Dress by Miu Miu, and because of FTC regulations, I'm supposed to tell you I was lent the garment to photograph by the PR offices.
Photo by Spencer, again. I think I was trying to do something Inez and Vinoodh-ish when I stood off to the side. It kind of failed but I like this as a film still? And it might be gimmicky but I enjoy church themes? And my hair looks totally white here, and kind of is totally white in real life, which makes me want to dye it pink, since I wouldn't have to bleach it (which is maybe the equivalent of scraping at my scalp with a chainsaw. A chainsaw that is on fire.) So, time to write another persuasive essay for my parents!
Oh, don't do pink! I like the white so much. You look gorgeous here as ever, though. Such a pretty girl!
Awesome I love the project that you did, Pink hair sounds good although I know nothing about hair dying and such business my closest guess of dying would be putting pink paint over my head my Mum would scream and the devil would appear in her eyes if I did that.
Moi je dis oui !! Superbe ! Des bisous de Céline http://initialscc.blogspot.com
I like this picture a lot. It does look like a movie still. I think you should go bright orange!
(happy belated birthday by the way! hope it was a great one)
i'd say keep it white but my hair is also white and i also want it to be pink. so that would be kinda hypocritical.
This blog is awesome! Never seen a better fashion blog!
You look gorgeous too
Lovely photo :) x
you're gorgeous dear & im your new follower :)
Beautiful picture! You could have a career in modeling!
Also, go for it! Pink hair sounds so fun and youthful.
I love my turquoise highlights (even though my mom doesn't lol).
-Juliette WhereForArtThouRomeo
Pink would look lovely! Do it!
Oh yes, pink! Not some hard shocking pink - but a lovely soft pink. It would be rather retro - I know a cousin of mine who was a red-head was in a fashion show in the late 60s or early 70s and they made her hair cotten candy pink. It was amazing (I was just a little kid at the time but it was so striking that I remember it still. And even my mother liked it)!
I love that it looks like a film still!
I love that it looks like a film still!
That is such a wonderful photo :)
I've seen a model wearing that in a magazine, and I think that you look better in it... UH.. like it matches the mood and it so matches your personality
You're so pretty <3
Oh, please do pink! I've been planning to dye mine pink for a while now and it would interesting to see how you work it and it might give me some ideas.
That picture is amaaazziinngggg.
DO IT! love love love this photo.
Matty xX
i love your white hair but pink may also look good, you can pretty much pull anything off! really cool photo, say well done to spencer hehe.
stop by www.habeeble.blogspot.com
such an amazing shot! love love love it
don't dye your hair pink, white is perfect for you i think :)
That is one awesome pic. Fun....writing an essay is always.....well, boring.
YES omg this is awesome. and uhhh...keep the white hair. i wish i could have white hair. instead, i'm stuck with the darkest brunette.
Pink hair is SO hard to make work with clothes though
pink? or maybe green? whatever, good luck convincing your parents.
GASP! Please do! I'm getting green streaks in May. Yay for looking like weirdos with crazy dyed hair!
You are a real beauty, young lady :)
I love your white hair, the Miu Miu dress and the black and white picture. Awesome blog!!
You're right about bleaching it again. It would kill your hair, so if you do it pink, just do it over the white. Then when the pink fades out to white again, you could do it something different.
Also, using tons of conditioner would be good for your hair since you're dying it. When I dyed mine, I used a ton of conditioner, and just let it sit in my hair for almost five minutes in the shower before I rinsed it out.
Okay yeah, done with the hair-nerd tips now.
And happy late birthday. :D
if i had to describe your blog with one word, i would say: inspiration
I that a combo of neked lady pint and crazy-fresh-cat print on that dress. HOT DOG, tell me that M. Prada, was all "Oh Tavi, my style bosom buddy, here, have this dress. You'll look marvelous in it!". Tell me those exact words came from her lips.
Oh I love this shot, it should definitely be a Miu Miu ad in a magazine! I adore you! xoxo
Love the cnotrast of the white and black. Your hair and skin look amazing here. Love that it looks like a film still, please do more of these!! :)
vicki xo
very good photo.
I don't care what your teachers say, you're gonna be a supermodel!!!
awesome picture, its so artistic and film strip stuff is my favorite. like airy pink would be the best i think. love your blog <3
love ur blog
I like the photo :)
i still think you should marry spencer!! i say you die it purple. it would look so cool mixed with the white. jeez tavi, you can pull anything off
this one has a David Lynch vibe. More Lost Highway than Twin Peaks.
