Thank you for all the helpful advice and comments on the last post! It really does mean a lot, and I'm so glad there are many understanding people in the blogosphere.
So, I confronted the friend that was being all two-faced. She tried denying ever talking bad about X, but finally owned up to it and clearly felt bad. She was speechless for a while, and we didn't really resolve anything because then she explained how she hates getting in fights and found herself a way to avoid the situation. Blah.
I think I just need to make peace with the fact that friends come and go, and just move on. Not let it get to me is what I'm saying. But a cyber hug to all of you and your meaningful advice, I'm sure it'll stick with me for a while.
In shopping news, I went to Goodwill yesterday with my mom. I found the perfect studded belt, but decided not to get it because it just didn't seem like "me". Then, after getting some fabric for a skirt I'm making, a decent swimsuit at Target (not really worth posting), and stopping at Home Depot, I decided I wanted the belt. I NEED the belt. We went back, thinking it closed at 8 rather than 9, and was relieved to see it was still open. So here I am, happily sitting with my belt :) My mom doesn't really like it, she said it was too "aggressive". Excellent!
Anyways, I've been tagged by Picked Pics! She's awesome, check her out.
Here are the rules:
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they're listening to.
I've decided to use a cool trick Fazed-Girl taught me and display my iTunes. So, in not any order, here are my picks:
1. Heroin by The Velvet Underground
Lou Reed talks in this song more than he sings. I think that's why I love it, other than how he says heroin is his wife.

2. I am Trying to Break Your Heart by Wilco
The weird buzzing noise at the end is the best part. This 7 minute long song is probably my favorite song ever, other than...

3. Buckets of Rain by Bob Dylan
Some people complain about his voice, but I couldn't imagine his songs any other way. I've been listening to this one intensely because I'm learning the finger picking pattern he uses on guitar.

4. Your Cover's Blown by Belle & Sebastian
It's fun, and long, and upbeat, and somewhat eerie, and I love it.

5. In The Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
This song makes me smile :)

6. Silver Stallion by Cat Power
Her smoky, chalky voice goes so well with this song. I say this hesitantly, but I think Cat Power is the only singer where I usually like her cover better than the original.

7. Letter From An Occupant by The New Pornographers
Probably the most upbeat of all of these, and way too catchy.

I'm tagging....
1. Sugar Pop at Meet the Freak
2. Bianca at Upside Down
3. Gabster at Zebra Spots
4. Nita at Little Sneak into My Life
5. Kirsty Lee at That's Just my Vibe
6. K at K-Line
7. Jillian at Nova.Style
Whoever else would like to do this is more than welcome!
Love your new banner Tavi. Thanks so much for the post. FYI - I'm going to try to do this before I go on vacation on Friday, but if I don't get to it before then, I will definitely do this tag on my return. I'm hoping to leave the computer behind for a few days up north at a resort...
Ya, friends come and go, but I suppose everybody's learning the hard way.
Great playlist! I absolutely LOVE most of the artists - Wilco, Belle&Seb, CatPower, I really liked the first album by The NEw Pornographers, it gives me the chills!
oh nos. i've been tagged twice (three being you!!)
i must get a move on...hey, life's slow when summer starts!!!
I love your music taste and dayum you sure can dress for a seventh grader, no offense to the majority of the seventh graders living in my area.
Yeah, I mean honestly, in high school it gets worse, but just remember to choose your friends wisely (:
you have some great taste, especially the velvets - they're a long time favourite of mine! also, i have to say (without sounding patronising, i hope!) that i'm so impressed by how eloquently, lucidly and maturely you write for someone so long. keep it up!
Wow, I just scrolled down your page and saw THE VELVET UNDERGROUND AND NICO. Greatest album ever. Heroin= greatest song ever. The Velvet Underground is....(no word for it)
love all of these albums.
neutral milk hotel is a definite favorite though.
want to trade links?
Hi Tavi!
I just discovered your blog,
and it (and therefore also you)
are totally amazing. For real.
Buckets of Rain is one of my favorites too!
Have you heard Neko Case's version of it?
She sang it when she played here in Austin.
I sing it when I'm riding my bike.
Ciao bella!
I've been trying very hard to not comment on every single one of your blogs! ha I'm just so captures by you.
I'm not usually a jealous person but I'm totally envious of your itunes set up!!
Do you buy your music off the shop is that why you have all the beautiful album covers?
Ohh the green monster inside me has taken over!
I want to know your secret haha
Now back to being a human... you are wonderful :)
wow, so I'm way behind in just discovering this blog, but this post made me laugh because it seems like you and my husband are music soulmates. Good song choices, especially the New Pornographers song...definitely a favorite in our house too!
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