I guess it's my room in outfit form, with a blanket print and arts n' craftsy shoes and dress and top. Plus it had to be multi-colored to match my room. When I was littler I really wanted to get the Trading Spaces Jr. treatment, but in retrospect that would have been a terrible idea. As a toddler I told my sister that when I'd grow up I'd be either a "birthday party girl" (whatever that means,) a Barbie (I don't even want to get into the implications here,) or a pancake (THEY WERE MY FAVORITE FOOD OKAY.) I think it's a terribly positive thing I didn't sleep in a Barbie-themed room every night for years. Though pancakes might be kind of cool.
The dress is my Bat Mitzvah dress from Loehmann's, the top is Comme des Garcons, Hudson's Bay sweater, DIY'd hair clip, random socks, and the shoes were a gift from Comme des Garcons.
And oh, these LEGGINGS:
I am obsessed. They were sent to me by the brand, so let's review...
Brand: Romance Was Born
Pros: You mean other than the fact that these are afghan squares in leggings form? The print is vivid and precise, and they're super comfortable.
Cons: I find that a lot of designer samples' width fit me perfectly and are way too long the other way, but it's a pain when the actual product is sized for models, too. These leggings are not a sample, so the proportions are slightly uncomfortable. I just fold over the waistband a ton.
And, in honor of my pictured Cibo Matto 45, let us all take three minutes and six seconds out of our days to have our minds blown:
The dress is my Bat Mitzvah dress from Loehmann's, the top is Comme des Garcons, Hudson's Bay sweater, DIY'd hair clip, random socks, and the shoes were a gift from Comme des Garcons.
And oh, these LEGGINGS:

I am obsessed. They were sent to me by the brand, so let's review...
Brand: Romance Was Born
Pros: You mean other than the fact that these are afghan squares in leggings form? The print is vivid and precise, and they're super comfortable.
Cons: I find that a lot of designer samples' width fit me perfectly and are way too long the other way, but it's a pain when the actual product is sized for models, too. These leggings are not a sample, so the proportions are slightly uncomfortable. I just fold over the waistband a ton.
And, in honor of my pictured Cibo Matto 45, let us all take three minutes and six seconds out of our days to have our minds blown:
1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»The leggings are the best, like the afghan on the back of the Roseanne TV show couch made into fashion and seriously so cool.. thankfully do not make u look like a couch leg creature :)
Little City Treehouse
i love romance is born!
great blog :)
Cool sweater, and I like the leggings also. I seem to match my room decor a bunch; not intentionally haha!
the colors wall work together really well in a way I can't explain? wait actually I can. primary crayon colors are the best. hehe yes it'd be wrong not to be proud of this outfit
the colors all, not wall although the wall is nice in its own clashy way
yes this is the neatest condition you have ever shared your room with us in.
i just massacred all the grammar and proper placement of important things in that sentence, but hopefully you catch my drift.
also...one of my favorite pictures of you to date. happy but not pose-y.
Care-Haha, true! I cleaned it this summer! For the first time in 2 years!
Like the creative look.
You sure have a lot of stuff. Lucky you.
Birthday cake is one of my favorite songs of Cibo Matto's. Have you heard Moonchild?
absolutely love this.
and the granny-square leggings are too great.
i LOVE the heart thing.
and you were right. Mind. Blown. (it should be my ringtone!)
I love those leggings! I might have to figure out how to DIY a pair..
and "birthday party girl" really made me laugh.
you're so lucky you get all the raddest clothes from designers, but i'm so glad you post the outfits you put together cause they're ADORABLE. you are a living doll :) i mean that in all the best ways
I love that outfit!
In The New Yorker; what an honor! Great article.
The leggings are really nice :) great post!!
I looooooooove Cibo Matto!!!
That is a really terrific photo of you. I just adore Romance Was Born, but I loved those leggings even before I knew who made them.
i hated pancakes when i was little.
now i like them.
always had a thing for waffles, though.
I like your vintage scene, with gold records and those shoes above your head ... retrograde, I love it.
You look so nice in that photo!
love this! so many colors!!!
the leggings are just the icing on the cake
LOVE the hair color!!
If your glasses were round would have taken me an "Amen".
Every time I see a shelf of records I wonder what they are:).
