Thomas the Tank Engine, Superman, and Lucy

So I am still undecided about the Twiggy cut. But now I feel like after getting my (and maybe even your) hopes up that it would be really disappointing if I didn't change my hair at all.

On a different note, a few days ago on Hel-Looks I saw a picture of a girl and it gave me a really great idea. She had a little kid cartoon character mini-backpack. Last week I saw my sister's friend with the same idea. I think it's pretty cool, actually. I don't know why but I really like the look. It's playful and daring and bold.
This one is from Target:
It costs $13, money I for one am not willing to pay for such a thing, but I will probably end up finding a cheaper one at a drugstore near my school.

Also, in both American Vogue and Nylon, I found an editorial based on Superheros. It was pretty neat! Being a comic nerd, I was very appreciative of these features. And the fact that both they're both American magazines makes me wonder if we're behind the trends or just setting them? Oh well. I try not to follow that stuff, haha.
The pictures below are from Vogue-I couldn't locate Nylon's pictures, though I personally liked it better. It was more realistic and gave me more ideas, this one wasn't very inspirational to me at all. Artistic and cool to look at, but I didn't spend 20 minutes trying to adapt the outfits like I did with Nylon.
Also, while watching I Love Lucy the other night (when you don't have cable you actually pay attention to the good stuff on television), I noticed that I really do love Lucy, her clothes, especially. These pictures depict her best comical and fashion moments on screen.
Forget Twiggy, I'm gettin' red curls!
Ha, could you imagine?!?

Photo credits:,


Samantha said...


Yeah, it's weird. It seems like people always say the masses are trend-dictated, but I think that to some degree, we dictate the trends as well, because we respond to some trends and not to others, and we determine their marketability.

Ana said...

i used to love Thomas the Tank Engine. lol.

would you like to trade links?

Richel said...

Lucy was one wonderfully dressed woman.

Red curls would be amazing! How many red-heads do you actually see in this day and age?! Conventional colors (i.e. brown, just like my own) are so passe!

Shes Dressing Up said...

I lovelovelove the first image from the vogue editorial! Thanks for sharing the pics!

Richel said...

I've also added you to my links!

Elisa Kwon said...

kee hee...thomas the tank engine. you gotta buy that.

Tess M said...

get it cut and experiment with hairdye to your hearts content! as i see it too many girls rush into wanting to be grown up. if you live to an average age of 76 then why waste your youth playing it safe with your style? you can get away with neon tights and cropped hair when youre young- make the most of it! and if you dont like it then itll grow back soon enough!
im allergic to hairdye now so im very jealous of anyone who has the choice of changing their hair colour :(


i love that tomas the tank engine backpack! soo cute you have to get one. i have a spongebob one and im turning 18 soon. im still so childish :)

1234 said...

the vogue shoot is so fun, isnt it?

Elisa Kwon said...

you should find the whole collection on google (and get directed to there are...50 pictures?? something like that...I can assure you agyness deyn is there atleast twice ;)

K.Line said...

Tavi - Your blog rocks. Keep it up! K

Annie said...

omg when i was in highschool all the "gangsta" girls (well as gansta u could be in catholic school) wore kid backpacks.

Riot Nrrd said...

I linked you

And I adore the's so cute!

Joanne said...

Haha, Thomas the Tank Engine backpack for the win!

Where I'm from the gangsta girls in high school (public and private) still wear childish backpacks.

Also, red hair is awesome. I've always wanted it, but am scared to dye my hair red because it might turn out horrible against my Asian-mistaken-for-Latino olive/yellow skin. If you have the skintone, I say go for it.

Megan said...

i love the show I Love Lucy! She does have really great dresses. I own the first season of I Love lucy and she's really funny!

ilyssa b. said...

nice blog!! i just started one and wouldn't mind some pointers. its
-ilyssa b.

emily said...

concerning the Superhero editorial, the photos from American Vogue you have, i have some of them you posted on my walls in my bedroom. the black and white one, where the model's face is covered in black, and the one with the redheaded model in the green gown.
check out my web page!

Anonymous said...

superheroes are so cool right now in my school i have a batman pin badge and some pencil twirly thing its so cool

Anonymous said...

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