I'm not sure about pink...it feels a little cliched.
Happy Birthday, btw. Can't believe I've been blog stalking you for almost two years. :-)
I loved writing persuasive essays for my parents! I was quite chuffed when I received my pet rabbit thanks to an essay
For the record I think you should go pink!
I really like your hair! It's totally different from other people! (I'm from the Netherlands, and i check your blog every day!
Totally love the composition. And I wouldn't mind having blue/gray/white hair, but pink hair would be like a late present from the Easter bunny. Cotton candy hair! That would be cool. :)
I love your hair white. It's boss. Pink would be pretty nice though. Can't wait to see what you do next!
You had to write persuasive essays too?!? Eventually I started making PowerPoints to go a long with my essays because my words tended to mimmic my previous works. Best of luck to your pink wishes!! Try describing the pain you'll endure in the bleaching process. It'll show that you know about sacrifice. My parents were always impressed with that word.
i like the white and black photo. you are so pretty !
You remind me of Cindy Sherman's Untitled Film Stills:
Love this.
You're like a ghost haunting these church grounds.
This pic its very cool XDD
i luv miu clothes, i wish i had that awesome neck, i luvv itt C:
& i luv ur haair :DD looks very modern on you (:
I was indeed thinking your hair looked very white in the last post. Any bright color would probably take really well. Or are you still into pastels?
really love this photo!!!!!!!!!!!!
comment back
I totally know what you mean about the chainsaw feeling you get from bleach. It is painfulllllllll. I would have to say you shouldn't dye your hair pink cause i remember when I did mine pink, it was like super awesome and exciting for the first 2 days but then it faded so quickly and it was so disappointing..
You look so pretty!
looooove your miu miu outfit!
I absolutely love your style and your sense of humor.
Pink, huh? Sounds like a fun adventure. :P
I hate to break it to you, but unless your natural color is quite light, you will most likely still have to bleach/process your hair in order to get truly vibrant shades of pink (luckily the roots are not as problematic, so maybe the chainsaw just grazes your scalp?)
melina bee
stunning picture.
I don't think this shot failed at all. This picture is totally amazing. The church theme doesn't seem gimmicky with the emotion on your face, and the naked lady collar paired with the saintly vestige of a statue there is kind of amazing haha. Still, if you crop this down to just be a frame of you it's a totally incredible portrait.
aren't you beautiful.
I say go for it, dye your hair pink if you really want to. It will be easier now than later and it will always fade the same as the blue did and you can enjoy the white then. I prefer the white to the blue but I'm curious about how the pink will look and you should just do whatever you want with your own hair. Bleaching again is probably not a good idea though because it will really damage it, when I bleached my hair my than once it became so dead and damaged that it wouldn't even accept new color and I had to cut it off.
great photo!
thumbs up to the photographer =D
ha! I used to write persuasive essays to my mom to convince her of things.
it was really effective.
it also helped me clarify if what i was asking for was really what i wanted.
Beautiful picture <3 You and Spencer make such a good team!
I love the colours you dyed your hair! (now and in the past)
This is a fantastic photo !
This is a fantastic photo !
pink hair would be great! especially if it were bubblegum
God I love Miu Miu if I were a girl I would dress head to toe in it every day god sends! I love your blog it's such a pick me up because well you know what high school can be like!
Hi Tavi :), i'm from Spain and i TOTALLY TOTALLY TOTALLY LOVE YOU, i think u're amazing, i love your style, your hair, i love all your things, you're very beautiful, WONDERFUL, I would like that we were friends, because i want friends like you, you're very very very INCREDIBLE, please reply me this comment, i want to be ur friend, i love love love u
i wish that the girls be like u!
Adore the hair. Pastel undertones would look great one you, maybe with even brighter white hair?
I feel like something is going to pop out of that window behind you! Still waiting.....
If you do pink, do a cotton candy meets bubble gum light, fluffy pink! It would look AMAZING.
Sarah from The Etiquette Cult
good luck persuading your parents for pink hair!! i think hot pink would look amazing on you!! i am 14, too, and i can't even persuade my parents to get me a double piercing (it's like they're amish or something...)!!
Pink is a great new idea, i recently dyed a pink streak in my hair but it's blonde now and it looks like im turing into lady gaga!
The white hair is cool, but pink would be cool too. Wish I had the guts to change mine so drastically!
