Ello govna. Yesterday we had a power outage, during which I learned all of these things are far more enjoyable in candlelight:

O HAI Fisheye camera, I see you thar. Yep, it's all mine. Saturday Sophie and I went downtown and ate chocolate Santas and looked at fancy Vogues and I finally put my Urban Outfitters giftcard I won from the Weardrobe contest to use. Excellent use.
At UO I had originally gotten 2 overpriced headpieces, but then whilst walking out eyed a Fisheye with my non-fish eye and got that instead.
I am very happy with it, as I've been wanting one for a while and Sophie said she would make me the headbands anyway (which I doubt because her craftiness and creativity ended in 5th grade when she realized knitting sweaters and making necklaces out of hemp was not accepted in suburbia. Loser.)
(Um, I can still come over for New Year's, right?)
I've already gone through a great deal of the film but was STUPID enough to open the DAMN DOOR. Well how was I supposed to know it's supposed to remain shut? They should give you a lock or something.
Or, as a young David Thedarith might have guessed, little ants or squirrels or midget guitar teachers would be inside the camera, holding the film door shut. Now THAT would be a quality camera. Honestly. I could befriend the little camera elves and dress them up in tulle and Vegas makeup, and if they ever got into fights I could peacefully resolve the problem by scaring them to silence with the camera's electronic flash.
My tolerance level for an overwhelming amount of keffiyehs and fedoras is smaller than a microbe, but I did really like the tights and hair stufffff selection at UO, if overpriced. Speaking of microbes, HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT THIS GIANT PIMPLE?
[giant microbes-a new trend of 09!]
I also got to wear my favorite sunglasses out for the first time. Finally. Gosh, anti-social, darkness-loving, best-friends-with-couch-and-tv self. It's about time.
When I wear them I see purple.
No outfit-analyzing today, I just wanted to be warm and not colorful. I love the ropes attached to my gray dress though. Sophie had to hold me back from using them to strangle this V-neck (and I mean VVVVVV NECK) wearing punk at H&M.
I probz won't post tomorrow, so happy new year everyone! It feels like 2008 went by so fast even though it was probably the most eventful year of my life.
Oh, and guess who's going to the Inauguration? Suckers~~
mom's old wool jacket. chris & jaime dress and vintage lace crinoline, gifts (thank you lauren and yokoo!) slow and steady wins the race shoes/bag/sunnies.

(Um, I can still come over for New Year's, right?)

I also got to wear my favorite sunglasses out for the first time. Finally. Gosh, anti-social, darkness-loving, best-friends-with-couch-and-tv self. It's about time.
When I wear them I see purple.

