So yesterday was the first day of school. 7th grade. Gross. I'm no longer the "cute" little girl you all thought I was, now I'm just a catty loud pre-teen. WHAPAA. At least now I'm not the youngest (or shortest!) in the school.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot the outfit details! (and yes, this was what I wore first day)
Top and skirt, thrift. Belt, childhood closet.
Sara brought up an interesting question about whether teachers read my blog. I doubt any of them know about it *cross fingers* but if they started reading it I would probably make a new one. That's reasonable, right? My sister said that her French teacher reads my blog because she found it from an article I was in and is actually into fashion. She even asked my sister to tell the class the URL! Thank you dear sister for keeping your yap shut for once.
Nice and Shiny asked what kids at school think of how I dress. There are the Abercrombie-brainwashed people who snort and look me up and down (one of which I am very ready to explode on. "YOU KNOW WHAT CAROLINE?-not the blogger one-I'M JUST GLAD YOU'RE ALWAYS TURNED AROUND FLIRTING WITH RYAN SO I CAN ONLY SEE THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD!!" that took me like 2 days to come up with. Sly, I know.) but I have actually heard some pretty nice things. Today this girl said my clothes are weird but I'm the only one who can pull them off, which is sweet I guess. It's mostly the douche "popular" guys who make fun though, and luckily the guys in my classes are mostly geeks who couldn't care less about appearances.
I love that outfit :)
Did you wear that to your first day?
Wow. Outfit heaven! That skirt looks amazing, esp with the belt over it like that.
What do your classmates say about your outfits? I'm curious to hear about their reactions
That skirt is really nice, where did you find it?
what a lovely blog.
Lovely pictures. Oh, and good luck in 7th grade.
Love the outfit. Man, your posts take me back. I still was the smallest in my classes, not until I went to Hawaii I met some girls who were 18 and under 5 foot! Also the torn up toy, my dog did that to my stuff countless times!
Hope you had a good first day back, that outfit was awesome! I have never ever been the smallest in my class, quite the opposite!
This will probably sound patronising and condesending but your blog is absolutely adorable and your way with words and expressing situations is spot on and really does make me smile.
Keep up the great work...(I'm sure u will anyway!) Lovely outfit for back to school!
Have a good school year! I hope your 7th grade experience is better than mine, but I'm sure it will be because you're not a loser person with poser friends. Haha no but 7th grade was mostly fun... no longer the youngest!
You have an I love your blog award xx
ah 7th grade, i probably spent half the year sitting a corner reading, and the other half eating junk food. god, that would be sweet to do again. enjoy it while you can, cuz you will never get that kind of cushyness back. EVER. why can't my brother more like you? god, he's only a year younger too.
Haha, you cute.
hahaha, hooray you're not the youngest!
wowza you look adorable! i'm sure 7th grade will be great. <3 your blog! linked you
Great outfit. I love the print and the skirt. Wow, 7th grade. Good luck.
That dress is adorable!
i wonder if any of your teachers read your blog
great're WAY more stylish than i was back in 7th grade. i wore oversized animal sweatshirts (but not in the cool way). i'm all about short, swingy skirts for fall and yours is great!
Love your outfit. And the post!
very nice outfit!
and what an adorable photo's!
Oh man, it took me until I was half way through high school to not be the shortest. No worries, looked young then, look young now, and i'm looking forward to looking younger then everyone else when it turns into a good thing!
darling first day outfit, great blog.
lovely outfit, i adore your blog honey
im all over it like a flannel
(get it? :) )
Oh gurl, we're used to it. Taunting kids are losers. Y'gotta learn to just ignore them, or you can just make some witty comment back and show them who's awesome.
Rawk it.
-Em and Cass
PS. we just started a blog. please do consider reading. we love yours. haha. stalkers? no. lovers? yes.
Tavicious! look, i coined a new silly word. if i owned a company, i'd hire you the moment you turned 15 or however old you have to be to work in this country. <3
Btw, true story:
Douche jock guys go no where in life.
give them hell!
also, awesome job on the outfit!
oh wow - the huggies comment made me laugh!
Fabulous 1st day outfit. Who wants to wear only abercrombie? Not I, and I'm glad you didn't either! Looks great!
the way your dress is amazing!
i get that a lot - the way you dress is weird but you can only pull it off - mostly when i wear my overalls to school! (L) fav outfit ever ever ever. i hate the abercrombie zombies! they should just learn that wearing overpriced clone outfits doesn't make you hot but it makes you gah !
you dress****
simply amazing.
TAVZ. congratualtions my tiny friend on the most epic first day of school outfit EVER. you KNOW i love a high waisted belled out belted situation. you look perfect!
and honestly, you are totally gonna puke on me for this but those boys that tease you are just totally crushing on you. it's so trite but its TRUE. its the lamest true-ism in life!
When you look back on this time in your life you'll be glad that you are honest enough with yourself to wear what you want and love. You are unique and not a clone, and for that later on is what will stand you apart from everyone else. This is coming from an avid vintage thrifter. ;)
I was exactly like you in junior high, I wore crazy outfits and got harassed, even into high school. Those people have no personal style, that's why they wear boing, mainstream clothing that takes no creativity. I bet you are the most fashionable person at your school and will always have a great sense of style. I think it's great that you let your creativity shine. Keep doing it because you are fabulous. Those boring people will grow up to be really gross especially the guys, believe me, I went to my 10 year reunion and all the jock guys were overweight and bald. Just remember that when they are trying to make fun! You are adorable and no one can take that away from you!!
