What I wore today, with this picture from Susie Bubble stuck in my mind. I am quite idiotic to have realized just today that the easiest way to DIY a cage dress is to cut squares out of something you already have, not, um, staple strips of fabric together, NOT THAT I EVER TRIED THAT OR ANYTHING...read: it did not work.
Anyways, I'm still finishing doing it with this skirt and am about to start with a peach colored plainly hanging dress.
Anyways, I'm still finishing doing it with this skirt and am about to start with a peach colored plainly hanging dress.

Oh, the hair? Ah, the hair. I've been saying for so long I'm going to trim my bangs, so yesterday morning I just grabbed a pair of scissors and was stupid enough to cut a straight line across my forehead. I now have front bangs, but I quite like them. I just need to even them out and cut the rest of my hair, and I think I'll try for a sloppy bowl YSL-ish thang or something. Lesson of the day: do not trust me with scissors.

Also, I saw A Streetcar Named Desire last night.
Me: That was way too deep and intense. I need to now watch something shallow and meaningless and with cheesy and/or terrible acting.
F: Like The Emperor's New Groove.
Me: Yeah, or we could see High School Musical 3. It would be kind of hard getting past all the 8 year old fangirls though...eh, I'll just stomp on them.
F: Sure, except they're all taller than you.
Me: That was way too deep and intense. I need to now watch something shallow and meaningless and with cheesy and/or terrible acting.
F: Like The Emperor's New Groove.
Me: Yeah, or we could see High School Musical 3. It would be kind of hard getting past all the 8 year old fangirls though...eh, I'll just stomp on them.
F: Sure, except they're all taller than you.