YAY the comme top still lives! :)
Ohh Tavi. I'm working on my fashion spread for the yearbook, and I'm always thinking "man, I wish Tavi were at my school." That'd make the fashion spread so much easier and more fun. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. My school is kind of a sea of Abercrombie/American Eagle.
That photo is sweet! Is that your room?
The outfit is nice too, I can totally see your personality like you said.
OH I love Romance Was Born! They're one of the best designers from Australia!
Amo leggings, tá linda!
Adorei a decoração do ambiente também!
I'm thinking, if you're half Norweigan så måste du ju förstå lite svenska med?
I'm writing you because I just posted some tips on make-up on my own blog, and I wanted to recommend the red coloured lipstick by Chanel that I had seen you wear for one of your ensembles, but I cant' find the entry. Could you provide me with the link? That would be great. Och tack ska du ha i förväg.
I saw that in The New Yorker. :)
You're right - watching that video was definitely mind blowing. Haha.
The leggings are great and I'm very fond of your shoes. Do tell where you got these finds?
Quirky shoes! I agree, the outift does match the room.
actually... im proud too :D
its perfect to eat pancake!
and to go to cinema :D
wow the new yorker - that's awesome, Tavi!
I like the leggings too!
I can't get over how organized and clean your room is. Mine was not like that when I was in middle school. I wasn't in the New Yorker then either. :)
cibo matto! got a boost of of nostalgia here...and your outfit AND the picture of you is perfect!
You look ADORABLE~ I love the photo. It's so artistic and colorful. -squee- Cute, cute cute.
I'm sorta in love with your dress and leggings. The dress looks like paper snowflakes. x3
*shameless I grew up in a Barbie styled room. Everything is pink. And it still is. T_T
Helloooo girls!!!! I'm from Brazil!!!! Do you know ?! Do you like moda from here?! Kisses!!! My english is ver very bad, sorry!
Love the outfit and most especially, the leggings!
i am very very jealous of your HBC sweater. is it vintage or one of their new ones?? i got a coat last winter... did a post about it: http://dani--d.blogspot.com/2010/01/youre-earning-your-stripes-youre.html
i hope you fall in love with romance was born now.
they are down right amazing.
My 66-year-old father read it and decided he thinks you're cool.
(He showed me the article, not knowing I already read your blog, saying 'Here's something I think you'll like.')
It's good when a bat mitzvah dress can be repurposed. I wish I could find a way to do that with my wedding dress.
yo tavs - about your reviews of your free swag it might be helpful to know whether you'd actually buy the item (had it not been given to you, obviously), taking into account the price and stuff.
thanks man.
Wow, I am so totally inspired by your bedroom! so neat organised, colourful and creative. It makes me want to tidy my room
and congrats on the new yorker dude. I like the New Yorker. Its got class. Business men and women in subways across the world are looking at your colorful ensemble.
I've been following your blog for a couple months now (came across it on tumblr) and I think you are absolutely gorgeous. I can't even look at you! Haha. Best outfit ever and I love the room!
The leggings are amazing - but my eye keeps coming back to that great lace texture on your Bat Mitzvah dress.
And thank you! That was an awesome performance by Cibo Matto. I love the energy, and am really impressed with the variety of bass styles on show.
I love your outfit! Keep rocking..
Indeed Tavi, my mind has been blown.
holy CRAP, those leggings. I am still just staring at my laptop screen, trying to figure out how to get these or DIY them myself.
Mmm.. Hudson's Bay "prints" (don't really know if you can call coloured striped a print) remind me of my grandparents, and so make me really happy.
I'm loving all the red & purple in your outfit. It really pulls it all together in a not-matchy-matchy way, which is the best way!
I wish I could wear colours in the way you do x
i love your shoes! with the toes on the end. never seen anything like them.
Gorgeous! Those leggings are far too cool xxx
I love the face your making. I think I might print the photo and place it on my fridge. And as far as wanting to be a pancake, HOU K00L!1!!
I fancied being a tub of ice cream as a kid. Not very sustainable in this LA heat but I'd have made it work.
you are too cool Tavi! loving this!
Gotta say, you are rockin those CDGs
the way you put all the random things together and still make them look good is so cool!
and i simply love your shoes and your blanket-looking tights. ;)
aaaaaaaaaaa I love this outfit and your "pose" so pro !!
and i like the background too
awesome shoes! you're amazing dear!
