Today I woke up late and threw on the comfiest outfit ever: blue Target leggings, a sweater worn around my waist with the sleeves happily hanging free, a cape around my waist, a very warm long sleeve and my mom's old deconstructed wool sweater. The best part is that as I was running to get to school in time, one of the 8th grade teachers was biking only a little ahead of me, and probably thought I was creepily trying to chase him or something. Now tell me, how many people manage to be that creepy by 8:00 AM? Not many, as far as I know. Guess it's just a skill, a talent I posses.
Speaking of possessed, the cold then found its way into my soul and I became...

On a more cheerful note, I won a pair of floral docs on eBay last night, and cannot WAIT until they arrive. Pretty good timing too, considering my blue/gray boots are on their deathbed. There I was at Caribou, thinking I was so cool sipping my chai tea latte* with my friends when I accidentally spilled it everywhere, including the floor, my coat, and boots. Since the boots are suede you can't get the stain out, and they look like frostbitten moles.
Really really sorry for all the delayed email responses, I am doing my very best to get back to you guys! Apparently the last couple weeks of the trimester is the best time to lay all the tests and projects and papers on the students, just bear with me, mmkay?
Also, turns out you guys have more FAQ questions than I thought (and by all means, keep asking! I'm curious to about what you're curious about!) so I'll just make a really long post to answer all questions this weekend so it's all in one place.
*it was actually the Kid's Hot Cocoa but you guys don't need to know that if it makes
me seem any lamer

Really really sorry for all the delayed email responses, I am doing my very best to get back to you guys! Apparently the last couple weeks of the trimester is the best time to lay all the tests and projects and papers on the students, just bear with me, mmkay?
Also, turns out you guys have more FAQ questions than I thought (and by all means, keep asking! I'm curious to about what you're curious about!) so I'll just make a really long post to answer all questions this weekend so it's all in one place.
*it was actually the Kid's Hot Cocoa but you guys don't need to know that if it makes
me seem any lamer
Hahah you're really cute. ^_^ I love your outfit and your photographs and your entries and kind of everything.
Please tell me that cocoa had an ample amount of whipped cream.
lol about the frostbitten moles part.
very comfy outfit.
actually the hues of your comfy outfit are the same as my comfy outfit (posted on sunday)! weird.
i love your outfit!
Kid's hot coco, eh?
How could you possibly choose that over chai?
haha, but im excited to see what you do with the boots.
yay floral docs!
Beige or black floral docs? Or are there more colors? I have the beige crackled ones and OMGZ THEY'RE HEAVEN ON MY FEET.
I get kids hot chocolate at Caribou, too. It's what the cool kids drink. and the docs sound brilliant. They are my favourite boots....the patterned ones are sweet (I used to have ladybug ones when I was a tot).
Cape = awesomeness overload.
Hey cutie you're rlly awesome!!! :) Btw, I'm 12 too!!!! :P
I loved your last little photoshoot involving an umbrella and some amazing glasses.... I can't seem to view your first photo for some reason on this post...
Frostbitten moles - a new trend? Hmmms. I had a chai latte the other day and believe me, the kids hot cocoa is much nicer in my opinion. Too bitter for my liking! Ah well, you're the loveliest and most fashionable ice monster the blogosphere ever did see
FAQ #1: can u be my sister? thanks.
i am addicted to your blog! your entries are really entertaining!
its like reading a book, you wonder what happens in the end. are you going to be a fashion designer? are you going to be a runway model? except, i would have to wait another at least 10 years to know what happens in the end...but, best of luck watever you do!
Ummmm can we talk about the fact that I'm 26-years-old and still not as cool as you? I find this simultaneously disheartening and inspiring.
You are going to be one rad grown-up. I say this not condescendingly-- I'm not quite a grown-up yet either.
Tavi, I heart you! Can't wait to see what you do with the floral Docs since they are utterly the embodiment of your fantabulous style.
P.S. -Please don't ice monster me! Oh, and chai tea lattes are gross. I'd SO go for the hot chocolate.
you're so adorable and i wish i was twelve and your best friend. your posts always make me smile and cheer me up :)
A friend of mine sent me here to your blog and said, "Mary" (as that's my name) "Mary, you need to bookmark this blog and read it". And so I did.
I have to say, this is now one of my favourite places on the internet. You're damn cool, Tavi. I'm excited to see the floral docs :)
hehe... I bought my first pair od doc martens when was your age. Lucky me that I bught them big and I've kept them all these years (..mmm... many years)
Love your outfit, as per usual. I'm just wondering, will we ever see the "how to wear shiny leggings" post? I know what its like at the end of a marking period, and I don't want to pressure you or seem impatient or mean, I'm not, I was just wondering.
P.S. I have a question for the FAQ - do you buy all your stuff (esp. ebay stuff) with your own money and if not, your parents don't mind eby? Its just that my parents hate ebay.
Hot Cocoa > Chai Tea Latte any day. But wow the thrown on outfit looks quite amazing, I especially love the coat, it just takes on a whole new look when it is buttoned the wrong way. And there is NO CHANCE you are creepier than me. =P
that outfit looks deliciously cozy.
you are living my wish honey. if i could shrink myself pint sized at 12 years and four feet i'd have a thrift warddrobe the size of manhattan island. you don't know how many salvation army infant section items i've wanted to give growth hormones to. anyway, it's cool you're bloggin it. you'd be kindof annoying and creepy if you weren't articulate, funny and totally self aware? high give.
you're so lucky...
i can't find a pair of floral docs for a decent price
i miss my floral doc martens.. i used to have the boots and shoes... i wish i hadnt grown so i could still wear them. there was a girl i went to school with who used paint her doc martens bright blue with nail polish and she could always be found on the play ground with a bottle of blue nail polish painting her boots.
You are very possibly the funniest and most articulate tween ever.
Loving your blog, your style, your humour (^_^) just love it all.
this outfit reminds me of commes des garcons fall 2006 collection. i love it!
You haven't updated in a month...are you okay?? Merry Christmas anyway
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