This is what I think I'll be hinting to my parents for the holidays. While it would be lovely to have a long, fun, fashion-y list of Alexander McQueen and Nozomi Ishiguro, I am still recovering from a Gareth Pugh overdose I had at last night. Let's stray from the chimerical, shall we? BEING REALISTIC AND RATIONAL IS FUN!

UO is a little out of our price range, so the biker jacket/Siouxsie tee/bracelets are just examples of the kind of Jen/Yoncto things I want. If my parents decide to feed my lust for punk apparel (read: not likely) they would probably try to thrift em. Tons of Forever 21 gold chains for Givenchy-mocking, and lovely little veil cocktail hats that would look sweet with the lace tights. Yokoo is a knitwear god and I especially love the brown chain. It would probably be too big on me but that would make it look even cooler.

This isn't fashion related but I crave Polaroid and Lomo and Y SO SRS. My dad reminds me of Larry David but I think telling him that would slim down the chances of me happily receiving Curb on the 25th.

1. Which of the above television series had an episode in which one of the characters got pissed at his boss for eating his T-Givingz sandwich?
2. Which show had an episode with a "pig man"?
3. Which show had an episode in which the main character refused to give candy to teenage girls trick-or-treating without a costume, and deemed the bald a discriminated group?
BONUS: David Schwimmer guest starred on Curb for one episode, in which he and Larry perform in a Broadway musical together. What musical is it?

We read the D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths last year in LA and I rather enjoyed it, would love to read it late at night when I can't fall asleep. I just started getting interested in Manga (Yotsuba is good and I want more Kiyohiko) and origami so those are up there to let my interests e x p a n d. The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll would be like my doorway to the world. Like Yoda in book form. Anything written/sung by/breathed upon by Jeff Tweedy is a-ok in my book (PUNZ!) and poems by him sound delightful. There are few foreign fashion magazines at our local Borders, but if I could get an issue of Lula I would be quite the happy blogger.
Jinglebells, batman doesn't smell, I want him on DVD
Polaroid camera and carnival tights will soon belong to meeee
quiz answers: 1, Friends. 2, Seinfled. 3, Curb Your Enthusiasm. Bonus, The Producers.
Photography books: Anything by Annie Liebovitz. Particularly, A Photographer's Life: 1990-2005.
Just discovered your site and I'm loving it!
and tim walker has a photography book too, i think youd like it a lot.
I have that book of Greek myths and it is AMAZING let me tell you. For photography books, I suggest Mick Rock's books, he photographed Blondie, Rocky horror and David Bowie and others if that interests you. I'm linking your blog from mine. :)
your list is adorable! while it sucks you don't have the $ to shop for yourself whenever you want, at least you get to ask for fun stuff for christmas and get that day of thrills. now that i'm a "grown up" every day is christmas if I want it to be and am willing to fund it myself... but what do i want for christmas from the 'rents?? a new dishwasher to replace mine that blew up yesterday and a shop vac. woo! i'm gonna go sew some sequin pants now so i feel less like a boring old lady. good luck with getting stuff from your list!
great wish list
you may want to rethink the polaroid camera though. they no longer make the film and it's selling out fast.
answers to the quiz...
not sure on 1
2. is seinfeld? maybe?
3. is curb your enthusiasm
and the bonus is the producers!! (LOVE curb your enthusiasm, we have like allll the seasons...)
good luck with the list!!
Ooh, ooh! #3 is Curb Your Enthusiasm. :)
Ha, I made a pretty lengthy list already too, I'm thinking of handing it out to my fam on T-giving, but that'd probably be obnoxious...ha.
I'm so sad they don't make the film for Polaroid cameras already, though. D:
the new york look book - gallery of street fashion
i LOVE this book. it's a must have. they also have a pretty decent site:
here from JA <3
When it comes to fashion books some of my favorits are: American Fashion, The Fashion Book, Stylist: The Interpreters of Fashion.
I also have a few Andy Warhol books with some of his fashion prints, and those are fun.The 20th Century Art Book is really good to.Go to amazon and look at the fashion and photography book sections, you will find tons of stuff.
Hahahaha I just watched The One With Ross' Sandwich again today.
