Ze otha day I received a lovely little gift from
Suzanne and
Rich, the creators of
Weardrobe. Um, hi happiness! Weardrobe is a fun community where you can upload pictures of what you wear and tag your items as an online closet. They just started the site, and it's getting better and better, which is like beyond awesomeness because currently I can't think of it being any more awesome. Unless signing up came with like a free Miu Miu bag.
Anyways, the package was very very awesome. They had these special legos that had like flowers and steering wheels and EYES. Eyes! Such a treat! When I was little I had to use the really huge legos because I would've swallowed the little ones. I was 5. So, as you can imagine, I was very excited to have some conveniently sized lego for once.

I built them a car.

The package also had a Forever 21 giftcard. I walked out of that store in an air of success and accomplishment.
"Tavi, only you could manage to find this much crap."
No, not crap at all! Thank you Rich and Suzanne!!! That was the first time I wrote in colored letters on this blog thang, btw. I love you that much.
Yay Tavi! I'm glad you're back for good.. by the way, my blog is up and running thanks to you, Miss Inspiration! I linked you too!
ahhh!!!! They just randomly sent it to you?? YOU didnt have to PAY?
haha, that looks like a lot of fun! Tavi, seriously, you are too freaking adorable.
I love your lego catwalks and car! And I ALMOST bought that feather headband the other day, we could have been twinsies! :D
that's beyond exciting! and forever 21 has the best accessories that are so fun for adding a bit of spice to an outfit.
wow i haven't seen legos in ages! i used to build the hugest castles with them...so much fun :)i had this awesome moon surface to build from too - god i feel old. yay for forever 21! they just started shipping to canada and i totally hit that.
Hey there,
I saw the article in the Times Magazine about young fashion bloggers, so I looked you up and found your site. I just wanted to let you know how incredibly inspiring, unique, and creative you are. I'm 15, and I've never been too into fashion. I mean, I'm no hobo, but I just never got into it. Now, however, I find myself conjuring up possible outfits in my head and just simply thinking about clothing, of all things, very often. This is so unlike me.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know what an incredible job you're doing.
Keep it up,
I bought those same Forever 21 socks the other day... :):)
legos with EYES!!!!?! I'm jealous :P
Very cool! This reminds me that I need to update my wearobe account...
I like f21 for random accessories.
Of course it's not crap! I find really great stuff at Forever 21 for really cheap. I'm surprised that it doesn't fall apart in a month, too. :)
My brother took all my legos. D:
It's never crap when you choose it Tavi. I've told my son that you are the model in which I will judge all future daughter-in-laws. Though I don't think he will bring home anyone as fabulous as you. Check out my blog - http://thefashionlovingstylist.blogspot.com/ when you have spare time.
I will say this once more and then try to refrain from doing it ever again, and you can yell at me later: You are so. freaking. adorable. In a non-twelve year old way.
OMIGAH...do I frackin see BLUE SPECS. gimme. now.
The things you got from F21 are awesome!
So I know you get this constantly but you seriously kick butt. At 12 I was wearing marvin the martian tshirts and gap chinos. horrific, i know.
I'm adding you to my blog roll and hope you'll do the same!
I am sure you will put all of that stuff to great use. Wish I had those blue wayfarers.
No,'tis certainly not crap, from what i can see. How the heck could yellow sunnies and fake pearls be crap?
Answer me that.
And: Legos. Are. (slightly) Epic.
nice pictures,very funny
i used to have a trunk full of legos, they helped me turn my sister's bed into 5* (or 7*, like in dubai) hotels...ahh.. the good ol days...
your blog is so adore.
I have linked you on my blog.
can you do the same on your blog?
Great stuff. I love the sunglasses espically the clear blue ones
Fun!! Great stuff! NOTTTT CRAP!! haha.
that feather headband is genius.
man, i wish i didnt have to cross the border to go to F21.
they the randomest,most genius accesories.
loveeed tthe lego robots too :)
So it's sort of like lookbook.nu?
Indeed, not crap! I always feel like that when I walk out of those 99cents stores (so rare these days). I went the other day and had to force myself to just get a Curious George coloring book, crayons, and panda candy.
That's awesome! I love to play with legos.
That's so cool! How do you people get offered stuff like this??? I want your secret!
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