Cool outfit! You appeared in a magazine? That's awesome !:D
Love the pattern on the leggings.
--Nolita Vintage--
You look great. Nice blog, hope you'll become a follower of my blog too?
think this is your favorite outfit of mine
what a perfect mix of colours.
I lvoe comme des garçons (i think that the conceptual design of Rei is amazing...)
In fact i lvoe your outfit and the leggins...oh perfect!!
my God, you're fucking fantastic! Why am I always so jealous when I look at you and your clothes? But how can you afford all the designer clothes? Is the money you receive from your blog that you spend on clothes?
Ps. Your room is phenomenal. I LOVE it.
Hugs from Ia
According to the magazine article, you were "chosen by Mattel to be one of 'Barbie’s Ten Women to Watch'".
So, I hereby request a navelgazing-style piece in which you get into the mind-bending meta implications of that!
(....she said in a non-antagonistic tone that might or might not translate to the typed word.)
you should totally listen to chico science, I reccomend maracatu atomico. He is from north east Brazil, it's really great stuff!
love the skirt!
I love your room and the Outfit is amazing :)
I really, really love your blog. I think you revolutionize fashion in a great way :)
excuse my English, I'm from Germany :D
greets, Marie
I love the outfit. Everything matsches so perefctly.
And your sweater is so cool.
My higlight of your daily outfit shot are the shoes with the comic scribble on top. later, FashionLifeCoach
Your shoes are awesome!!!
looks like this are the reason that i love you
you're amazing
the look is incredible :p
What is the dress (besides from Loehmann's)? Love the skirt part especially.
Hi Tavi,
The sweater does have great line and colour, and the HBC is definitely a classic brand (I'm Canadian, LOL), BUT since you're so careful about politics and stuff, I would look into the HBC's violent and terrible history, espcially when it comes to blankets, before wearing those stripes so proudly.
Love the blog, girl, keep at it.
a little treat for the courtney love in your soul
That skirt is so lovely!^^ Please visit my blog once!
Tavi, your leggings ( and your blog )is cute *W*
such a great outfit! I LOVE the shoes, so cute! x
i should have posted this earlier..but i have to say something about your no makeup week.
really great thing, i mean could be some kind of good stuff for the fashion society, hum ? like these models without make up on the cover of vogue or so .
we should feel great to see that make up is useless, you´re looking pretty without it too! haha.
so you don´t use your lipstick this week ? congratulations! your skin has qualified you to move in the next years without beeing joshed.
you demonstrate that acne is just a cool label instead of a great problem for many girls. yes you are beautiful without make up - i still put in on like every day, and it doesn´t make me feel prettier when i see girls without it still looking much better then me with it.
Why yes, my mind was blown.
So...what language was that anyway?
The leggings are cool, but I think I'm just a bit too entranced by the shoes.
I love the idea of a make-up free week too. But then, there's the week after that. And a bit of rouge à lèvres from Chanel never killed anybody - anyway ;O)
Jag älskar dina skor förresten!
rad outfit. would be very becoming even to a pancake ^_^
thus, rad room, with a nice amount of vinyl and the best way to learn the alphabet in it.
and thanks for Cibo Matto. i still remember seeing "Sugar/Water" for the first time.
Saw "Party Girl" again this weekend. I'm sure this has been recommended to you before, but it's a must-see.
you're amazing
killer tights
how tall are you? in cm?
that's one of my favorite songs ever.
those leggings are incredible, despite the fit. I never thought I'd see afghan square used in an attractive manner so thanks for blowing my mind. they should use it to make actual trompe l'oieul blankets.
i love your skirt-dress and you look so compfortable in such a bright arty outfit.i love the arty studenty look
That reminds me of these things I read by 2nd graders. They were taped up all along the hallways so sometimes I would read them... the 2nd graders answered questions about themselves. One of the questions was "If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?" This amazing kid wrote down only 2 words:
See, your not the only one.
EI! Loving your leggins and shoes.
I sleeped in a Pink-themed room and now I hate pink! Well, things that happen... :)
See you!
your blog is amazing!
Where do you find something like that Hudson's Bay sweater?? I've never seen anything like it but I looooove it.
