Inspiring photos.
Also, tonight my mom's friend stopped by to give me a bunch of old dresses that used to belong to one of her family members. The dresses go as far back as the 20's and 30's! I'll post pictures soon. Some are falling apart and they're all a tad big on me, as you can imagine, but I'm free to do whatever I want with them. However, I do not trust myself with a needle and thread. I'm scared I'll ruin them if I try doing anything. Like, touch them and they dissolve into dust. I'm jinxed when it comes to sewing.
and p.s., Urban Audrey is a wonderfully inspiring blog. Not only her own outfits and photography, but the photos she herself posts are saved in a file on my computer *stalker*
*For those of you who care, I'm not advertising Urban Audrey and she didn't ask me to do this. I'm recommending a blog I love, as people do with their link lists. I'm also crediting her for the first two pictures.
I would never ask for blog advertising and neither did Urban Audrey, because if you're blogging just for popularity you're not blogging for the right reasons. If you're reading someone's blog just because they read yours, you're not reading for the right reasons. Blog because you want to, read and comment someone else's because you like their content. Though it depends on what you consider the "right reasons"-blogging is only a competition if you make it. And who wants to make it that? Not creative, not fun. Just shallow.
Susie is life.
Love the new header!
Tutus and Scandinavian chicks rock.
I am LOOOOVING the new header!
your header is striking, striking.
and aw, i adore urban audrey's blog too. it's dreamy and lovely.
i think this might be my first comment here ! exciting. (sometimes i have comments in my head that never quite find their way out...)
sure urban audrey is good.
but she has never once commented on my blog (despite me having 5 blogs before... actually I lost count)
its sweet though, your advertising. hope it works.
Liking the header! And I love Urban Audrey as well. Nice photos.
love susie!! and your new header! perfectperfectperfect.
i just found your blog... you are incredible! i was worlds away from being as cool, stylish and articulate as you are when i was 12.
Wow, awesome. I wish people would give me their old clothes. Of course my mom has none of the old things she used to sew because she's a bit of an obsessive purger.
the new header is wonderful
I remember when Susie went to the Gucci ball in that Emilio de la Morena dress! Wow, I'm such a blogfan. I heart Susie!
Great inspirations. I'm missing all my poofy vintage dresses I didn't pack right about now...
stylish wanderer-I wasn't trying to advertise and I wasn't getting anything in exchange. I got quite a few of these images off Urban Audrey so I was crediting her, and it's a superb blog other than that. I don't think whether someone comments on other peoples' blogs or not is a measure of how good their own is. There are plenty of folks who haven't commented on my blog, but I don't hold that against them.
Lucky thing you got free vintage
Lucky you. Vintage, yessss!
Sweden is always inspiring.
i'll be pretty much stalking my blog roll until you post those dresses, jsyk... ;)
i love the photos - thanks for posting them. and the new header is adorable.
sure thats fine. but I actually hold that for me. comment on my, I comment on you. no harm no foul. her blog is just mostly highly doctored photos with her looking really serious.
I love her outfits, there awesome, but id like more words and thoughts other than just pictures on the blog. its not my bag,(austin powers moment there), and so. yeah.
if we're going to tell each other how to improve our blogs, then why don't we all just make a giant blog together and call it....
oh wait.
The fact that you just weren't a huge fan of her content (which is fine, not everyone likes everything) was sort of unclear to me from the first comment, I thought you were dismissing her blog because she never commented on yours. I understand what you're sayin now.
I still struggle to see why someone would hold that type of thing against someone else, but then again, we all blog for different reasons.
I love the picture from Susie. So inspiring.
That first pictures is wonderfully amazing. As is susie! So great.
Am also a fan of Urban Audrey - she's fab.
I See we see different things.
my opinion on all of this is the more people commenting, the more people get to see your style. my blog is a way to express myself, and living in the town Im at I dont really get a lot of appreciation, just mostly people ignore me or scoff at my outfits. my blog is so that other people can see what Im wearing, and so the more people that see it the more can appreciate (or hate) the garments and what I put together. its not that I want my blog to be "popular" Id kinda just like a little credit. thats all.
AAh Tavi! Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoy my blog. And can you, me and Stephanie PLEASE get together sometime soon cause this is gettin ridiculous.
P.S. The Swedish girl's name is Arvida. I, too, am a stalker.
God, totally agree with the ABSOLUTE obenity of using bloogs as a populartiy contest, though, yes (tear) i have been a victim of it's woes... I think blogging is about displaying your creativity and individual, not trying to suck up, judge and impress people... that happens enough with about 98% percent of my school
thank you fairy queen
Who is the girl with the scrabble board? Such an aesthetic picture. Nice new header!
awesome pictures yes
Hihi hello tavi! That Swedish girl you like (i agree she’s stunning) she and I went to the same school before! I didn’t know her but I remember that I always froze when I saw her she´s so beautiful beyond words and I saw her at a party a while ago but I was to shy to approach her (she seemed nice). I am in a way shocked to see that you in a way are familiar with
her, I mean you live far away in the big U.S of A and even thou there’s such an big distance between us or people over all we still seem to be connected in small ways like this. I like to look at things like that and I know I sound a bit druggy but that’s how I see it!
She (as you might know stopped blogging at the blog that you´ve linked but anyway here is some youtube clips of here, she dose short movies and i think you might like them, enjoy! (if you haven’t seen them):
//thank you for youre time, hope this wasent a total waste of youre time, hers my blogg btw: http://thirddimension.blogg.se/
have a awesome day ^^
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