live from chicago, it's friday night

So. Sorry for the unnecessary emo-ness in the last post, I've just been in a bad mood but am feeling much better, as indicated in this video (in which I say I would forgive anyone for doing anything ever, like killing me...incoherent, much? xD) But thank you all so much for being so helpful and awesome and sweet...heartz ALL OVA
Anyways, it was seriously CRAY CRAY at the store yesterday. Like another Chicago Fire, in that there was a stupid cow (ugly jacket thief man) and MANY HOPES WERE CRUSHED AND BURNED.
But I'm pretty happy with what I did get, and will keep you guys updated on the ebay sicheeation. Have a good night!

Untitled from Tavi G on Vimeo.


The Stylish Wanderer said...

Oh my god youre hilarious Tavi.

So sorry about your jacket! Whats with men wanting womanswear?

Love the Queen reference.
Love the throwing of the paper, Craig Ferguson does that all the time.

Hilarious. Hilarious. Hilarious.

sd said...

that's totally funny and i love it
i can't wait to see what you bought

Nadine said...

Tavi Style Rookie: can I be your friend?
Tavi Style Rookie: stalker fan letters I will send . .

You do the best vlogs ever. :D

The Stylish Wanderer said...

BTW the REI KAWAKUBO part is completely stuck in my head.

thanks a lot.


The Stylish Wanderer said...

haha just trying to cheer you up!

BTW outfit post in like 15 minutes (or less whats up with dat?)

can you wait that long, or are you off!

(and shes off! speeding down the track, oo looks like lucky strike is going to beat her oh oh oh and NO! StyleRookieStar wins the race!)

The Stylish Wanderer said...

yeah, IM-ing from blog comments is pretty freakin space age.

sophie said...

Tavi= my lifelong hero.

The Stylish Wanderer said...

NASA would hire us, but the fact that we'd rather be at H&M than in space stops us from accepting.

The Stylish Wanderer said...

new post totally just posted. What was that? 15 minutes? dont know. dont care. its up

The Stylish Wanderer said...

haha I also like the ones that go "Come do the dark side, we have cookies."

Id totally make my own and say "Come to the dark side, where we are obsessive over Commes des Garçons."

ill stop clogging up your comments, people wanna speak, I know.

Human Racing said...

Wow hilarious video.

Skillz. You are a straight up G.

Watch out hiphopapttamous (wow I cannot spell).

I'm kind of extremely jealous of you right now.

The Stylish Wanderer said...

Yeah, Im sure everyone else finds our NASA convo completely and utterly enthralling.

The Stylish Wanderer said...

btw. confused right now.

which picture should be my icon?

The Stylish Wanderer said...

fo sho. keeping the icon


terren said...


Anonymous said...

ok this is weird yet cool, you're funny

Samantha said...


The bridge is my favorite...

Rei Kawakubo (H&EMMMM)

1234 said...

oh my god you are awesome. i had such a busy day, and you just made it so much better. i am excited to see your buys!!!

Anonymous said...

The rap is freaking fantastic!
You are now officially my favourite hip hop artist and vblogger ever. Damn, I sound like a crazy 8 year old Hannah Montana fan, except with less screaming and I don't have your face screenprinted onto every type of consumer product...

suz said...

tavi! freakin' awesome rap dude, i loved it. and i'm watching it at 3am, totally amused. REI KAWAKUBO. REI KAWAKUBO. now it's all up in my head.

you are a mighty talented rapper + paper thrower.

can't wait to see the new digs!

p.s. the flower in your hair is cute :)

Anonymous said...

i don't know whether you realise that you are seriously destined for amazing things. i wish i was as cool as you when i was 12. oh god you shoulda seen me...cringe...


Diana Rikasari said...'re too cool to be made me really laugh just now :D

Mariposa Latina said...

i never pictured tavi as a rapper but man i couldnt stop listening. it was really good. made me wanna rap. im waiting for my next check to do some h&m damage. anyways youre the best lator gator.

sam said...

you're a genius.

laia. said...

dear god woman!! A+++

Anonymous said...

you're so funny!!
i want to see what u bought!

