SECOND OF ALL-You know, I've been thinking. I am making a vow not to do any more posts dissecting runway trends because I am becoming a MINDLESS trend-follower and it's making me lose sight of what I myself like! And just, agh, DOGGONIT! THAT IS IT! NO MORE! I AM WEARING WHAT I WANT BECAUSE I LIKE IT, NOT BECAUSE THE PRINT REMINDS ME OF CHANEL OR THE SHOULDERS HAVE THAT EXAGGERATED SILHOUETTE THAT'S SO HOT THIS SEASON!! ROARRRR. OKAY? OKAY. OKAY. OKAAAAAAY.

Go on, applaud me. Pat me on the back. You know you want to.
So this morning, with this and some Japanese street style in mind, I tried combining different elements that IIIII like into an outfit. I don't know what I think of the outfit yet, it doesn't really feel "right". Still trying to master the clashing technique.

It was actually pretty funny. Krea and I are bopping down the street, she's wearing one of our new tutus (we now have joint custody on 3 tutus-Claire's hunt successful). This lady, obviously dressed for work in a classy pant suit, stops us.
WOMAN: Are you dressed up for a school project?
WOMAN: So you just woke up this morning and decided to dress like this?
INNOCENT AND NOW A LITTLE SCARED CHILDREN: Yeah... (we're throwing in a couple laughs to seem polite and friendly, which we are not)
WOMAN: Oh, how cute! Can I get a picture of you two?
CONFUSED CHILDREN: Uh, sure....?!?!
So WOMAN takes a couple pictures of us with her phone, thanks us, and then walks away sort of shaking her head like "Ah, kids these days...."
We couldn't tell if she was commending us for having a little confidence or if she was amused, but we sure got a kick out of it!
Happy weekend! Posts might be rather sporadic for the next week or so because I'll be busy with End Of Summer Plans of Angst. I'll also try making a new Q&A vid because the one I made wouldn't upload to the computer and I accidentally deleted it from the camera o_o my new one will be better, though!
i grew up listening to ABBA and singing/dancing to them by myself somewhere...and i probably will if i see it
You're the cutest 12 year old (: Keep going girl, you're awesome
YEAH TAVI!! It looks totally fantastic too 'cause you have the body of a tiny Japanese girl. See where these things come in handy? This is awesome, though, definitely inspiring me to get a little more out there in my clothes.
that sounds like tons of fun....and the outfit: Fabulous!! XDD
YAY glad you are back!!!
cute outfit!
and mamma mia was awesome. I had in incredible urge to break out in song the entire time.
STOP BEING THE COOLEST KID IN TOWN. I love when older people give strange's even better than teens!
I love, love, love, love, love you - you're like a sticka' butta'. I want to make tutu's with you guys!! I love that reaction you got on the street, its nice to get people to think about dressing once in awhile. They need to be thrown off a bit, don't you think?
I wuv you baby bear! Have a wonderful weekend!
I'm really into your shirt sleeves. Man, that outfit is so much wacko fun. I'm glad some ramndom woman got a kick out of it too!
I thought Mamma Mia sucked. I mean I wasn't expecting anything amazing but the whole thing was like some kind of shameful school play.
I'm going to see Mamma Mia this week in a open-air cinema that also serves pizza! That reminds me: are the fall clothes worth wishing that summer ends, like, NOW, as many of the fashion bloggers are wishing? Wasn't summer supposed to be a good thing back in the day? Just wondering...
You are such a cutie! Love little white gloves :)
god damnit woman, HOW CAN YOU BE SO COOL. Did you sell your soul or something because you're too genius. meanie.
That is the funniest story about that woman. I wonder what she's going to do with that picture and what story she'll tell about it.
good lord, you are like the greatest ever. I remember seeing your blog months ago, but forgot what your site was. I have just rediscovered you and now I know where to find you! yayyyy.
p.s. just started my blog a few weeks ago, come by say hi!
hi there. sophie 23, from sweden calling. just wanna say you're awesome! keep on rockin' and do your own thing and don't take shi* from anyone! take care now, bye bye then
Tavi, just have to let you know that I discovered your blog after I read about it on I think it's phenominal, and I'm addicted to it, it's now one of my daily obsessions (I'm on it more than I'm on facebook, cnn, time, and other daily sites).
I'm just saying, I think the impact you're making must be pretty impressive when nobody even believes you're your age. Below is the link to the article, in case you've never read it. Congratulations! The notoriety you've achieved in your short 12 years takes others an entire lifetime to achieve. Best to you!
so, yeah, mamma mia's pretty awesome, i must admit. even though i haven't seen the movie yet (my group went without me while i got tutored, wahh). i only want to see it because former history boy dominic cooper sings terribly in it. oh, what a joy...
amazing outfit. adore the gloves. and the tutu? i was going to try one on today while in claire's for a very sugar-plum-fairy-esque photoshoot w/my friend. except i couldn't get them past my thighs. *sigh*
Actually, the shirts would probably be...$1? At the very most, of course.
