valley of the dolls

These photos (here is the second one, I removed it because I like the one on its own better) were inspired by my current moodboard, now with this wonderful wonderful Manic Panic wig I got for Jul. Taking it off is really depressing as I'm reminded of my actual hair color. And it looks great with my daisy barrettes. And with toothpaste.
manic panic wig, goody barrettes, and flea market dress.


Anonymous said...

Anime-esque. Awesome :D

Cara said...

Gah, I love this. I really do need a blue wig in my life.
The second photo made me smile :)

Anonymous said...

love the second one

Claire Hart said...

love <3

teri said...

What is Jul? You look so happy in this wig! I've always wanted a bubble gum pink wig just to wear around town and frolick. haha :).

Yuri said...

Reminds me of a young Clementine, from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. :)

Shelly said...

Lol! You look so happy in the last picture, so funny! Awesome pics and awesome wig. Neon colors for the win. <3 I love your blog, by he way, just to let you know, hehe.

Anonymous said...

I asked for colorful wigs for christmas but I didn't get any:(.

Kel & Jaz said...

Love the color!


Illuminated Perfume said...

Anima-esque indeed, you are most definitely ready for Comic con.
Happy New Year Tavi!

the chic addict said...

Pretty! It suits you!

Mitchie said...

now u wont harm your hair!

Ríona said...

awh you look so cute in the second one!
love it!

Mihaela said...

Omg.It's amazing!
I just love that wig.
Do you watch ANTM?k

Elyse E said...

I love the wig!
You're a great inspiration to me, I adore your blog!

Unknown said...

Lovely color hair <33

happy new year!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is absolutely amazing, it inspires me so much. I love this wig, you look adorable!

xx. VLM.

Ashley said...

so cute

Sewon said...

You're adorable! I love the blue wig + the floral dress. Your post makes me want to go out and look for some wigs. :]

Sewon said...

You're adorable! I love the blue wig + the floral dress. Your post makes me want to go out and look for some wigs. :]

Anonymous said...

this is awesome <3 i think i want one, and you're awesome. just so you know. if you didn't already.

My Heart Blogged said...

Great wig. You need to get more of them in a ton of colors.
My Heart Blogged

Anonymous said...

the way you post is literally like you're ripping things out of my brain. wigs are the future!

Rachel Ann said...

I need a cool Whig. . . I have always wanted to dye my hair a peachy coral color but am too scared too...

-XOXORachel Ann


Rachel Ann said...

I spelled wig like the New England Political Party Whig. . .I am such an idiot hahahaha ^^

JIM Designs said...

Adorable! Do you mind if photos are clipped to Polyvore?

Anonymous said...

Several things have I to say:
1. The hair color is lovely...not greenish enough to be toothpaste color, though, in my humble opinion.
2. You look exactly like your moodboard.
3. You don't really look like yourself.
4. Maybe cause you're smiling! ha

Mitchie said...

Hey is that an ankh drawing on your right hand!? such a REBEL lol

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Fantastic wig! It sure suits you.

Ankita Gour said...

lovely color.. my parents would freak out if i walk out in front of them like that..;)

Riot Nrrd said...

Ahaha. Tavi, I saw you in Teen Vogue... and I love the colors. They make me all nostalgic for childhood XD

brightlightsbigcity said...

Is it weird that I also got a bright colored wig for Christmas? Lovin' it

Tavi said...

Thanks guys!

Mitchie-Fake tattoo sleepover fun! Not serious at all.

Engreida-Go ahead!

KARLITO said...

This is actually the color I intended my hair to be. *sad face*
At first I thought it was your hair because it looks really good on you.

Anonymous said...

I love love love the wig. I've actually been considering dying my hair the color of cotton candy haha, and this is making me lean towards it even more

Iranian-American Girl said...

very nicki minaj!

Lucy in the Sky said...

pretty! but your actual hair is also lovely :)

Cat said...

Haha, yo look so cute. Like some mischeious rainbow spirit ^^

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos x

Mary said...