I'll stop.
i like your bangs, very cute. also, i just learnt what a cage skirt is. yay for me. if i stand outside your window shouting "STELLA!", can i stalk you too?
dear god that part was so overwhelming. you can stalk me though, it's that blanche chick who just gives me the creeps.
THIS is the haircut i WISH I HAD ! it's so good. SO GOOD! (i want to see a stapled cage skirt)
Aww. You look smaller than before; in the best way possible, of course. The bangs could be longer. Ya, thats criticism. By the way, who's that guy behind your dad? Creepy.
I definitely cut them too short D: eh, whatevs, I'll let them grow out. My dad is the strange blob, that shiny thing behind him is my giant lamp in my room, if that is what you were referring to.
And elizabeth, I love your haircut!
i think the bangs look mahvelous dahling.
i cut my own hair too darlin, no worries
(or maybe worry? haha, im sure its a mess in the back. i just put my hair in a ponytail and cut it. one day i will be an adult and go to a place where people can charge me hundreds of dollars to do the same thing. also its totally punk rock if i do it myself. ha!)
that was a long parenthesis.
whaatevz. your hair is rad.
I've been admiring that skirt for ages! DIY rocks. I just started reading your blog recently, discovered you through Lookbook. Wow, not that that sounded stalkerish or anything. You have great style, though.
I hope the haircut turns out well =]
And I love love love those tights...I was very tempted to purchase some as I was at AA today...I just don't think I could ever pull it off!!
oh laia, I love your courtney love hair!
etl, I'm sure you could, you just have to experiment a little :)
Hey Tavi,
I'm 12 come check out my blog and your very inspiring
LOVE tara
I like the bangs. Nice DIY. Streetcar Named Desire is definitely really intense.
haha i lookbook stalked you too. oops. you're pretty darned amazing.
xo pixie
You're such a sharp, cool kid. I like playing with words the way you play with clothes (which makes for a blog not nearly as interesting as yours).
haha this made me laugh! Great post! il ove ur hair!
have you read the play? i actually liked the play version of streetcar. i find blanch annoying as hell, but somehow i feel sorry for her at the same time....
i luuurve THE BANG!!
it really is a 'kiss kiss bang bang'
The hair looks good. And believe me, I would have been the one stapling fabric strips together. It looks really cool with the squares cut into the skirt though.
I happen to think your hair looks perfectly amazing. But I have been known to be slightly delusional. AND YES that tidbit from Seventeen was amazing. When I read it I thought it was the greatest thing ever that there is a Disney Star neighborhood.
Oh wow, you are ROCKING the Susie cage skirt thing. Clever + creative = Tavi. I would've added the other 'c' word in there (cute), but i fear incurring your wrath, so I won't.
stop being so adorable!!
...ok... don't stop. lol
wow. youre 12. man u outcool me. jeez louis.
stomping down eight year old high school musical fans sounds like fun.
Hey Tavi,
The H&M CDG store is up online now :)
oooo i love the clashing
hehe :) Your cage dress is lovely, as well as your new haircut. You could actually look good in YSL fashion, but it's fine like it is right know.
Thanks os much your comment. Autumn can be really depressing for an almost 30 years old teenager...
I love this look, you look so great!
i love that guy, my favourite is jekyll jekyll hide jekyll hide hide jekyll :)
great skirt ♥
Your hair experiment was MUCH more successful than mine. I was 4 years old, but I'm sure if I tried at this age it would still be an epic failure.
Hair twinzzzz!!! Oh god can't believe I just wrote that. I'm overtired. Cute though!
that skirt is amazing!
love the haircut too :D
your hair is supercute darling :)
Way too much hilarity all around, I shall order my numerous comments
1) Awsome hair!! You look much too cute with those bangs
2) I had to read streetcar for English a few years back... didn't finish it... or even the movie for that matter. Don't tell me how it ends!
3) Yeah yeah, remind me I don't have those awsome tights. They're next on my shopping list
4) I want to make you a cage skirt! I made one way back when and it was ridiculously easy. Holla if you want one!
5)I literally lol'ed at the 17 mag bit, Sadly enough I went to see HSM3 on friday. Whatever, it was so fun!! Except the ending was so stupid, whoever suggested individual face close ups would be a good way wrap up the film should really consider getting a new job.
...but again, this is HSM we're talking about.
Thanks for the awwwsome post, I hope my comment doesn't resemble a novel just yet.
love ya!<3<3<3
p.s- When is the next video comming up, I'm excited for it!
I adddooreee the skirt!
ah! i love your skirt! and your bangs! my mum won't let me get any. grrr but anyway! it looks really nice on you!
Petite poupee :)
Your so pretty and your hair looks good.
oh i like the little man you added behind yourr shoulder haha !
Hello, just wanted to say hi as I stumbled upon your blog and found it rather interesting. I can't believe how insightful and creative you are for your age :) Good luck with everything!
cute ;)
about the haircutting attempts. this may be helpful. maybe not.
i have super straight, thin hair - i discovered a little while ago that rather than just cut straight across, i use a razor (yes, like the kind you shave with) to cut off small pieces at a time. cos i'm not a hairdresser and don't have the pro-type razor.
for what it's worth. which is probably nothing.
Thanks for the tip, I'll have to try that!
I'm sorry I'm so late at responding to everyone else's comments, but in a few days I'll be back to normal blogging schedule.
I'm calling for more holes in skirts....start the revolution Tavi...
love your bangs- you look like a tiny mia farrow!
A friend of mine just told me you did a DIY cage skirt, that is awesome! And yes you are totally right about cutting holes in a skirt being easier than putting together strips. People are always telling me that my cage skirts are soooo easy to make, but it actually involves a ton of measuring to make sure everything comes out right and doesn't get wonky, never mind the actual sewing! I think it's super awesome that you attempted a DIY version though, I started sewing when I was around your age and have not stopped since. It was really funny actually when I first started...i didn't know how to put in zippers, so I just used velcro on everything, but it was too stiff and made the designs really weird. Anyways, keep up the amazing blogging and DIYing!!
Angie (of the cages)
lol :p
the skirt is great !
That's so cool. I have been cutting my hair for years, sometimes it turns out good, sometimes it royally messes up. The last time I cut a fringe I messed up my hair so badly I had to cut it all off!
I just discovered your blog a couple of days ago and it totally inspires me! You are one cool chick, and I love your style and attitude!
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