Anonymous said...

you're AH-MAZINGGG :]
and i dont liee.
haha but yeah, show us what you got?? and HOLY JAMALAMA is that bag bigg!! haha well i will definitely be backk. [in a non-creepy-stalkerish-type-way]

Anonymous said...

oh and by the way
you should really consider making a v-log with all your clothes
that would be awesome! :]
well i have to walk my fish now ;]

Isabel said...

AHHHHH! That was the best rap of life! I would buy that if it was a single. You are so funny!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was as cool as you, when I was 12. x]

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tavi! You are gorgeous! Such a cool kid! But i have a question, do you know Wendy's blog? I mean the asian girl you told us to vote for at teenvogue. I heard she had one... Much love from Germany!

x said...

that was amazing. mad skillz.

Tavi said...

Thank you sooooo much guys! I'm amazed your opinions of me aren't lowering considerably...and I love you for it xD
I'll post pictures of what I got today or tomorrow.
and anonymous from germany...really? I friggin hope, but on the site you can still vote, and she hasn't said anything on her blog...but thanks for the heads up, I'll keep an eye out for good news!

Soul Tanggg said...

i love your RAP!

Anonymous said...

you're so awesome and hilarious! you should do video posts more often, they're always so entertaining.

olga. said...

Ahahahha I love you!

Anonymous said...

Way to ruin the hip hop culture. Just kidding, that was pretty funny. :]

Cool Blog

Indigo said...

THAT was genius.

chlozzard said...

love it :P

Gabby said...

You are amazing. That seriously just made my day, no...LIFE.

Hanna said...

Oh my fucking god. If I live to be as old as Methusaleh, if I end the conflict in Darfur, if I meet David Bowie...I will still never be as cool as you.

Anonymous said...

mmm... i have renewed approciation for rap. can i send stalker fan letters to you? i'm pretty sure this kawakubo person never rapped before, you're you're higher up in my book then her- and definitly higher up then this womens-wear snatching, child dissapointing dude you met.

Anonymous said...

i've watched the video twice now.

Rebecca Jane said...

this was positively the most awesomely, fabulously entertaining rap ever. You are a star.. :D

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! You are awesome for making this video. Keep them raps coming!

Anonymous said...

You are a straight up G and that is all that is necessary to be said.

cookie said...

word. you are the funniest person ever!!! i hearts you with no end : )

Anonymous said...

post the lyrics, gangster fool!!!!!!!!!

White Lightning said...

ooohh my god

SWEET JESUS MY DEAR TAVI, you are too much.

this is the best thing i have ever seen in my life.

anis amira said...

your rap is uh-may-zinnn!!
thanx for makin my day!

dlittlegarden said...

Just found your blog. Lovvvvve it!

Great rap -- I had to send it to my friend who does PR for Commes....

M said...

haha i kinda fell in love with you today!!!!

Rosé Magritte said...

I'm leaving this comment because I've watched this video five times already and I've literally sung the chorus to this rap out loud because it's been in my head, and people are all, "Hey, is that Jay-Z?" and I'm all, "No, it's Tavi the Style Rookie, but close...very close"

Basically you are to me what Rei Kawakubo is to you.

Stalker blog post comments I will send.


Igor+andré said...

yes yes yes~!
i lovvvvvvvvvve your videos there incredible!
keep up the good work my friend.

Anonymous said...

YOU MADE MY DAY!!!! (even it's like 9 in the morning up there!)

you're so funny!

geri hirsch said...

omgzzz!! tavi!!! my video finally worked and damn, this is way better than reading the lyrics!!! genius!! i especially loved your off the cusp rant about the old fart!!

Anonymous said...

i am twice your age and only half as cool as you are !

Suzie Homewrecker said...

When I was 12, I decorated lawn leaf bags and walked around the neighborhood in them. Your wit, grammar, humor, style, and rap abilities still exceed me as a 26 year old. You are terrifically super!


Anonymous said...