I have no idea what I want for holidaytime, but those purple plaid tights are ON THE LIST as of now.
i think someone has already said it but Tim walker brought out a book a couple of months ago, and it looks awesome, but i think its quite expensive 70+ dollars...i have two issues of the spring-summer Lula as i bought the copy at a bookshop and then my aunt sent me it from england about a month later. i reeeeally want the latest issue but i cant find anywhere near me!! i'll have to cave in and buy it off ebay...
You're amazing. My wishlists were so lame when I was 12. All I wanted was The Sims. That chainlink scarf is epic. I lova all of the tights, too.
1. Friends.
2. Seinfeld.
3. Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I want one of those chain link scarves so badly too. Gaaah.
<3 your blog.
I have the lomo fish eye, it's so much fun to shoot with, although a little hard to get the hang of. the view finder isn't attached to the lens per say, so that's kind of the hard part. xxx
my teacher owned the first mythology book. it's killer!
i've lurked on your blog for awhile now, and i just have to say, i love it!! youre such an inspiration to me. i'm a junior (16) at a private school so i can't dress up everyday, but looking at your outfits have made me branch out during the weekends. oh and about this post, that mythology book is amazing, it's the first one i ever bought. & watch getting interesting in anime/manga... it sucks you in haha. you might want to check out xxxholic (very poetic, nice simple art), or full metal alchemist (probably the epitome of plot in an anime). keep doing what your doing tavi, ill keep coming back!
i would like to get an issue of lula as well!
and polaroids are plain precious :)
i hope you post some pictures up when you get your polaroid camera!
I have D'Aulaires on tape and I listened to it when I was little and it's amazing. I would happily listen to it now if I could find the CD's. My list consists of two things:
Both extremely irrational choices, given that I never wear perfume or sweats.
hahaha i used to be an anime freak, did i tell you that? i still have some appreciation from it.
and yay i get a mention in the post x3
and how did i not know about that girl jen's blog before? SHE HAS A TAG 'CLOSET CRUST PUNKS'. how did i not KNOW?!?!
I have both a polaroid AND two different lomo... You've just made me feel special ;)
"and was it a pigman?"
"no...just a..fat little mental patient."
Thanks guys! And thanks for the book recommendations, I'll have to check em out.
arienette-Really? Hmmmm. Thanks for the heads up.
KD-I love Viktor & Rolf, anything by those crazy Dutchmen must be epic. I wonder if the perfume makes you walk around and say "NO!" at random...
yoncto-I had no clue you were into anime! Feel free to recommend stuff. I knew you would appreciate Jen's blog :D
maggie-I love you for knowing that quote. Today I saw a t-shirt with a picture of the soup nazi and it said "NO SOUP FOR YOU."
i LOOOOOVE curb your enthusiasm!! Larry David is the king of hilarious!
have you seen 'Its always sunnt in Philadelphia'??? I'm sure you'd love it
origami! i love origami-
but just in case you don't want to get an origami book, you should always check out because it has tons of free origami diagrams. i have a huge collection of origami books that i wanted before lol and nowadays i'm like "ugh i already did all these diagrams from these books".
Ooh, thanks for the link! Maybe I'll just ask for paper.
Tavi, I think you'd really like these books:
They are some of my favorite- fashion wise.
Fruits is a magazine also... here's the website:
stay cool! :)
not new books but these two are definitely my favourite:
-so far so goude
-thai-cong: my parents: an homage to fashion, photography and life
oh, available on amazon.
Thank you CLB and Anon...I love Fruits, having a book of it would be awesome.
Oh dear, I should go to all of these sites you've all been giving me now...
I just began reading your blog (in fact, I went so far as to read all the way back to the beginning), and let me say, I am stunned.
I would have given my left arm and perhaps all of the fingernails on my right hand to be as cultured, stylish, and self-aware as you are at your age.
It took me 'till high school to first listen to Bob Dylan, let alone realize that layering patterns is an option. I applaud you!
As for photo books--check out Amy Stein's "Domesticated" book, if you can get ahold of it (I can't seem to find it anywhere on Amazon or in commercial bookstores, but I know it's out there)and also "Hotel Lachapelle" and other David Lachapelle books.
Ha . . . my dad is exactly like Larry David. Exactly.
If you like Manga, you should get into comics! Fables and Y: The Last Man are fantastic. I think you'd really liiiiike them.
P.S. I second Soul Tang, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is HILAR.