I will have to admit the first thing that caught my eye was that Hudson Bay cardi - only because I used to have that blanket! *ha! But those leggings are the walkin' BOMB!! !! !! & if they're too long, can you pin (or sew, eventually?) the bottoms ov the legs up on the inside, like a hem, instead of rolling the waist over from the top? Just a thought. They are your legs, so, Tavi knows best.
* ; )
Love the legginings! and your room. you are so stylish, i wish i had cool clothes like that too ;)
Beautiful outfit ! these leggings are amazing !
Oh My God!
Hi Tavi.
I love it all.
The shoes are amazing, the leggings and the room... everything are perfect together.
kisses from Brazil***
this is one of my favorite outfits you've posted in some time! thanks for spotlighting that designer. i'm excited to see their other stuff.
Tavi! i love your blog! please check my blog out too! im also a 14 year old girl and i aspire to be as big as you some day. I dont have that many followers or people who have looked at my blog so please help me get more! And please check my blog out! it would mean the world to me!
Am I the only 65 year old grandmother who wants to emulate you, fourteen year old Tavi? I think your fashion sense is perfect for us oldsters too.
I just ready your article in the New Yorker and felt so proud of ya! I've followed your blog now for at least a year or so. Lady, you've got style! ;)
I love those leggings. You look like a handmade doll. I mean that in a good way. Also, cibo matto! That takes me back. I think I saw them in concert when I was in high school or maybe freshman year of college...all a bit fuzzy these days.
guh, you rule. grrrl power!
Yes! Hudson Bay can in fact be stylish. Thanks for showing some Canadian history!
these tights are so nostalgic! I love clothing that can evoke memories and emotions.
love your tights!beautiful!
The designers from Romance Was Born were doing a fashion talk last week in my city. I was so devastated I couldn't go because I had to perform that night. Great label, though (:
The New Yorker profile pic and outfit are adorbs! Did you know those Comme des Garcons shoes are featured in "the ugliest shoes of all time" round up on shine.com? Well actually they are the gold lace-up variety...It is an interesting collection ranging from the hideous(the shoes that fit on each toe)to the weird(real deer hoof shoes) to the sublime (the McQueen lady gaga shoes).
Check it out here http://shine.yahoo.com/event/fallstyle/the-ugliest-shoes-well-ever-2388563/
I really like your outfit, Tavi!
It's kind of clashy, but in a good way (if that makes any sense)...
Fantastic photo! Your room looks pretty damn funky, very inspiring.
Check out my blog! :)
I love your "italian" jacket :D
you were right to post that outfit - sublime.
re: cibo matto - mind duly blown.
thanks kid.
love that your outfit matches your room!
ps pancakes rock! lol x
love your leggings !!
check out my fashion blog at http://thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.com
Great skirt! And I love the colour scheme
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
Nice colours! : )
not my kind of music but i think the outfit is great- love the dress and the shoes are amazing!!
Dear Tavi,
Please devote more time to posting on your blog. Ideally, one (non-half assed) post every three hours. I know you have to go to school and do homework blah blah, but really, who needs math? No one. What we do need is more clever writing and photos of clashy 'but in a good way' outfits. Thanks.
With Adoration,
thestylerookie.com readers
Omg I LOVE this
Such a great look on you! - Love the shoes.
First time I'm posting a comment here, but I've been a fan of your blog for ages. It always makes me smile.
these are great shots, loved the video too. great blog
Hi Tavi,
it's always so interesting how you manage to put together so many different prints and props in one outfit. My favourite piece today has to be the Comme multicolor cardigan kind of tennis-sport-balenciagaesque type of piece (well that's how i interpret it;-) ... also really liked going to the ASVOFF festival and loved soo much the 'City Limits' short film you supported with Diane Pernet (just did a post on this).
Your room is like a physical incarnation of your photo collages. Style is all about an eye for what you like, and girl you've got two of them.
wicked leggings!
The leggings remind me of the cozies some anonymous benefactor(s) have been knitting for the bike racks (and occasional lampposts and trees of Philadelphia).
If you come down here in those, better watch someone doesn't lock a Peugeot or Ross to your poor, unsuspecting stems.
LOVE that outfit! Also loving the atmosphere of that room you are perched in!