You look so cute in the wig! I love the colour.

MELISSA Z. said...


Happy New Year from

K said...

cute :)

Anonymous said...

Your skin is red :D

Happy new year!
Maria van Kaylov

KATia Grifols said...

I think It's very very Cute!

Nice Hollydays!


The Mini Satorialist said...

maybe you should die your hair blue? Its suits you :D


Happy new year! xxxooo

fairy on acid said...

This wig is like sooo exquisite :D

don't forget to follow and comment!


Mei-li said...

aaa it's like you are come from another time
it's so crazy !! I like it !!

Chloe Tweeny said...

this actually reminds me of the time when your hair was blue! looks awesome

Anonymous said...

the magic of wigs. it's a brilliant sea green/blue.

Luca said...

you look funny!

Start dreaming on

Charlotte said...

Wow can i have it xD i totally love it!

Charlotte said...

Wow can i have it xD i totally love it!

Yuma said...



boyunso said...

SOOOOOOO cute, tavi!!!
color is so cute :D


Kadish Morris said...

love the colour! not sure if it would suit me though xxxx

Nai nai said...

You look like Katy Perry in California Gurls! Happy new Year TAVI

Sarah said...

those photographs are sooo beautiful! i love your blog.. and the color of your hair is amazing!
have a beautiful new year!
xoxo, pink lady ♥

Carmen said...

The wig looks amaziing on you, love the colour! Reminds me of candy!

Carmen Ri.

Alina said...

funny wig) for what you need it?

Izabell said...

Wow! But sweet! Lacked the blue hair!

Anonymous said...

finally you won my heart with this blue wig.

sorry, but the second picture looks a little bit scary :o

Maya said...

ahh you little alien cutie!

too adorable!

I need to get a nice wig... no bleach involved that way.

style meerkat said...

mm.. swwet ; D It's beautiful !

Happy New Year

xoxo ;*

María Chantal Rodríguez Nilsson said...

oooh so cute tavi^^

i like that blue wig!

you look like a doll!

María Chantal Rodríguez Nilsson said...

oooh so cute tavi^^

i like that blue wig!

you look like a doll!

Bubblegum Design Studio said...

I love the blue wig! Really matches you!

Viki said...

This wig is so funny and the colour is great!
Best wishes for this new year :)


Phoebelou said...

Love the goody barrettes. Love them very much. I was digging through this box in my attic full of fake pearls (an obsession from my earlier childhood) and came across the very ones you've got in these pics. Really lovely wig as well.

Carnivorous Seaweed said...

I would get sticky fingers near that wig too. We don't see you smile very often and you're actually really pretty.

Diana said...

I love your wig and your smile in the last poto makes me smile, too.
Thanks Tavi!

The Clothes Press said...

Ahh LOVE that colour. Soo cool. A bit like the hair in a post a few days/weeks (sorry I don't have a great sense of time...) ago with a goldfish clip...
Anyway, I see the flowerpower-y-ness is already in action.

Floordrobe Owner said...

I love your facial expression on the second photo, you got the phsyco failcial expression just right.

Alexander Daniel Designs said...


Jack XXX said...

haha, oh, This is so amazing and cute!

Yajaira said...

great photos.. love the wig.
Happy New Year!!!

favio said...

love this tavi xD
reminds me of a wig me and a friend used for voyeuristic, stalker photos in the woods.

imagine the victim in a wig, with a obsessive stalker lurking behind a tree, facial expressions a le shining jack nicholson.

cjbs said...

Dude. That is completely like the PopLife exhibit featuring Takashi Murakami's "Turning Japanese" vid with Kirsten Dunst.

Check it:

firefly said...

They make wigs? Awesome! I like the 60's flower-power vibe going on, juxtaposed by your own views on feminism starting to come about at that time.

Sabina said...

Love the wig--the color is very pretty on you--and your smile in that last pic. Based on other pics of you it looks like your hair is in good condition. So it could handle the chemicals and bleach in the interest of blur hair, no? Heh, now I'm tempted to do it myself except my hair's in wretched condition already.

