Shirt- Used to be friend's dad's
Jeans- H&M
Shoes- Converse
Sunglasses- Used to be mom's
Sorry for the fugly expressions. But scribbling em out would get rid of the lovely sunnies, and we simply can't have that!
So, used to be friend's dad's....my friend Grace's dad is your straight up 80's stereotype. He wears loads of denim and leather, has a mullet, pierced ears. Oh, and did I mention he's a librarian? I shiver from the irony. Too cool. This is reassuring to me that I can be a super cool geek. What a relief! Anyways, this shirt was his in the 80's....how he ever fit it I have no clue, as it's practically perfect on me. My friend uses it as a nightshirt, so decided just to give it to me. I love all the colors and the pure 80's-ness of it. I presume the little guy's name is Zing. The outfit isn't all that creative, but I HAD to post the shirt.
Zing reminds me of Doug's friend, from that old Saturday morning cartoon. Look at his pants/hair!

Oooh, guess what I found:

Hmmm...I could've gotten much better pictures of the collection if his website wasn't all Flash Player or whatever. These are from google. Anyone know how to do that thing where you copy the entire website page you're on?
Speaking of superheros, look what I saw just now on The Sartorialist.

Perhaps this is all a sign that I should finally admit my secret super power >:)
hahah wow i love the shirt! Oh and those glasses are amazaazzingg!!! ;)
Awesome tee.
Ahhh that SHIRTT! im in love(:
Your converse look exactly like mine, all scribbled on!
Andd those glasses are sick! i saw some that look like taht at party city, ahah.
Ill sign your petition:)
i will break into your house and take them (well, not really, but..you know)
gah. cool. and yes, you will find your super power, and use it to find even cooler sunglasses for me to admire.
omg, pepper ann, pepper ann! i loved her! she was so funny and so much more real compared to the shows nowadays. honestly, zack and cody can't fit through a vent cuz they're too fat! lol! well, ur blog is cool! keep it up
Holy cow, those sunglasses are so awesome, I'm speechless!
Those glasses are so cool! Haha they are wicked cool. I always see those types in like party stores. I like the collection you posted though, it was cute.
I also liked the shirt, it did remind me of Doug's friend.
Wow, that t-shirt and those sunglasses are sick. And hey, I remember Doug!
i LOVE those sunglasses
THE SHIRT!!!!! wow....it TOTALLY reminds me of doug...I used to love that show when I was little.
The t-shirt is so fun & colorful to wear! & you are so lucky you found such an amazing pair of shades <3q
You look so cute. Funny tee! love it.
Those shades are amazing.
Adorable shirt. I assume you watched Doug in syndication, he was a little before your time (heck, he was a little bit before mine!) PepperAnn was totally it for me though, I <3'ed Milo.
not fugly expressions!
your outfit is awesome.
i always love seeing colorful crazy t-shirts like that
oh man
Recess, what a show
and Doug's friend's name is Skeeter, short for Mosquito
love the 80's shades!
OMG pepper ann and recess!!!! me and my friends were just, like, raving over them. haha.
oh sick shit, btdubs!
and also, i thought i was the only one in the world who said fugly!! internet high five ^^
those sunglasses are so fun. I love that yuo doodled on your converse. I'm 14 almost 15 why?
please tell me you are wearing a waterproof, glow-in-the-dark lizard watch from target!
if so, i have the exact same one. it looks like mine, but it's hard to tell.
ihatemycurlyhair-You know it! I love it and I'm always wearing it, but the ticking is so loud, don't you agree?
i don't mind you asking. last yeat i went into a store and the lady thoguht i was 20 i didn't know what to think about that
haha. i do agree. but it comforts me, i think. a word to the wise, though: even though it says it is waterproof, don't wear it in the shower! i did for a long time and then it got all gross and gave me a rash and then i had to buy a new one to replace it. too much info?
p.s. cute outfits :) like, every day.
ihatemycurlyhair-Haha, nope, not TMI. I got it a little wet at the beach and it stopped working for a while. Now it's better, but the glow-in-the-dark isn't as bright :(
LOVE the shirt! Is it glittery? That is amazing. So are the sunglasses.
I miss Doug. I feel old.
P. S. There's a key near F12 that says Prnt Scrn. Alt + Prnt Scrn = screen capture.
I miss doug too - and can I have those sunnies? haha. So cool. Cx
hi honey!
check my bloggie!
i wanna u to make a guestion for me, theres this post fitr that <3 i would soo like it!!
hahaha. thanks for the compliments and stuff, your advice is awesome, no joke ^^
oh, you just go to like "blog layout", same where you got your link list, and it's somewhere around there... sorry, i'm not much of a help. but i think it says like "show tags" or something.
haha i lvoe that whole outfit..i love how you doodled on your shoes, nd yes heh does look like dougs friend
btw can you add me to your blog?
Wow! Those glasses are quite ambitious! You're probably right when it comes to NYLON in Norway. Not very likely, haha.
And, yes, we did have fun ^^, The dresses are quite lovely, thank you. Btw; what do you think about my latest purchase, my brown leather pumps?
Au revoir,
LOVE that t-shirt! Doug used to be my FAVORITE!and those glasses are so fun! you're so lucky that you're parents still have cool 80's clothes!my parents were no where as cool in the 80's!
p.s. it makes me SO mad that they have all those stupid kids shows on now and I miss all the good ones! Even though I'm almost 16, I would so watch if they still had the good stuff on! its so stupid how the people on the shows now call themselves actors...
GREAT blog!
very random, but I have that EXACT same shirt, in highlight green though!
ahh, i love the shirt & the sunglasses. i really mis doug and pepper ann. i still watch recess though! it still plays on toon disney =)
those four pics of the glasses/superhero masks are the shizz. i want a pair.
Haha I miss Doug too! And I love the Incredibles. Cute outfit in this one.
I say like everyone else. You just gotta love that shirt. :D
pepper annnnnnn!! i miss that loads!
i watched that all the time!!
i love that whole look... very cool
excuse me, this article is so good and useful, thanks for sharing this :)
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