I think that you could actually pull off pink hair!
j'adore celle ci tavi, et d'apres ce que j'ai compris, bon anniversaire !
Bisous, bisous, Alizée G.
Wow I really like this picture. The collar is amazing!
http://daisytt.blogspot.com/ i've just started a blog, it would be great if you could take a look. Thanks xx
dye it "scarlett johansson in lost in translation singing karaoke in a wig" pink
I love the expression on your face in this photo and the quality is very nice. ^_____^!
Church themes are definitely pretty and interesting. :3!
Oh and I think you should totally try the pink hair....or buy wigs, if your parents don't let you. I love wigs.. I have like 9 xD But then again, I need them for my crazy costume making hobby... lol~
(~_~) Love seeing photos of le Tav'z
nice photo :)
I love this pictures....
Hey this is really great Tavi. I think this is my favourite from your Miu Miu collection of photos.
Mustart x
Fantastic picture! It does resemble a film still. It reminds me of '60s Italian films, like La Dolce Vita.
Miu Miu on you, wish I had some too
Sleekit x
white blonde hair with pastel pink highlights or undertones. will i ever get sick of this miu miu collection???? i think not.
come visit!
Pink makes perfect sense. Tell your parents I said they should let you.
Love this photo:)!!
Tavi, honestly I don't think you should dye your hair pink. It's not because I think it's crazy but because of these reasons: Dying your hair can damage it and it will become more brittle over time. Plus the color might fade quickly. Why don't you get wigs instead? With wigs, you won't damage your hair. I hope you understand why I'm warning you about the side affects about dying your hair and that you won't take it the wrong way.
But if you truly want to, that's up to you Tavi.
This photo is great, I don't think it failed at all!
I like your hair white, more than I think I would like pink. But that's just me!
<3 the dress darling
If your essay works in persuading your parents, you should definitely put a copy in 'The new Sassy', so as to inspire other kids.
There are some super-conservative parents who don't want their kids to do anything that seems too strange, "OH MY GOD, are you doing DRUGS?! Blue hair means DRUGS doesn't it! No leaving the house until you're 20!" But, there are a lot of 'liberal' parents who are just as protective because they are afraid their kids will get picked on and abused if they be themselves.
I think they need to understand that there's a line between 'being yourself at risk of alienation' and 'pretending to be like everyone else at the risk of having a mental breakdown when it's terribly inconvenient (ie; your wedding day)'.
omg love all the miu miu !
I love that photo.
love that collar, tavi. i was thinking about picking one up for myself, but i have no idea when i'd ever wear it. i just ordered some miu miu clogs from this season, excited to debut them. xo
Love. It.
AUGH I wish I could do befuddled-hanging-open-mouth picture faces as well as you do, but I always end up looking slightly..hmm should I say it and risk being arrested by the political-correctness police? hrmph.
peachy-orange/salmon would be a TOTALLY RADICAL hair color!
I've always been partial to multi-colored hair :)
Great facial expression. This image does look like a film still where you are in a state of wonder/worry.
respect. i read something this morning about your block here in germany, very impressive. be my guest on our legendary Fashion Night Cannes 2010 on May 14 if you are in Cannes.
keep it up
I love this photo!
Hello everyone! Great B&W shots, love it, just like the outfit, the Miu Miu collar is just so cool.
Anyways, about the hair, I think it's a GREAT idea! Doing the entire head pink is quite a mission though and will take ages, but my hairdresser suggested me something very interesting the other day (I have very blonde, short hair like you as well): Rather than dying everything pink, just doing the tips, like lets say 5-7 cm, whatever floats your boat more or less. i thought that sounded quite cute and wouldn't screw up the hair so much. Bon courage and greetings from Paris,
Catherine xx
You know what I noticed when reading your last couple of posts? You have just suddenly blossomed from something a lot of people defined as "cute" (forgive me for using your most-hated word :P) to a beautiful (hello cliche word number 2) young woman. I dunno, I think it might be the fact that you don't seem to wear your glasses anymore and you've dyed your hair and oh maybe the fact that you're now 14! Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I'm liking the transformation and that Miu Miu collar is DI-VI-NE :D
now i like only ur hair
that's it
only do it if it is fun...
i think it looks 60s bad fam snaps and not gimmicky, really. thumbs up.