Oh, and guess who's going to the Inauguration? Suckers~~
mom's old wool jacket. chris & jaime dress and vintage lace crinoline, gifts (thank you lauren and yokoo!) slow and steady wins the race shoes/bag/sunnies.
Love the outfit.
Sweet shades! And they look awesome with your haircut.
i'm jealous of your crinoline
love this blog.
Cute outfit!
Lucky Ducky about going to the inauguration. You get to be a part of history. That's amazing.
Incredibly jealous about the inauguration deal :].
Happy New Year Tavi! - Reading your blog has certainly been one of the highlights of 2008. That's great about you going to the inauguration.
I received this Giant Microbe as a birthday present a few years ago.
oh hi there jak&jil chick! the sunglasses sweetens the deal. have you seen this girl on lookbook? you guys have similar hair x)
i think i want them glasses
i would lock your windows and doors
cuase their is a strong possiblity that i might fly over to where you live and jack them while you sleep
aw man i LOVE those sunglasses to DEATH!!!
OHMYGAWD to the perfection of your sunglasses with the blunt hair and the winter tree reflection.
sweet shades and camera :)
giant microbes rawkssss!!!
I have a Streptococcus pyogenes which is a flesh eating bacteria and it has a fork and knife at its' sides.
Sorry I got over excited, I'm a scientist can you not tell.
Jealous of the camera, btw. :3
I have that Greek myth book!
are you standing on/at the mall or do you have actual tickets to the swearing in at the capital you get through governmental connections?
Amazing sunglasses. And camera. I'm going to the inauguration too :)
those are killer sunglasses (and i really mean killer, you know like in the old movies, round sunglasses that hide the eyes)
The fisheye camera looks really cool. Opening the door will give the film more, err, character. Just tell yourself that. I accidentally did that the other day when I was checking to see whether my camera had film--doh!
Tavi! You're coming to DC? I really should go since I live so close but I keep hearing that there's gonna be like millllllions of people.
Just discovered your blog and I love it ! You're so inspiring :)
Btw, take it as a compliment or not, but I do think you look like Liam Gallagher (from Oasis) with these glasses. I can't help it
Happy New Year !
waz up tavi! happyhappyhappy new year!!! ur gonna ROCK 2009!! (hehehe they'll never see it coming). WHILST-haha i luv that word.
GOODBYE 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooh! so jealous you get to go to the inauguration! its going to be awesome.
also i love love love love your new haircut with those glasses. so epic!
Love the outfit and bag! Your sooo lucky that your going to the inaugaration! Happy New Year
<3 Sarah
I love your sunglasses!!!
hey TAVI! have u ever read D'Aulaires' book of NORSE myths? u probably have but just wondering...REALLY COOL TREE PICTURE!
hahahahahaaapppyy new year! :-)
no post on new years? WHOAWHOAWHOA-didn't you say you were gonna make a giant new year's post? i was looking forward to it. :( AWWWW... oh well if you REALLY can't..................
2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009
I was this close to getting that camera, but my friend bought it and i play around with it. so fun and pictures turn out real greatt
Happy New Year!!! have a BLAST!!! :) can't wait to read your blog in the new year! xoxo
I laughed out loud at David Thedarith, and I gave my cousin Giardia for her birthday.
I also dig your bag.
Love the post [and your whole entire blog.]
I work at UO and people will come up to me and ask me if they would buy this sweater, belt, etc. I want to tell them "psh, if it wasn't for my employee discount I wouldn't be shopping at this overpriced store."
Ziz outfit is really awesome. And I just recieved that same fisheye!
I just realized that by tagging you I kind of broke the no press rule although I'm not sure if a tag counts as press. I can take it down if you want?
you are so damn cool. i can't even handle it.
You look like an extra from a sci-fi movie, where poor people live in a huge filthy metropolis and are always trying to escape to the paradise island where the few rich live. Only you would actually prefer the metropolis.
Love the colours of this outfit together. You look amazing as always. I cant wait for more of your outfits in 09.
Have a good new year.
ooh i would like to be like you because you're funny clever and you have talent (in french we say talent but i dont know in english)
Haha...microbes! I work in healthcare and have been giving them out to friends, who look at me like I'm crazy. I like the common cold one the best. :)
Awesome as always :)
love the sunglasses and you look super cool! Happy New Year!
I just love your blog. I am reminded of so many creative, non-tv activities that I used to do as a kid. For instance my sister and I still cherish the Cool Whip top nativity scene christmas ornament that she made in Sunday school in 1979 even though it causes the tree branch to bend precariously and blocks other more retail-looking ornaments. And one Christmas I got a hand-crank knitting machine that would basically make a tube. I made A LOT of leg warmers that winter.
Yum for fisheyes and those shades and THE INAUGURATION. Happy new year, Tavster.
♥ Sara
Your sunglasses with your new haircut is beyond amazing. Seriously, so inspirational. Oh, and what's this talk about you go to the inauguration? Sooooooo lucky.
What? You didn't spend your UO giftcard on scarves/fedoras???? Just kidding. That fisheye camera was definitely a good buy. I love the outfit - yout hair and glases are supercute.
i've been following your blog for some time (since summer?) - love the quirciness and straight-forward aproach - and fascinated by your age..
wel.. I1'm norwegian - and couldn't help but notice the Norwegian decorations, so my question is: are you of Norwegian herritage?
hugs Inger
(and not so sorry for my bad spelling..)
Ack! Those are the glasses I originally wanted but had to get the other white ones instead....!
You look amaaaazing in them.... happy new year Tavi-ola.... that joke won't be gotten unless you watch Gavin and Stacey (a UK show....)...
YAY giant microbes! oh geez those are amazing. My friend and I discovered that sight while researching for an epidemiology project our senior year and wanted to buy one for our teacher as a gift... but were too cheap. But I am so glad to see the appreciation for those awesome creatures being spread ;)
also, awesome glasses. and camera. and generally other stuff as well.
killer shades! i'm trying to hunt down the perfect thick frames...
I was wondering if I could link you on my blog?
I love those sunglasses! And I have a fisheye. It's awesome :)Don't worry, opening the door can make awesome effects on the film. I've done it too. xD
Ooh, I see you have D'Aulaire's Greek Myths there...that's my favorite book! So beautiful.
I've been giving Giant Microbes to sickly friends for years. I gave a sniffle-prone coworker the cold, a good friend got mono from me once she got back to work after having mono for a month, and my best friend was treated to an adorable dose of malaria, after she got back from Africa where she had contracted it!
OH, OH! I love your new hair, you look so different! Different is very good! And I love your shades, AND I love David Sedaris! <3 More power to you, Tavi!
Love the outfit, and those shades are infinitely amazing!
OMG are those sunglasses from Slow and Steady Wins the Race?!?!?!
ooh i see you're reading Me Talk Pretty One Day. That was the beginning of my now full-blown obsession with David Sedaris. Very, very good.
a-ma-zing. my oldest sister gave me a bunch of these microbes when i was about 15 or 16, about ten years ago. gosh, i'm old.
p.s sweet sunnies and tote.
I think this is actually one of my fave outfits I have seen on here. I dig the layers and the colors.
Seriously that is one fantastic ensemble you're wearing.
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