of "buy you a drank" is pretty funny too.
ohmygod, THE CUTENESS! this is seriously too good on so many levels, it's like when you see a dollhouse and wonder how something so tiny can be so charming and perfect.
dude. you pull it off so well. your version of buy me drink is much much better. 90% of our generation's music sucks.
I think I just fell in love with you all over again.
Your hair is seriously awesome, especially in that picture with the leather jacket.
Well I like girls with long hair but anyway if you feel fine this way that is what matters! Loooooove the light blue skirt, very 50's, it's lovely!
Florent -
fucking the most beautiful girl ever you look like a new person and all your outfits look fresh and new. you really look breathtaking in the 5th picture. !!!! amazooooung
lovelovelove the cut.
and the picture of you in the leather vest.
i think that im in love?
gorgeous, seriously.
great things come out of 12 bucks.
very ferosh.
I'm in love with the outfit with the plaid shirt and houdstooth skirt. You pull that length of skirt (and the ankle socks!) so well. Cool hair.
your hair looks MAZIN.
your haircut is drop dead.....gorgeous. it looks so amazing on you. i've been thinking about getting my haircut and everyone keeps telling me no cause when i had it short i wanted it long...but this might convince me
That new haircut totally fits you and I think it's even better than the old one !
And your lyrics to "Buy you a drank" are totally fabuloous ! I really hate the original... Seriously, I don't know how people manage to listen to that kind of crap !
my god you look fierce! so bad-ass in your little leather vest. wonderful!
Not many people can pull off such a severe pixie cut but it looks incredible! Nice choice :)
hi, i´m from CHILE, (south america), i read your blog since i know about it on a magazine. i really like the way you write, and of course your pictures.
I hope you visite my blog!
yeahh, it is VERY mia farrow. but what the heck, who doesn't love mia farrow?
you look at least twice your age...and considering you're'll be 26 then? okay...not that old...
but otherwise, the haircut is awesome.
Very cute new 'do Tavi!
I like your hair!
I admire your gutsiness in getting a cut like that. Nowhere to hide!
holy mel gibson! i can't believe you regretted getting this haircut. you're gonna love short hair. it needs no care. you don't even have to wash it as often... not that i did that.. because that would be gross.... not to shower every day like them european folk. meh. i washed mine once a week.
simply lovely.
it really sets off your features. in a good way :))
OHH.. i really like this one! It really suits you!
Thats what my face looks like right now.
You are TOO FRIKIN COOL! This is literally the best haircut I have ever seen. Wowza, this will ammuse me for weeks! It looks so, so incredible! Now you really do look like Mia Farrow! ... And if it's not too bold, I'd say you look BETTER!
Seriously, you look amazing. And the outfits are making me want to put effort into mine. Brb, saving every one of these photos...
5th photo down would have to be one of my favourite photos ever!
your my favourite 13 yearold ever
this is all yes!
Hello girl!
Maybe you can be my next painting...
* *
nice blog, nice choises---~^
Dude, It happened!
you look like MIA FARROW!
HAWT. lol nice haircut. it takes gut to cut your hair short, and amazingness to work it. Work it girl! You look kinda like michelle williams. :)
You look adorable and, I agree, a lot like Michelle Williams! x
i think you look adorable, it's so cute but also stylish! maybe one day i'll have the guts to do something similiar :)
Love your haircut =)
oh wow i love your hair
i always want to cut mine short, but it takes forever to grow and its super thing
oh wow i love your hair
i always want to cut mine short, but it takes forever to grow and its super thing
HO ! I juste love it! your hair are so nice :) ! and your blog is really nice too :)
Your hair cut is great! You can absolutely pull off the shorter hair, and suprisingly it makes you look older. Shorter hair always makes me look younger. Such a great decission!
i love your hair! :) i remember when i made my big transition to SHORT SHORT hair--scary but totally worth it. :)
your cut is very edgy and fun, but still feminine.
the hair is amazing. i'm in awe.
You have beautiful features and it shows them off, Tavi. However, this is a very personal thing and not for the public to decide whether it works or not. That's the mum in me talking. Sorry, can't help it. x
The cut is perfect
The shots amaze
You're keeping a garden
of bright summer days
The scissors went flying
Decisions were made
Who knew you'd be gorgeous
And ahead of the craze
Love the new hair! It is very adorable!
If my hair would only obey. that would be how i would cut it. alas this is out of the realm of possibilities. :(
Love it on you though!
fierce haircut!!! :D
GORGEOUS. u look likeif you'd be natalia vodianova's daughter
I will not use the word cute to describe you. I will not use the word cute to describe you. I will not use the word cute to describe you. I will not use the word cute to describe you.
AH I CANT HELP IT YOUR HAIRCUT IS CUTE. AHHHH. Damnit, I'm sorry, but it also looks mucho classy and lady like!
PS: At gap we have this thing where you enter your email address on a touch pad to get discounts, so I'm standing at the cash and this guy writes in "buy you a drank" to the touch pad and makes these eyebrows at me. I'm like "Uh.... is that a hotmail or a gmail address or what?" and turned beet red. I am so awkward / I thought you'd enjoy that story almost as much as I enjoyed your rap.
Yay! I just cut my hair short too. The shape looks great on you - Congrats :)
wow you look very different
i must say it makes you look a lil bit older. still pretty!