Reminds me of "Vertigo" ...where you've just kinda drifted along to this church...
you totally remind me of Enid from Ghost World in this picture
Didja see this? From the Trib:
"Former Hole and Smashing Pumpkins bassist Melissa Auf der Maur celebrated the re-launch of Venus Zine magazine at the Chicago Art Department on Friday. Auf der Maur is featured on the cover of the spring issue."
Congrats on being back!
OH NOo0oo0OO
You're gonna be very beautiful as a woman, darling.
Yes, I call you darling, to sound cool.
Dina-Dyorre, why didn't I read your message before?! I would have used another word for her. Now, she was as beautiful with her glasses!
Hear that, Tavi? I really liked your glasses. Everybody did.
It is so beautiful photo, very editorial.
juliet xxx
yay you're back! loove the photo!
I love your hair! Don't dye it ! :)
The photo is gorgeous... the comments from everyone are hilarious ... just some of the reasons why I love your blog and I'm reading it instead of translating a book about kimono... aggh.. got to get back to work!!
Glad to see your back in business!
I think pink would look lovely on you, actually.
But I'd say, go for a light tone of pink; like a soft cotton candy, instead of a scandalous electric pink.
Either way, I'm sure whichever color you choose will look pretty ; w ;
~ Orphin's Domains ~
I totally love the dress, I want it too :D
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
glad to see your blog is back :D
your dress is 3D
Hey tavi ! Say me, the picture below "Style Rookie", where it comes from ? Thanks
Still can't get over how much I love everything Miu Miu right now.... sigh...
Your hair looks great and I adore miu miu!!!
Please check out my blog:
I'm not much of a fashion-savant, but i truly think your photography skills are most remarkable.
Dress is soo Beatifull!!!
The Miu Miu collection is incredibel.
Congrats, Your blog is amazing!!!
By: High Tale from Portugal
You're channeling Tatum O'Neal in Paper Moon. You look great. Happy birthday (belated). xo
go pastel RAINBOW.
great photo! you actually look your age here. not in a bad way ! I just mean less granny chic ;)
Happy Belated Birthday.
Have a good one, and do keep posting.
Great pic, it is very Inez and Vinoodh...Kind of this fantasy reality...and there's a "very realness" to your expression.
Love the picture.
Love the miu miu.
Love love love!!
Hello Dasein!
maybe a really really really light pink. or have the edges turn into a light pink. just no bright pink. might look gothic.
Go for the pink...but be wary of the green option that some other commenters mentioned...I tried it once and ended up with Astroturf green hair, hands, and bathroom sink...
hi tavi...:) i'm andrea... the your blog is so glamour!!! and coool...i love your balleyes glasses and your miu miu shoes.. if u want visit my blog... http://trendyfashionshow.blogspot.com this is write in italian but u can traslate in english
It's much harder to achieve white hair than pink hair. Keep the white!
Do your parents really make you write a persuasive essay when you want something? Thats so awesome; if I ever have kids I am going to make them do that when ever they want something I am on the fence about.
oh my gosh your dress makes me want to die. i wish i had your courage :( kids at my school are so predictable when i wear one thing out of line (every day) they're like uhh, maybe you should borrow my sweatshirt.
"oh it's ok i like being NOT YOU :)"
you're my inspiration tavi!
oh and i definitely love your hair with this whole white blonde thing...dont go pink!
Mui Mui <3
so cool! the shirt is way to cute!
Pashupati: I didn't say I didn't like the glasses, I'm a glasses wearer myself! dunno if you've even read my comment Tavi but just in case you did I thought I would clarify that I love you both with and without your specs ;)
This is a beautiful shot!
I dyed my hair pink when I was 19 after finishing high school, I had no chance to wearing it pink at school, even though I went to an art high school, but I'm glad that times have changed :P
i've been reading through your posts and a ireally think i love you. Not really but i have an amazing vibe comingfrom your writing and also your photos.
Lets just say your 'super cool'.
Keep being cool
from spindizzyfall
p.s love your lady gaga - 'telephone' video idea
I love this picture, and dont do pink please!
edenly jewellery blog
why couldn`t they be mine..?!
love the miu miu dress...
check out our blog, we just started it =)
so stunning tav omg
adorable and arty!
Love that picture!
you're soo pretty
<3, Poppy
follow me! : )
Oh my gosh! Do you realise I am the same age as you and yet still can't believe how utterly AMAZING you are! You have a new follower. P.S that collar you are wearing is absolutely GORGEOUS!!
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