Dude I just tossed out a ton of magazines (lula, V, etc) and stuff, next time I'll save them and give 'em to you.
I just joined blogspot and your blog is so cool!
By the way,
The Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll was probably the only book I carried around for a whole year. actually I only read about Nirvana because I spent a great deal of my life obsessed with Kurt Cobain. XD
hey ure VERY smart for a 12 year old girl! has anyone told u that b4???? ure so freakin adorable i wanna keep u in my pocket :p
wow, are you really 12 yrs old? because you're ~sewwwww~ much more self-centered than the average 12 year old!
Yummmm, tights. That is a very good idea - I could totally use some more tights!
I kind of want to make a Christmas wishlist, but I'm not really sure about what sort of price range is acceptable...
Your list is great. is amazing. Also I have that myths book and it is defenitely worth owning.
Your list is great. is amazing. Also I have that myths book and it is defenitely worth owning.
Thanks for the recommendations, guys!
soul tanggg/style magnet-Wow, my friend was telling me about how much she loves that show yesterday! I'll fancast it.
gnarlitude jen-Dude I would be in forever debt to you! Thanks so much.
miss y-Well, this is a fashion blog, so yes, it is rather narcissistic. But if you know anything about fashion blogs, the usual structure is a daily post about what the blogger wants, what the blogger wears, etc. I'm surrounded by 12 year olds every day, and the average one is self centered. If you don't like my blog, by all means leave. I don't take advice from strangers, and I don't take shit from people that can't spell.
OMG. I only found out about your blog yesterday, and I'm already addicted!
I love, who could have thought you could get so many crazy styles for tights that are all absolutely fabulous!
Keep up the good work!
you like mythology and manga too? my god, my esteem for you just went up a ton. though don't ask me for a ny reccomendations or i'll go on forever (cough, cough, ovid and ai yazawa...).
Hi Tavi, here are some more fashion books that you might enjoy. Diana Vreeland is my hero...
'DV' by Diana Vreeland
'Allure' Diana Vreeland's art book
'Infinite Variety' by Ryersson & Yaccarino
'The Best of Beaton' - Cecil Beaton photographs
Any books that show the fashion illustrations of Erte..
'Cleopatra's Nose' - good essays/bio pieces on Rei, etc.
i want a polaroid camera too!
i dont know where to get one though, since they dont even make them anymore :/
ill probably end up using ebay...oooh but i want one so bad!
i dont know where to get the film either!
its terrible that they stopped making them.
abigail-Thank you for the subliminal messaging recommendations, I shall try to find them at the library.
sarah-Thank you thank you thank you!!! I especially want to take a look at Cleopatra's Nose-do you know who the author is? There seem to be a billion books named that on amazon, but I'm not sure which one's aren't about Cleopatra's ACTUAL nose...
anonymous-Amen! I think you can get some at Goodwill or Salvation Army, any reliable thrift store. I would just make sure they work :) and Target still sells the film, get it while you can!
the tights are great!Love the brightly colored ones, everything should be that intense lol. Had no idea plaid could even come in such varieties:)
Hi Tavi, 'Cleopatra's Nose' is by Judith Thurman. I hadn't known anything about Rei despite being a fan. There are some other good essays in there, too. Anyway, I enjoy your blog so much that I hope you enjoy these books that have been so inspiring to me as a big huge 'Thankyou'. !
AZUMANGA DAIOH OMG!! i love four panel manga. i really wish someone would turn yotsuba into an anime series already.
Excellent taste you have here in...oh, everything.
Manga-wise...check out Lucky Star, which is more famous for its anime, but has a funny little 4-panel manga too. Also, AI YAZAWA, particularly Paradise Kiss--best fashion manga ever ever ever.
my favourite magazines are androgyny, dazed & confused, lula and vogue, though i'm guessing you've heard of most of them.
my favourite photographers are annie leibovitz, tim walker, elene usdin, gregory crewdson, diane arbus, denise grunstein, corinne day and rene & radka.. all of which i reckon you'd like. especially tim walker and rene & radka. there's bound to be a bunch of books on some of them too : )
PS. i love curb your enthusiasm! i love the episode with the rapper 'crazy eyed killa' haha
Yay! Another kid who watches Curb! Haha I love Larry! & Susie is my hero!
nice post thanks
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