Tavi you're amazing.

I just did a blog post about you on my blog -

but I also took a couple minutes and put your rap to a beat so you can play it for your friends or parents or whomever haha.

I went out on a limb and assumed you were an MIA fan

- skeet

download the song here

Unknown said...

tavi, you are awesome!!! i've been a stylist for 15 years and your blog and you are my new inspirations. i live in chicago and miami and if you want to do a photo shoot with me for fun email me at of course, your mom can contact me first. your style and wit is out of control. mia fortuna

Anonymous said...

The girl is 12. I don't think the f-words in the comments are appropriate.

.:steph:. said...

one of my favorite DJs SkeetSkeet has a blog and mentioned your site as well as the rap and was so impressed HE REMIXED YOUR VLOG!! I almost died, check it out here....

or at
crude but harmless

to my new favorite blogger Tavi xoxoxoxo

k said...

you. are. awesome.

too bad there are no h&m's in texas...

Anonymous said...

I hope you realize how truly amazing you are. Cause seriously, you really are. Reallyreally, fer realz, really.

Vivian said...

that. was. friggin fantastic.

Ashley said...


Ashley said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Wow, so your pretty amazing!

TheShoeGirl said...

you are really really really my fashion super hero.

Anonymous said...

OH gosh
tavi you are fabulous !
i am 12 too and you are wonderful !
may be you speak french ?because i am french and i am a tavi addict
j'adore ce que tu fais tu es tres drole !

Anonymous said...

that song is now like super glued into my head. im gonna be singing the rei kawakubo bit all day.

haha i love the rap about poop.

lucille betrancourt - i am 12 too. i dont speak french though.

ciao for now xx

*pandora* said...

i dont have sound on this comp so i cant listen..... i am sad...
but anyway- wow- Tavi, you seem to be quite an amazing girl/space cow boy/ fashion godess/disturbed but beautiful princess .... and i was wondering if you write poetry- that would be pretty cool.....
i love, no wait- adore the blog

*pandora* said...

i dont have sound on this comp so i cant listen..... i am sad...
but anyway- wow- Tavi, you seem to be quite an amazing girl/space cow boy/ fashion godess/disturbed but beautiful princess .... and i was wondering if you write poetry- that would be pretty cool.....
i love, no wait- adore the blog

. said...

the asian rei kawakubo

DUSKIN said...

fucking brilliant

April said...

I'd just like to say...

Sometimes I STILL have this stuck in my head.


Anonymous said...

It's funny, i love your site and you are so cool!

liz said...

You are the cutest thing I've seen in ages. YOU ROCK!

her name is bek said...

that was the freakin funniest thing I've seen, it totally made my day

Leah said...

I almost enjoyed that more then family guy...

Anne Cecile said...

I hope Anna Wintour is ready to leave her seat!!
Love your video, (even without french subtitles...)

Lena said...

Best rap ever!! I just love your vlog and blog. Made my night :)

Anonymous said...

am inspierd, you are utterly brilliant and it's not fair :)

paperbella said...

you are such a smart girl! Loved your rap!

A French Girl said...

Hi, I'm french and I've a very bad english but I want say to you I love all what you do and you're very imortant for me and my style. I'm sorry if you don't understand what I say .. Bye

Jess said...

Oh, my god! Fucking hilarious.

Irina said...

Oh god! It was so cool!

Anonymous said...


Courtz Ferraris said...

omg Tavi that is like the coolest rap ever lol! how do u think of these things??? hahaha... soooo awsum. x

Vivien_5115 said...

Oh dear God! 50 Cent has competion

Anonymous said...

lolol tooo funny

Anonymous said...

where'd the video go? :( i'd love to hear the serenade!

snyder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
snyder said...

quite a brilliant rap..i love your cadence, and the delivery was on point. the overall aesthetic of the presentation was great :)

Oh, Hi said...

And he's evil and mean and stupid and ugly and stupid and i hate him and he had ugly glasses...hahahhaha! That made my day...night...whatever!

sotejed said...

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