Today I tried wearing what turned out as a pathetic attempt at being one sixth as cool as these people. Epic fail. STOP BEING SO COOL. It makea me cry.
I don't think you can tell from my OCD editing, but the tights are neon yellow/orange, the dark skirt is navy, the white skirt is more sheer, and the jacket is silver metallic. I would change it, but Friday is my day of rest. Because I'm God (also known as K.Lag).
shirt worn as skirt and jacket, childhood closet. dark skirt, thrifted. tights, aa.

I didn't think anyone could pull off those tights.
That is, until I saw you.
i know, agreed with fashionista.
you make those tights look supah fly.
I love the layered skirts and the jacket. Nice!
guess who!
Guess what...
you're so amazing tavi. I haven't been commenting, but I've definitely been reading. Everyday, twice a day.
Your'e my hero.
I love you.
my god dudessssss. our posts are like on the same brain wave.
and also i am wearing your leggings and they are stretchy so they will probably fit you but be all saggy because i have a bigger ass and thight and calve set than you.
This outfit of yours may be making it into my top 10 of tavi outfits! The "jacket" looks awesome on you!
I really like your outfit. The shirt as a skirt! Great Idea!
i'm very jealous of how much people love you. like with your teen vogue interview and stuff. not to say i don't! maybe it's because you always have really awesome pictures. nah, it's probably because you're, like, awesomer than me xD
and oh, btw, i had the school-people-reading-my-blog thing happening for me a little while ago. it sucks, i know. but don't worry, it'll blow over =]
tavi, i'm sorry i have to break this to you, but i've found someone else. i didn't think it was possible, but i think i might have found a 12-year-old who is cooler then you. her name is carly, and she enjoys arts and crafts. at the 40 minute mark. me and belle had a falling out over it. i didn't want it to happen this way- it isn't you, it's me.
i want those tights! and i love the jacket...
HAHA. HAHAHA you crack me up so much. "I would change it, but Friday is my day of rest. Because I'm God (also known as K.Lag)."
god, tavi.
sometimes, in your pictures, you actually look your age...
but in a lot of pictures (such as these), you seem wise beyond your years.
I wish I was as inspired as you when I was your age. you'd laugh at my old pictures... lol
Tavi, you have plenty of cool. This outfit is amazing. As if the jacket, shirt, and skirt weren't good enough, the tights are just like... wow!
This outfit makes me think of sherbet for some reason. I like it!
You are the subject of my recent post, as I saw you mentioned in a magazine. I felt the need to defend your electrifying style!
Wow, your style is seriously sweet. I really enjoy reading your blogs. I hope you'll check out mine.
Maybe we can link?
I love this outfit! Do you by any chance have any inkling of what brand the jacket is?
I actually found it in our dress up box, but the tag is from the Children's Place. Must've been bought around 1999!
You make those tights look amazing. I pretty much wish I possessed your skill. Sweet skirt/shirt too.
Beautiful Outfit!!
(I am so starting to shop from Children's Place :))
I would say you are as cool as "those people."
great photos!
love your ocd editing, it is working for you well.
hi tavi! please check out my blog, i'm also 12! please? there are a few things about agyness deyn! (come on, that has to reel you in!)
Oh I love those tights! So amazing! this outfit should not be classified as an 'epic fail'! I think you pull it off!
you look so adorable! i love the look =) i could never pull of such eccentric tights, but it is quite obvious that you can! =)
haha i love how you have a little DONT LOOK AT MY BLOG for the people that go to ur school. i'm glad i dont have that many readers yet :)
LOVE that jacket! Can I copy you?
Fun tights.
you look so fun and looks like you do want to get some recognition but in your own way. i read the interview in teen vogue and i must say that you are beyond many people i know ( in my age and i am 26!!) in your understanding of fashion and the way people and bloggers write and dress.
my blog is in Hebrew cause i am from Israel but you are more than invited to visit. kisses
Look ok.... I am NOT cool at all and if you saw me baking cakes at home in a pinny, you'd retract your statement.... those tights rock...
Do not deny your amazingness. WE ARE ALL IN AWE OF YOU.
tavi love, i saw you were a TV blogger whatever-ev awhile back.
congrats girl.
(btw;i started this blog moments ago)
do you just find a little corner where no one's sitting around drinking a slurpee or watching fantasia and take a couple of pictures? or do you have a special space where you take you pictures?
-- the lightning
Ey, it's great.
Especially the tights color-combo, I'd never thought anyone could pull THAT off, but you really do.
hi tavi, i'm duygu...i'm working at marie claire magazine in Turkey... i read your blog and your intervew in teen vogue and found it very interesting! i want to make an interview with you via e-mail. if you are intested please e-mail me.
my mail adress is:
the spelunkers, I usually just take pictures where no one will bother me xD I prefer taking them outside over inside because of the lighting, but my neighbors are usually out playing and it's awkward.
I liked your blog and I had to start one too.
You, kiddo, are so witty and clever that it makes my twenty three year old self feel inadequate. If you're not ruling some kind of global fashion empire by the time you're my age, well, you just weren't trying hard enough!
Rock on, sistah. Your blog is hilarious, playful and inspiring, and I'll be keeping an eye on it :)
"Epic fail"? I think NAWT! :)
I see no FAIL. I see excellence.
seriously being 'cool' is overrated. you are amazingly stylish, and that outfit, while totally acceptable for a young woman your age would look good on someone any age. that takes something special.
waa I'm from munich...
I saw an article on a german magazine called "glamour"
my best friend is such a fan of your blog!!
how old are you?
ok I knwo you won't answer to that comment...
love ya
ps: please don't look at thoose many faults ...
lol so true !
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