Love this outfit, you´re a genius ^^
You should be proud of your outfit! Such a creative spirit. Love it!
i love you
my blog
i love you!!
my blog
hudson's bay company! canada! love it!
Adorable! Love the leggings
Extremely cute outfit, congrats !
Btw, I've added you to my fav links on my blog. Visit me if you want. xoxo Sam
the NYer profile on you was great
Cool leggings! I used to go to Fashion college with one of the designers of Romance was Born. He was destined to be a awesome Australian Designer.
Check out my blog at
I love the coat...the prints of your clothes are everytime amazing!!!
You have so funny shoes:). I love your room. You have many cool things.
Love this
<3 cibo matto <3
have you ever listened to portishead?
Yes, the leggings are to die for. If you lover print and pattern, check out our blog. We write about all things print related from the runways:
HBC cardigan! :D
Gorgeous outfit, especially the cardigan!
xx, www.fashiongoodies.net
lusting these afghan pants!! so much fun :)
Neat dress! This outfit definately suits your personality and matches your room! lol :)
Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella
I Love your shoes!!! the whole outfit looks very nice =}
me love ur outfit :) ur room looks nice, very unique, very nice tavi :) wish i could get a copy of the new yorker but in live in australia, can u scan in the article??
you're outfit with this background in the same color is just perfect!! I like so much it!
but what is that video?? ahha I didn't know it and it's so weird!!! it's real music band??? or it's a joke? lol
love love love lose leggings!
also, i used one of yr pictures on my blog, hope it's alright. i'm just starting it up!
your leggings are cool :)
therefor you are like cool !
Hi dear :)
Your leggins is AMAZING!
Congrats for campaign Ralph Laurens...!!
Would love for you to join our Prada Giveaway
I <3 th outfit toy are wearing in this post :) the leggings are ahhmazig :D
btw feel fee to check out my blog :)
I <3 uu Tavi . you are an inspiration to me xxx
It feels great to be able to get back on the internet and read your blog after a long-ish amount of time.
I am in love with your outfit, Tavi!!!
Love this song.
inspiring picture.
Thanks for sharing and regards from my Utopia blog.
Hi Tavi
Love your blog. I've jsut started one myself, would love for you to come and have a look. Thanks
I'm really glad that you exist, and in the squalor of suburban chicagoland, like a real trooper.
you're gonna be a big artist, little tavi. remember my words.
you have really great blog and style! and i really like your clothing.. keep on writing!
If you didn't know yet that Tavi is on the New Yorker iPad App video. Here it is :)
Great blog! xx
Love the DIY clip and the leggins. Visit me at http://stylekaleidoscope.blogspot.com
"My room in outfit form" - I love it. Genius!
November Grey
pom pom...the bomb.
those leggings are majorrr, and that outfit totally merits a posttt :)
Not really getting the color combos, but you're the fashion genius :) Love how you hung your shoes as decor :)
Those leggings make me want to curl up on the couch, drink lemon tea and listen to Carole King.
I love your post
i've been busy so i just saw your new post(it is little hard to say New post isnt it?lol)WHATEVER!
Tavi, your fashion is alway little kitchi style in 70's and i love that part. i usually come to check your post,it is very good to learn how i shoul manage my blog.
grate look, love your tights, it's so cooool :)
super cute leggings!
i love your blog and ALSO VERY VERY MUCH your music/feminism tastes. When I saw you had lunch with Kathleen Hanna I was soooo jealous! And dug hearing about it in a big way. You might like the band Team Dresch, maybe you've already heard of them. The founder Donna Dresch wrote some of the first zines back when Riot Grrrrl was getting started. They're punk-alicious:
I really like the first picture. Those leggings are very nice
the whole fashion world loves u!!!!!
wow wow wow... you are the best inspiration for everyone like me :-))
xxxxx julia
I really love the sweater!!
I love the leggings and the skirt. For someone so young, you sure write with a lot of middle-aged wisdom. That's a compliment. Trust. Me.
I love the dress it looks like a beautiful snowflake:) and your the best Tavi i love you!
Is that the sweater by Pink Tartan from the bay? You should see the wool coats like it.. THE BEST.
Those leggings are amazing!
Leggings Are My New Obsession.
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