So this morning I woke up and practically screamed because when I looked outside I saw THIS:

It snowed a couple weeks ago but it didn't stick and was more rainy. This is the real thing, baybay. Every time I wistfully looked out the window during school wishing some type of tragic event would come up among the teachers, forcing them to let us play outside all day, it was snowing. Makes my day.
I of course went outside as soon as I came home so I could take pictures. It's starting to get darker much earlier, but I think I just about made it-the picture above isn't edited at all! I think I'm going to need some Margiela spaceman shades to withstand all this painful, blinding whiteness, though. My left leg just about disappears!

This outfit is pretty similar to one I wore a week or so ago, but I am amused by how surprisingly versatile the two-tone tights/houndstooth skirt combination is with other items. I think I would have worn my plain black tights with this had they been clean, but I am officially convinced my Cruella de Ville tights go with anything. They're becoming more the kind of thing I throw on to pull together an outfit, not so much something I build an outfit around.

And on a totally different subject-how epic is Belle's lucky pack idea? If I had me some moneys I would snatch one up right about....nao. Basically the woman has 25403259825 blazers that she has to get rid of and is making individual Lucky Vintage Packs that each contain a bunch of other vintage clothes and photos (she's taking requests too!) and selling them for only 35 bucks. Sounds like a bargain, yeah? Take a looksee for yourself.
A purple pair of old Giorgio Armani leggings found in the old fabric box happened to have a huge hole in the crotch (yeah, I don't wanna know either) but the material and color are both so nice I had to make use of them. This morning I wore it as a top over a dress I thrifted some time ago and pulled the top of the dress up so I had a Kermit the Frog collar. It's easy being crafty! Hey now! Muppet punz in the bloghouse!
talbots kids peacoat (hand-me-down). secondhand giorgio armani leggings (worn as top). thrifted skirt and dress (worn as collar). american apparel tights. floral doc martens.

This is amazing. I know you hear this continuously but, it's hard to imagine from your writing that you are only 12 years old.
You got real snow, I just got rainy weird sleet. I love your skirt.
So jealous of the snow... closest thing in my city was this insane fog that kept lingering around today... creepy.
Your outfit is great. I officially give you the "Best 12-year-old EVER" award... here ya goes *hands over awesome virtual trophy*.
i'm getting annoyed with all these comments that are like
"you're so cool...for a 12 year old"
i'm like, uh jeeze louise guyz tavi's cool even if she was a 60 year old lady (which you aren't, but still)
I think all the Turkey last week rotted my brain. I get the skirt as collar (awesome) but the leggings as a top...did you add another hole? And also I wish I had thought of that! Surely that way the sleeves are long enough!
So jealous of your snow.
Im laughing at hazels comment.
Im wishing I had snow so badly right now.
and Im watching the insanely creepy AT&T commercials with the person that is texting and you see their hands and their thumbs have FACES on them. Not only that but faces that are TALKING!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
"A purple pair of old Giorgio Armani leggings found in the old fabric box happened to have a huge hole in the crotch (yeah, I don't wanna know either)"
I want your tights! Though I already said that.
hey Tavi, just found you blog... love it!!
you look like a flamingo or a seagull with one leg in these pics!
ive never touched, let alone seen snow (apart from on t.v). it's also kind of weird looking at your pictures of winter, and then looking out the window to see the sun shinning and knowing thats its hot outside.
The leggings as a top idea is crazy/brilliant, I love it. You look adorable as usual!
I am digging the floral docs......I was looking at floral leggings today on ebay, there are so many cute ones in your size I think!
altho...i don't know if you are into that?
Snow! The third picture is amazing. I love the coat and the outfit as a whole.
Your outfit is amazing for a 12 year old ! I would have never dressed so well back then. You are so lucky to have snow, I have never seen snow in my life. Sad. I know haha
Wow, it really is a winter wonderland! We've had snow for a while now but it's all brown and melty at this point!
That coat is way too adorable, so cute! Of course the 2-tone tights never fail.
Gorgeous shots btw, the natural light is wonderful!
ah its snowing already! love that red coat of yours!
do nay dig the jacket. it looks velvet or something. i can't see it clearly but not loving the color.
very original idea with the tights though. never would have thought of that.
I lovelovelove that coat. I have a weakness for any red clothes, and a red coat to me is so evocative of Red Riding Hood and Schindler's List. The photo directly under the mitten picture is my favourite. (And it doesn't snow where I live. You're lucky.)
i love the red coat! and LOL your missing feet is the first thing i saw! its really so bright out there!
i want snow too! its SO hot here.
I am so jealous. gosh darnnit I want a snow. That lasts longer than two minutes of EEEH ITS SNOWING before turning into EEH ITS MELTING.
Your red coat is great.
I will add you on Lookbook if I can remember my password. Between Facebook, Weardrobe, Flickr, my blog and Polyvore I barely go on.
Wait I just went on Lookbook and it says youre my fan...?
Oh lord...
I just saw the comment you posted about my lookbook on flickr was from like 6 weeks ago.
Ignore this if you have no idea what I'm talking about.
red coat in snow=awesome.
oh wow how stunning. we had snow here to in manchester, uk but its now grey sludge.... :( x
twelve year olds don't talk like this.
Oh no, your one leg has disappeared! i hope it comes back soon!
P.S. -Just mend the hole and you'll be wearing Armani-freaking leggings in no time!
Why is you blog so fandabbydoosy?
I don't think you will ever be able to comprehend how cool you are!
In the third and fifth pictures what effects did you edit with it?
They are so charming!
if you could help me , that would be awesome
the first picture could have been taken from my bedroom window!
I love love love the outfit
you have amazing pictures!!
for any person ever that outfit is fantastic - enough with this 'for a twelve-year-old' business.
now I just need some of the girls at the ol' university to start getting style tips from you...
I simply ADORE picture number two. The snow really makes the texture and coloring of your coat pop.
You are so creative, oh Little One. Makes me kinda want to be your sidekick.
leggings as a top?!?!
my mind is blown.
I love your red coat against the snowy background. We've had the perfectly sticky snow covering all the branches for about 3 days now and it is beautiful!
Also, I just did a post on the very first eco-friendly American Apparel store that opened in Manhattan and I thought you might be interested.
its not only that i think youre the coolest person, but also you look like my sister when she was our age!
and with "look like" i dont mean, you guys have the same way of holding your left hand, but THE SAME. youre just one and the same person... aha spy actionnsss...
i love the antique look of your photos, especially with the clothing choice and surrounding snow. it reminds me of some pictures i have of my mom when she was in high school, in a very good way.
HAHAHA i LOVE the leggings as a top!!!
(And cute lol)
So jealous that it's snowing where you are! I'm sweltering here in Aus!
Wanna trade?
P.S. Love the outfit - awesome skirt
I heart those mittens!
these photos are amazing, i love the last one. editorial worthy.
you are amazing.
i really wasn't that creative when i was your age, and i am not now.
oh well.
i still have time.
i love your snow!
ours is yucky mush.
Just a glimpse into your inner world is amazing... You are a soul with a purpose - very powerful. Just keep believing yourself and live your life without time (new years resolutions). Just be what you WANT. Keep on focusing on your imagination and not what others (including tv commercials) want you to be... You are brilliant and some of your photographs could be in a gallery..btw
I like your stockings! I hope you still have them! if you still own them I hope you send them to me for my b-day presents because it's coming!hehe :)
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