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Here are the windbreakers I got at the most recent Salvation Army trip. One is a little big, one is a little small, but it all works out because they're so fun. The first one I would wear with these purple socks and oversized sweater Stephanie gave me (do I really need to link her? You all know), but I'm a little stumped with the floral one. Any suggestions?
And no, that's not red eye, but rather the x-ray vision super power I never told you about >:)
ooh, those are very cool. i have a retro-ish windbreaker too! it's by far my favourite piece of outerwear.
hmm...with the floral one? i'd say just long socks or boots...and tights/leggings or shorts?
wow, i'm of no help. wait for the real fashionistas to comment :P
Those are awesome! I love the flowers on the second one. I think it would look good with light denim shorts and a neutral-coloured top underneath... or you could go all-out colourful. :D
Haha I'm not much help, I guess. I'm sure you'll come up with something cool, though!
they are so fun. i guess you could wear a black dress with the floral one.
hey i love the first one. I learned something new! I didnt know those were called windbreakers! hahah. Hey how did u make ur pic with purple background like that?
ooh these are so fun! i really love how the first looks with the sleeves rolled up with the dress and socks. I really wish I could be of help with the second one, but unfortunately I have no expertise with windbrekers.. I need to be taught! haha
The wnidbreakers are so awesome! In Singapore, all we can find in our salvation army store is slippers, slippers & more slippers! :(
Wow, cool!!!
the first one is so cool!
i had windbreakers like these actually but i think my mom gave them away...
I like them, but maybe they are better on a jeans :)
Those are sickkkk! :D
Ooh, they ARE fun!
i like the blue one!
Love it. Very 60's Hyde Park Stones concert!
This is an ancient post, I realize, but the larger windbreaker is dying for a pair of shiny leggings. AA used to have shiny black "Vegas" ones, but tragically they are no more. There's a gold on black pair that are of a similar feel, but it's really not the same. The newer shiny ones like the eel or "night fever" are pretty fab.
I'd leave it simple with those and a pair of flats, but if you were feeling a bit Flashdance you could totally layer a couple pairs of leg warmers. You're wee and presh enough to make it work.
See about maybe raising the hem of that windbreaker, and cinching the waist a bit. Same with the sleeves.
It's the length that's overwhelming. The volume could really work for you, with a few minor adjustments.
I'd modify by adding a wider waistband and cuffs to it. Think hooded sweatshirt style. Could be good. Consider it.
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~ Danielle Marie
Bob Dylan!
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