X said...

Beauuutiful hair color!

Gabi Coelho said...

You look really happy wearing this wonderful blue wig! Loved it!


Zoë said...

~trippy colours~

love it, wear it to school?

Unknown said...

with that look you could totally be a character on that Doug's Funny cartoon. Remember how they used to have colored skin and crazy hair color? s.w.e.e.t

Viqi Dirty said...

I love it~

zoomslow said...

That's happy hair! The smile is a good match :-)

M.Weston said...

You look like a manga character :), awesome !!!

Unknown said...

It is actually a dream of mine that wigs would come back in vogue so I could have a new hairstyle every day without trying. Could you make this happen? Thanks!

Unknown said...

Love the light pale blue ,so pretty!,on you!

Saou said...

I saw your older post and i prefered your old Haircut. (The very short-cut)
But nice pictures ^^
Happy New Year.


Oglipe said...

awww youre so lovely with that wig!! you look like a mermaid <3

Anonymous said...

Is this your hair Tavi, because your hair is shorter, you post that you cut your bangs too short, and here they look too long ???
But you look great as always !

Lulu said...

gaaah i want that wig :D

SAM. said...

love the post

just a question-- will we (the ones who haven't heard) hear back?

SAM. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sophie said...

GREAT PHOTOS! I love them! Especially the second one is so cute! It made me smile =) A happy new year from Germany xx

Anonymous said...

Your blog is beautiful, I invite you to stop by my new blog. greetings and affection. Elisa from Argentina

p/d: I love Blue hair.. <3

carina said...

love it!!!! blue hair roooocks!!!


Anonymous said...

Tavi, you have outdone yourself. I have always cruelly hated blue wigs/hair/somethings on someones head... but this is just FUN all over... and yes, I laughed when you mentioned toothpaste.

Happy new year!

Julia Nordgren Photos. said...

why do you spell christmas the swedish way? ^^ I am from sweden btw :P

Chocolatier said...

Very cute! You should totally dye your hair this color and style it this exact same way. You look great.

Chocolatier said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

contemplating between wigs, extensions and hair color

Unknown said...

i love how the wig compliments the dress and the barettes are SO CUTE!

blue said...

Happy New Year Tavi! These photos are crazy town usa, population you!

chloé said...

hah :D cool wig tavi , that reminds me of the time i spray painted my hair to blue without my parents knowing , and slept with it because i was too scared to take a shower and my parents would see it , then in the morning my upper body became blue and icky and eventually my parets found out and i had to clean the dog doodoo for 2 whole months . -_- *sigh* good times , good times .

chloé said...

hah :D cool wig tavi , that reminds me of the time i spray painted my hair to blue without my parents knowing , and slept with it because i was too scared to take a shower and my parents would see it , then in the morning my upper body became blue and icky and eventually my parets found out and i had to clean the dog doodoo for 2 whole months . -_- *sigh* good times , good times .

S. Alice said...

it's like your in your own little anime. i love it!

ursie said...

ahh cutie pie! you look like a cutie pie!

Ella said...

Ahh Tavi you are so adorable!

cancercowboy said...

not the biggest fan of wigs personally, but it looks kinda cool. no surprise that you can rock the blue, though ^__^ the Raver vibe gets even stronger here.
and don't you make a habit of smiling, i'd miss your cutthroat face ;)

cat said...

what a beautiful smile!!

Sam Prance said...

Great blogging Tavi, the second photo is beautiful.

Style Stars said...

you look so cute in the second photo. loving the blue hair.

Unknown said...

This is gorgeous :) I love the daisies too ! <3

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious said...

please just dye your real hair that color :( pretty please .

Marina Mourão said...

I bet that you like nirvana! i must be! I mean ii love you blog , is always fun and interesting to read, and I love moore the fact you sometimes put kurt's and courtney's pic! xoxo

Unknown said... ;)

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