Hah, I remember those times!
you're TOO adorable!!!
Why oh why are you so cool?
I wish I was like you when I was your age.
Hi Tavi! I too was poked fun of in middle school for my forward style of dress. In my day, the standard uniform was a white tee with a huge CK logo on it, blue jeans from Express, tucked into huge poofy socks, with Bass docksiders. BO-Ring! Feel sorry for those walking billboards and go about your day looking fabulous.
hey, buddy, definitely not my best outfit, up there on the side panel, eh? haha. no, wait, grrr. I hope you noticed it was under my "uninspired" post. thanksers taveh. :|
kididng, i love you. Gr. 7...those were the days. haha, i'm so excited for Gr. 9! I'm such a loser! whoopie!!!
I liked your outfit. I hope your hair turned some heads :) As for mine...all it needs is some
i wish i wore crazy outfits like you in the seventh grade! i didn't start getting into fashion until highschool...
Who cares what they think, your the one getting talked in magasines !
Yet another awesome post. Your so funny when you right, it feels like i'm in front of you.
man, i guess i can count myself lucky, cuz the only time i've ever been in contact with "preppy people" and "jocks" is through the occasional viewing of scripted television. going to a nerd school has its perks you know, as long as you don't mind long discussions of biology. but- say the word and i'll fly there and be all like" bitches, you leave my tavi alone, cuz me and my high-school attending self think she is the best thing since sliced bread." and then i'll sic 'em with my bowtied cat.
Wow...I am amazed by your blog! How do you know so much about fashion at such a young age? Are your parents designers...
you could totally be the spawn of Anna Wintor and YSL (or Karl Lagerfeld). I mean that as a HUGE complement. :)
abigail-HAHAHHAHAHA. I heart you major, you and your bow tie kitty. I'll drop you a line if I need to.
melissa-not near designers, try, uh, teachers. But thanks, that means a lot to me!!
Tavi, you have been added to the hero blogroll in my heart - your style is KILLER, you perspective of the world and people is realistic and though brownnosing isn't my style, I feel all OMG-y and shit, I'm a 26 year old who feels like I'm looking up to you.
Keep doing this because you.are.awesome!
you are so awwwesome!!!!
reading about the abercrombies
have to say i hate them too
and your style is too cute
p.s. we call them hollisters at my school. As soon as we got to highschool they all started to think i was "cool" or whatever. It takes time.
hi tavi!! this outfit of you on the monkey bars is probably one of my favorites :]
ive started school, [high school to be exact, so its all new] and there are soo many aberzombies. but ive also met a ton of girls who love style as well! so basically, im having a blast! hopefully youll knock some sense into those brainwashed school girls.
p.s. dont you dare think about deleting this blog if a teacher says it!!! shame on them for stalking their students >:[
awww, you are so cute! i can't believe you're in seventh grade! and i don't think you need to start a new blog if teachers read it. they'll probably just think that you're super awesome.
That is an adorable outfit - the top is amazing! The pattern of it is really interesting. I love how you're so young, but you hold steadfast in your fashion beliefs. Everyone has been through that "preppy Abercrombie zombie" phase, but you're stylish at such a young age already! Applause to you :)
you are a fabulous dresser. middle school boys will never understand anything remotely fashionable especially if they are swimming in a pool of abercrombie. My middle school was a poster child for that store and you are lucky you're smart with what you wear. good luck in the 7th grade :)
Ugh I hate those judgemental Abercrombie biatches. Well, then again, you have taste, and they don't, so take comfort in that.
I was always the smallest in school! I really admire you for wearing what you want and not trying to blend in. We had uniforms so i didn't have to worry about what I wore in school but from the age of about 12 til I went to college I just tried to blend in with what everyone else was wearing - jeans and a jumper! I was way too shy to wear the things I wanted to. So well done - and keep it up!
i love the photo of the ex ragdoll!! hehe.
cool pictures, looks like you were having fun! great outfit!! :)
your blog is so awesome and i'm glad that you don't care about what those stupid abercrombie ppl say otherwise your blog wouldn't exist! keep on blogging. (btw i love your first day outfit- my first day outfit is definitely inspired by your many outfits)
Awe, you're adorable. Always be yourself. Never compromise you for anyone'll grow up to be a lovely, well rounded, open minded lady and thats all you can hope for!
first time commenter, long time reader.
People who 'peak' early ("popular" in grade school) seem to have quite the sad results in the long term. See now-balding-beergut-carrying 28-year-olds who were the cool guys when I was in middle school.
Love your blog!
Thanks guys!
Hahaaaha woodley park...won't say I can't picture it...=)
wow, it seems i've got hardly anything original to's nearly all been covered. but 7th grade was my least favorite year..and it surely only gets better and better. and i'm thankful to have found your blog by way of my dear love white lightning. you have impeccable and ingenius style for your age..scratch that, for any age, but at yours, it's rather profound.
please keep taking pictures, they are great and will get you through years with fun and remarkable perspective.
un beso grande chica.
you are the new mini queen of babes of blogtown!
i love ur blogs they are soo cool!!!! i also love love love your cloths and style!!!! you have inspired me to blog about style/fashion NOT just because though but because i love fashion/style! OH ya im in 7th grade, soooo ya bye
p.s. i just started bloging today and i would love you to read them/it...well if you want to.
You know what Tavi HATERS GONNA HATE.
nuff said really :)
excuse me. ur site is very good and so informative.. looking forward and thanks alot. may u have a great future...
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