E-mail me back! :)
hey tavs! i thought the outfit was a little busy but I kno ur gonna get the whole clash thing soon. ur too cute/smart/funny/strange/innocent to NOT get the technique quickly, u kno? keep it up
I love the colors in the outfit. I need to see mamma mia i love it when people sing
can't wait to see mamma mia, sounds like a blast! and i love your outfit, you look confident, happy and stylish.
There really is no guide or basis for Jap street style so it would be up to you if you think it's a thumbs up. :) Can't wait for the vid! :P
I want to see Mamma Mia too!
HA! how funny, I went to Mamma Mia last night... by myself. Actually it was pretty fun going alone.
It had it's moments but the choreography was way to simple, more could have been done with it.
SO funny what that lady did to you guys, I would have been pretty freaked out!
I like the outfit, and your totally right about that whole trendthing and forgetting-what-you-like. Anyways, just out of curiosity, do you ever want to have a job in the fashionindustry? Like, a designer or working at a magazine?
kisses, another 12 year-old.
I love that so much of what you wear is vintage and that you are creative with it. Wear what you like and you'll be happy.
That's funny that lady approached you. I remember a woman taking a picture of me when I was 13 or so at a street festival... I may or may not have been wearing something similar to a tutu...
Oh I'd love to start that planet with you. I love your bloomers.
The outfit is amazing! And that woman sounds really funny....
Ooooo. I love the outfit, its nice to find someone the same age as I am with really good fashion sense, well done.
OMG I LOVE MAMMA MIA! i've already seen it twice and i can't stop listening to the soundtrack i have decided that i am moving to an island and greece NOW!!!
Love the layering, the outfit is amazing!!! And I totally think the woman loved you!
Go with the clash my friend...just go with it...
You re really cool and funny, love your ideas, so free!!
a kiss!!
i just read your 'about me'
it made me laugh.
i am vertically challenged as well!
I despreately want to see mama mia! But my broke 16 year oldness won't let me.
Pat on the back for trying to pull yourself away from runway trendiness.
Ha, you're looking marvellous! :D
not only do i think you are incredibly creative, but you make me miss being 12. if only my sense of style had been anywhere near where yours is...
i've been really out of it the past few days but i go online (on a day that i thought i wouldnt have internet) and i see that you are back! omg, so many updates i don't know where to begin, but you are fab... as usual! oh how i wish i was that creative and amazing as a kid... but seriously, you remind me to go out and be a kid again! long live childish youth!
i love this post! japanese style is so now. i actually did a post about my love for japanese things, including harajuku style and a comme des garcons show. check out my blog! thanks!
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. you are so adorable. jesus christ, you are the most cute thing i have ever seen, and not to mention a bitching style and affinity for tutu's.
ABIGAIL- thank you! I know who you are from Belle's blog, which is slightly creepy but it's cool cause you're friends with my wife.
You are fabulous, girlfriend. Keep up the good work!
tavi, you do not know what you're gotten yourself into. i'd much rather be a rabbit. i was at the pet store today, purchasing crickets, and i was comparing rabbits and guinea pigs. rabbits are much cuter. that's what i wanna be. so you beleive in reincarnation? cuz i think you must have been the worlds most adorable kitten before, or something. and please, let me worry about being creepy.
Fine, you're our rabbit. Does this mean we have to take care of your crickets too? Oy, the stress of parenthood.
Correction: I was a shark in a past life, not a kitten. BTW.
hey tavs, i just did a post on what i wore to mamma mia. it's quite boring but who cares?
wow! you are a cool chick!
yup, that romper is definitely my style, and those rollerskates are adorable! :)
Oh wow, this outfit is hitting all different kinds of epic.
ahhhggg i love this. such a gorgeous outfit as usual.
and what kinda camera do you use?
You probably hear this a lot, but I think you're absolutely cute!!!
You have a lovely blog too.. I can't believe you're only 12!
May I say that you are a very entertaining and amusing young woman! I enjoy your energy and your writing style, and appreciate your fashion insights as well. Thanks for writing, keep it up!
You are just about the most fabbity fab (pre)teen blogger I've ever stumbled upon. Hopefully, it'll be you editing Vogue...sometime soon hopefully lmao!
- StarVonBunny
TAVI, just found your blog, and LOVE IT. youre so inherently kick ass its inspiring as a designer. Im so glad the internet exsists so we can hear yo thoughts. And ps there is definately a place where you can wear tutus: Boulder, CO. I just graduated from there and rocked a tutu outfit i designe/made at a sicky concert. It was a raging success, I had so much fun in it. I looked like a fucking fashion cupcake. It was incredible.
A friend just sent me a link to your blog, and I LOVE it! You have such fabulous style : ) Seeing that you dig thrifting, I think you would love 2 books I've written, the first one is called "Life is a Movie Starring You', and the new one is 'Vintage LA' (both are on Amazon).
BTW, your ensemble reminds me so much of Molly Ringwald in 'Pretty in Pink' in these photos, which coming from me is the hugest compliment ever.
Vintage Love,
J.B. Taylor
hey Tavi, kool blog. Its so inspiring to see other 12 year olds not follow the stupid stuff worn in middle school. Not that i do, but whatevs. O btw, I saw the ysl cut, and you are right, is is friggin awesome. Keep doing what you are doing!!!
very sweet thank you
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