I know it has been said but...
Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby - that's all I can think...and that's of course no bad thing!
Hi,Tavi!I've send you an email to some days ago but you didn't reply!:(
you look older, but that was probably your intention, right? :)
Your hair looks AMAZING. Oh my goodness. It is perfect for you. And your outfits all look great. This is just super awesome.
everyone loves it... and i do too: you look gorgeous!
ps. i could never really place Mel Gibson either -- he's got a cameo at the end of "A Fairy Tale" though. ha!
The hair really suits you! It makes you look a little older too! :)
i love your hair. I went with a pixie cut a few monthes ago, and I feel it really brings out everybody's best features. I also like that outfit with the glasses.
ps have you checked out the agatha ruiz de la prada collection? I think you'd like it.
Ack, that haircut is amazing! You look fabulicious. (Eww, can't believe I just used that "word"). I especially love the picture of you in the plaid jacket with glasses!
P.S. -My friends always like to sing "Buy You A Drank" before we, umm, go to bars and stuff but I think I'm going to have to learn your version 'cause its way better!
Love the new do!
This made me think of you.
You look more... I don't want to say "older"...Mature, perhaps? anygays, you look amazing with that haircut.
i swear i jizzed my pants :o
i adore your hair
i want it!
i adore your hair
i want it!
hurrah for fantastic haircuts! i like the punk look the best, and short hair suits you very well! it enhances your natural haircolor and makes your eyes seem bigger and all that other fun stuff that comes with short hair (not to mention it is easier to wash and dry). very pretty!
I mean, seriously... I love it.
Disposition- THAT IS SO PERFECT. Thank you.
Thanks again guys!!
Soooo beautiful... perfect hair cut.
love your blog and all... wish I could have been like you when I was your age... I didn't had a clue of anything... Best wishes.
omg, tavi! i love the haircut. it really suits you and totally elevated your look. you're at model status. love it!
Your hair looks really nice! Suits you very well D;
OHHH niceeeee :) very rad. though, i must say if i ever tried that haircut i'd turn out looking like harry potter or some other disgusting chap
Hey Gurl!
I love your blog, your definitely an inspiration. Who does your photography? You always look great.
I think your hair looks great! it really suits you
You look so high fashion! I really love it. It was bummer because I was so proud of my hair being yours, only more.. black? Haha, curly, I mean. But I think this is just amazing..
Your hair looks AMAZING! I wish I could carry off a cut like that! Have fun with it.
megan /
I love your new hair! & the picture of you standing on a rock is so pretty
this is probabely the most geniuos thing you have ever done! As miss Jay would have said it (oh god, am i really still watching that show?!): "it looks FIERCE, darling, FIERCE!"
total mini michelle williams. stunning.
your hair=total radness!!
I agree with raymi lauren, you totally look like michelle williams when she chopped her hair, but even better.
Isn't chopping your hair freeing. I do it about every two years. Right now, I'm wearing a sort of louise brooks look, just a bit shorter than your last hairstyle.
You look so 80's awesome in your biker vest. It reminds me of my mom when I was a kid. She always dressed like that.
tavi, it's FUGGIN AWESOME. for realz girl. you look amazing, i don't even know what else to say.
i love how passionate you are about darfur. (:
have you heard of invisible children then, as well?
holy shit the haircut looks so good! like seriously! Awsomeee
i love your new haircut
when i was 13 i cut my hair really short, but it looked really shitty. i'm glad yours looks awesome
looks cool though, i could never pull off short hair.
my androg. side would take over completely.
you know?
Your hair looks amazing. Not many people can pull off a pixie-esque cut, but I have to say Tavi, you do like a star.
Cute haircut! but i kinda like the old bob better. Love the 4th outfit by the way! Is the skirt for sale?
Cute haircut! but i kinda like the old bob better. Love the 4th outfit by the way! Is the skirt for sale?
As if your this freaking cool at the age of 13! x
its gorgeous
oh i just love the cut with the glasses and the skirt below the knee, your hair is beautiful, and i expect will keep looking even cooler as it grows and changes
that haircut looks fabulous! Very chic.
You look beautiful with your haircut! Your face looks so better, its definitely my favorite.
the new haircut suits you. you look a little reminiscent of michelle williams when hers was wispy blonde and super short. Very cute
you are really beautifull, i love your exentrique style!
this hat is really beautiful!
i have an hat collection!
i looovvveee your hair...
I'm liking the haircut a lot! I'm getting something v.similar on Monday...mentally preparing myself! Thanks for using my illustrations btw, you've put them to good use! I should do a tshirt with them on maybe?
your hair looks AMAZING. So amazing I felt the need to type amazing in caps.
You are awesome.
I am so glad that you got that haircut. It suits your face and looks much more sophisticated than your previous bob.
Also, I am now addicted to your blog.
haha the jacket
download some slayer for me, will you
then get back to me
haha 197 comments! damn girl!
the hair looks really good, you pull off short hair like crazy
this haircut suits you very well! you look great!
you are a rockstar. great posts. great fashion. great new look!!!! LOVE!
I Tavi! I think you're the kind of person that I call the artist. I loved your blog and I put a link on mine. I need to give lots of clothes because my closet is crammed so too bad you live far away. I can imagine how you would use these clothes. I'm sorry to have to give but I'm to old to use a few of them and I really need to empty my closet.
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