
Same credits as yesterday, plus Alice + Olivia dress and Miu Miu clogs.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture :-)

John and Jane Doe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John and Jane Doe said...


cancercowboy said...

oh wow, Titania said...




Anonymous said...


Raspberry Jam said...

Wonderful Photo!



lollie said...

happy bonfire night!


Sanam said...

Awesome look & im loving the photo :D

Day By Diva
Day By Diva
Day By Diva

devorelebeaumonstre. said...

that dress is gorgeous especially paired with the miu miu clogs. xx

p.s. I'm having a giveaway over on my blog for a vintage cross necklace if you'd like to check it out.

Unknown said...



Kseniya said...

I love it ;)

Lightning Heart said...

friggen gorgeous!

Chloe Tweeny said...

love love love

AJ said...

the lighting in this picture is stunning!x

Nekogal said...


Yannick said...


Ana I. Sánchez said...

I love your photographs:)!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

The light in this one is beautiful, very ethereal.

Penny Dreadful Vintage

The Clothes Press said...

The Alice + Olivia dress is beautiful... So ghostly and such a pretty colour, too. I love the headpiece.

mademoiselle créative said...

I love your Miu Miu clogs!

The Clothes Press said...

Oh, also, VERY GOOD PHOTO. You look somehow... like you are a mayday dancer... Perhaps a creepy Mayday Queen? I think it would be awesome to have a Mayday Queen that wears Miu Miu clogs..

S. Alice said...

The sunlight makes the picture look awesome, and that I absolutely adore that skirt.

Brianna said...

the scenery and the sunlight are really cool! the outfit is cute!

Giselle Wedemire said...

Love the composition of the picture.

Plus, that dress is fab!

Antonio said...

Nice outfit! so pale, so wistful, and a little scary!!! the girl version of damian uuuuuuu :O
Better ghosts than demons!!!

Antonio, A A antonio
Antonio antonio ANTONIO antonioooo

José Cabral said...

this is my 1st visit to style rookie. the famous style rookie =) interesting!

Punkykupcake said...

LOVE the styling & the picture grogeous!

Anonymous said...

Great. And whoa, you really look like a ghost there.

Tonio said...

Tavi, ultimamente andas que nos asustas a todos!! deja esas ouijas!! que miedooo.
todo sea por andar trendy! witch vibes!!

un beso!!

zoomslow said...

Yes! Def. a ghosty vibe! Also a little bit 'Picnic at Hanging Rock' :-) Don't go behind those rocks!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Deano SC said...

Great photo!

Sydney Fashion Vulture said...

tavi tavi tavi! You look like a character in an indie film like the virgin suicides.

Natasha said...

I love your photo story

alexis said...

beautiful photo, yet again!
and the same romantic ethereal look. ah, i love it.

Anonymous said...

GOD, ELLA. another awesome picture.

M said...

so beautiful

Anonymous said...

love the lighting it's so beautiful and your flowers in your hair :)

Lyndranette said...

You like either the granddaaughter of the good witch of the east from the wizard of oz or a flower fairy who got her wings taken away for skipin school. awesome! rok on tavi!

my blog -

Metka: Matka said...

great picture

Sister Shirley said...

you look like an angry ghost- a ghost who's angry because she's so cute no one is afraid of her.

Unknown said...

Beautifull picture: the light is very inspiring
Regards from utopia blog

Anonymous said...

I'm so in love with lemon and champagne as a colour combo at the moment.... you continue to read my mind!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful.

Amy and Kevina said...

It's cool, but a little boring to me. I guess it just doesn't speak to my personal fall aesthetic.

agent 0017/shay said...

i love these creepy cool forest posts you've been doing...reminds me of the crucible a bit, the scene where they're all dancing in the forest with Tituba.


kimiko said...

i really love the way that you got inspired, and the way that you used colors :D your new hair, is awsome, and your faces :D looks like the faces from a 20 girl... :o
ooh! and the session is really beuty :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute. You remind me of a fairy right here. Oh and props to the photographer the lighting really adds personality to the shot. Excellent timing.

Emilie said...

I think it is really important that someone makes a collage of your latest posts. A witchcraft/cosmos/fairy-godmother themed collage. With some candles and rabbits tossed in. I am kidding but it would actually be pretty cool.

Kate Rose said...

gaah you live nearby such scenic places! I envy you...for many reasons.lulz.the dress has such a cool old time stained wrinkled parchment thin look

Anonymous said...

I love ur clothes ur really awesome girl
-From South Korea girl:)-

Shelley Noble said...

I LOVE this outfit! It's so right now. I'm going to emulate it for Thanksgiving. Thanks, TAvi.

KARLITO said...

Beautiful bruja-esque photo

Diana said...

This picture is gorgeous!
I love this headpiece and skirt is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely amazing !

