kristen stewart's face is much prettier when covered in swedish fish

Comme how I love thee~ seriously can't wait to try this shirt out with a black, ruffly cage skirt Angie has in the works. Rei said the collection this shirt is from and what the cage skirt is inspired by was about "bad taste." It's one of my favorite collections ever so I guess I have bad taste? Fear the tackiness.This week's main dressing concern is comfort (so lame, I know!) as it's state testing week and I really just want to be able to get through them without having to adjust any CDs sticking out of my shoulders or coat hangers around my neck. Ew rationality ew being practical ew common sense.So! This week will be mostly inspiration, methinks. Not from Milan though, of course not. I woke up this morning croaking "ppaaaariiiissss."
I did like these shoes from Pollini though and can totally picture someone like Susie rocking them.And if you can find a cheap black dress and a bunch of colorful grain/pillar-like patches, you've saved yourself hundreds of dollars.
comme des garcons top from laia. pipettes tee. cdg x h&m jacket. skirts, gift. h&m tights. slow & steady wins the race shoes.


Anonymous said...

ew, what are the knit hand/arm warmers all about in the pollini look? I like that you wore the red headband, it's kind of unexpected

Eloise said...

oooooooooooooh! AWESOME shoes w/ swirly-heel-like-thingies. and i like your skirt. is that like a rose print? altogether nice post!

laia. said...

oh DUDE! so so good



laia. said...

(1. that skirt is rad
2. love the stripes
3. sweet attitude, dude)

WendyB said...

As expected, that top is too cute. And everything is better with Swedish fish on it.

indigotangerine said...

how do you leave comments on your other blog? I loved loved loved those book exhibit things with the cutouts.

keira antoia rose said...

Great shoes!
And you rock the comfort look too, so no worrys.

xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo

Nadine said...

Wow! You look so cool, even when you dress down. The headband and skirt are terrific with the overall staunchness of this look. Impressive.

haylin said...

oh, seems really good!

Non Faux said...

your taste is FAR from bad, Tavi!

(and thank you for the sweet comment regarding my belated cat. you're a doll)

Kylie said...

Good call on those shoes, they're so cute! Rocking the CDG tee of course, I love it.
Good luck on your tests, glad I never had to do such a thing! I'm sure you'll do fab!!

and another

kerrin said...

killer shoes. love 'em!

L I L Y said...

sweet shoes, having fun in comfort instead of cd and coathangers?

emsydo said...

couldn't agree more about Kristen s.

What Not & I said...

I think you would like the artwork of Henry Darger (if you haven't already seen it) - I've just posted about him if you're interested.

thefatandskinnyonfashion said...

you will never be in bad taste.

Stephanie said...

I'm learning that bad taste is the new good taste =) umm, and those shoes? MINE. Now please. Thanks. You are amazing Tavi.

Daud Gultom said...

tres chic Tavi !
anyways, I wrote something about you on my blog. go check it out will you?

Anonymous said...

i love your outfit: party bad ass up top, serious middle aged shuffling below but it works. and yes, i thought of susie too when i saw those heels

chalortte said...

Well you look so great and I love your comme des garcons dress !

the StReeT chanteuse said...

you have people in the orient reading your blog! thats intense. oh and why does bad taste look sooooo gooood?


Awesome shoes and site! You've got so much potential! Link me up and share the news!

Terry said...

I love that last dress, looks like a great DIY-project-turned-shoddy. :)

Martina said...

I'm 13 years old!
I live in Spain.
Look my blog!

Georgie said said...

I love the designs of the swirls and pillars. I wonder where I could get patches like that from.. hum..

Erina said...

I love your styling of the CDG shirt! And tackiness rockssss. :)

Diana Rikasari said...

taviiiii!! i just showed your vlogs to my office mates and they deemed you to be such an amazing brilliant girl...we all loved your last one "for my friend"'s very, very beautiful :)

Cat's Meow said...

Tavi, I love your blog titles.
They make no sense.
Or do they 0-0

Keep on keepin' on girl.


bobb said...

The "for my friend" video is just wonderful.. it brought tears to my eyes,

Katy said...

I love both this outfit and Pollini.

Tru said...

that shirt is too are a lucky girl : )

Mimi Jolie said...

those designs are just too good!

Kirstin said...

I'm loving your outfit here and those shoes are pretty amazing. I've just started a blod so I was wondering if we could um "exchange links?" I think thats what it's called. Thank you xxx

Unknown said...

Tavi, in my humble opinion, comfort should be paramount in fashion. As a decidedly fashionaly challenged individual who wishes he could wear a uniform everyday to take the guess work out of getting dressed (I express my individuality elsewhere), fashion really shouldn't hurt. Get cozy! It's not about getting your feet bound. i.e. those Parda (that's my knock off name for Prada) heels in your last post are awful purdy, but ouch! Can't we get an awesome new take on mocassins and sweatpants?

dust said...

to August............the only right way to wear a sweatpants is with the above mentioned shoes

Eva said...

hahaha! you dont have bad taste :) i love your outfit! really nice

Woods said...

oh goodness those shoes are amazing!

Woods said...

oh goodness those shoes are amazing!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi! Girl you are still very young and you have an amazing sense of fashion! I dunno how do you do that, everyone thinks that you are cool! Sometimes when I talk with my best friend, he says that you are really cool and I say that I'm jealous but Is not true, It's just a joke. Well, this is not my first Blog, you can enter If you want it, I'll feel so glad! I guess that you must be busy or you have another things to do... I'm from Argentina, It was an important think that I forget to say. I'm sorry If my English isn't really good but I tried to do the best. Kisses!

Anonymous said...

lovely outfit!btw,did you know that tavi is actually Finland's smallest wild duck :--)

Raymi Lauren said...

dig it

Apple said...

Oh, bad taste, is there anything better?
However for this week you're forgiven, but i want to see the coat hanger within next monday!!!

"P.S. i love you" is the most beautifully depressing movie ever.
Hurray for swedish fish!
After the last post, if i were you i'd hide from Zooey Deschael, she coulb be quite pissed off!

Check out my blog:

Wanderlusting said...

HATEZ KIRSTEN STEWART - so yes, maybe I would like her too if she was covered in yummy gummies. Never seen Twilight or anything but just get the general impression that she's a douche.

Loving those heels - oh to dream that I could walk in them.

Julia said...

those shoes are soooo adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Tavi, even though i'm like older then you by a year or two, i really admire your sense of style and radical fashion sense. not following the crowd, instead, leading it, like sarah jessica parker, is exactly what you do. thanks for actually making this blog, people could use some inspiration from unique people like you. :)

Julia said...

hey this is julia who bought your romper haha
(im really excited for it to come!!!)
but my mom has a facebook and got tagged in some pictures of her from the early 90s
and here is one
and she totally reminded me of you
she was so much cooler than i am!! haha

Anonymous said...

So it's your state testing week too? Wow, you magicky person, you!
I love the skirt- I tend to like the black and white color combo more than anything. I like keeping a mostly monochromatic colo scheme and then adding a bright splash of color somewhere so it makes it stand out the most.

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