Clara said...

amazing! the light, the forest... the outfit.

David Iannini said...

Gostei da saia!

boyunso said...

your pictures are always beautiful:)


Anonymous said...

I love this pictures!

Anaivilo said...

Beautiful photo, quite like a ghost, but the white and the light is so amazing! :D

Alexi Frest said...

It really does have an atmosphere of something chilly. Fabulous.

the outfit diaries said...

cute ghost ;)

Anonymous said...

ah, i love the clogs:)

abby said...

Omg! Tavi, brad goreski went as ". Blogger tavi" to a halloween party!!!!!

nakiesheri said...

Super beautiful.

JIM Designs said...

Wish we could see your face more, but lovely photo!

WeruniaB said...

Love your outfit!

Alex Ingram said...

awesome photography |

Moda Contemporânea said...

Tavi Hi, how are you? My name is
Roni am Desing of fashion in
Brazil, congratulations on the blog
is current, modern and youthful.
A hug

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo x

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo x

Rosalind said...

I've been meaning to comment to say how much I love these latest photos! They have a very beautiful, ethereal feel. I think someone already said this, but there is a slight Titania-esque vibe to them. I really like the lighting and location.

Anonymous said...

very whimsical, with the soft colours. the lighting through the trees is so pretty.

Rafael Franco said...

Hello Tavi! You're looking fantastic in this photo. I love it!

kisses from Brazil*

The Accidental Nerd said...

You look angelic. I love the skirt.

Sam Harvey said...

did you have a camp out in the woods? pup tent with match box cars, turn table and gummy bears. you look haunted fo sho.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. It looks so soft and innocent.

Unknown said...

creepy and romantic at the same time.. loooove the dress x

Unknown said...

creepy and romantic at the same time.. loooove the dress x

Anonymous said...

Tavi, I thought you would find this amusing and redonkadonk.

georgeface said...

Great dress!!!

Angelica Ng said...

Lovely outfit. Mistook you for an angel. ;)

Caroline :) said...

ah tavi, love it! makes me wish halloween wasnt over haha
great post
-C xxx

Andresgallardo said...

eiiiiiiiii !!!!!

t a v y g h o s t

Anonymous said...

great picture! Love the skirt and shoes! :)


Maddie Claire Beau said...

oooohhh awesome photograph

Veru said...

wonderful picture..
i like this one :)
and you wear cute skirt..
nice ♥

Delia Moretti said...

beautiful ;)
this is my blog, take a look! kiss

hannah banananan said...

fabulous picture as always! it was so funny my english teacher was talking about you in class today!!

Pamela said...

how old are you? Nice photos! <3

Unknown said...

A todas las “bikini lovers” os invitamos a conocer el mundo “CherryLips”, esperamos conocer a gente maravillosa ☼

Nolita said...

What a flowy dress!

Anonymous said...

Another great photograph!!

Anonymous said...

very cool blog!! :)

check out our blog at:

Charlotta Billström said...

Nice outfit! :)

Dana said...

Amazing picture! You probably hear this a lot, but you are so talented!

Little Miss Curious said...

Love the photo! ^^


Little Miss Curious said...

Oh girl! After posting the comment I have read a magazine and I read there about super famous 15-years old blogger Tavi. I have put the name into Google ... And found your blog again! So you are the one, the famous Tavi :)

Anonymous said...

I love the vibe of the pictures from the woods you've been posting. I am always inspired by your blog. And I must say, I really like your hair.


Silvia said...

Lovely snap.
Who takes it? your lil sis?
Loved it.
Check tonio´s blog!
Everybody is invited!!!

Click on Styles said...

love this pic, great lightning!!!

Anonymous said...

you are so freaking FLUFFY it makes me happy.

the key factor said...

this photo is so eerie! the headpiece makes me think of a young girl, so somehow i feel like this 'ghost' would have a really sad story to tell.

Anonymous said...

ahh this is gorgeous. i love your miu miu clogs :)

Amy said...

Oh, my goodness Tavi. Gorgeous picture. You look so pretty, in a 'come hither' sort of way. So I guess that makes it sexy. But the colors are so angelic... You're a B.A. angel of fashion, that's what you are.

Masha said...

lovely dress

Nini said...

gorgeous picture!
Like your skirt, it's perfect.
xoxo Nini

Unknown said...

Gorgeous photo, you look very fairy-like! I love that dress too, very pretty and fluffy. :)

Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella

Dazed and Confused said...

I find this picture amazing and how you piece things together. Btw can you tag on here ? I'm lost.

Melika said...

You are so lovely. xx

Tamara Suprobo Putri said...

loev those clogss! very cute outfit! you're an inspiration :)

Biyu said...


fdff said...

Lovely blog !!


Anonymous said...

Your outfits are so simple, yet genius!

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