
So! This thing I've been working on! Basically Miu Miu's offices were very very nice and let me borrow a few pieces from the Spring collection so I could take pictures for a gift I am making and for this here blog. I mean, that Spring collection was too good, it haunted my dreams and dominated my tumblr and also did I mention that it still haunts my dreams and still dominates my tumblr? No? Well then, I should tell you that it still haunts my dreams and still dominates my tumblr. I sent everything back today, and while it was a very painful thing to do, it was also for the best. All it might take is one extra wear to those kitten heels for my nasty germs to cause them to disintegrate and turn to silk dust right beneath my feet. And that would be tragic! Also, I get attached to things, and also, my camera would blow up after taking so many pictures. (Look at me, being all optimistic - a rare occurrence!) So, the first batch.

miu miu dress and shoes. hue socks from laia.

I've wanted to take personal hero Courtney Love-inspired pictures for a while and the finally warm weather and Miu Miu allowed me to try and do her hopefully at least a little justice. My first and second grader neighbors saw me dragging out the tripod and wanted to help me with the photos but I wasn't sure how to explain my smudged makeup, or heavy lipstick, or huge high heels, or, uh, naked people all over the dress. I am such a positive influence!


1 – 200 of 455   Newer›   Newest»
Ria said...

you look amazing in those pictures.

in the black and white second one from the top, you are suh cuh reaming sex appeal.

Sharon said...

dear lord these are great
your skin color and your hair and the blue and the black and red look amazing

Daphne said...

I love seeing you come into your own! You look beautiful, Tavi, and what a lucky girl to get to play in those beautiful things!!!

Katie Bee said...

You are made of positive influence!

Re: those knee socks; WAAAAAAANT


veery beautiful, and you are so lucky to have some miu miu collection! That's a hot trends for pattern (cildhood pattern) and you combine it with socks ? greeaat. But i think it would be greater if the socks is white i think..and for the hair, back in nude blond? absolutely beauty

Lorena said...

Holy crap Tavi you are blowing my mind. The first thing I thought when I saw these photos was "Whoa she looks like Courney Love!" and then I read that that's what you were going for so great job, you totally captured her look. How you were able to give all that glorious Miu Miu back is a mystery to me, I'm not sure if I would have been able to!

Lucy in the Sky said...

I was going to say that you REALLY look like Courtney Love in your first picture! Also...I kind of want to add that...you're growing up! Obviously. But your face is maturing in a good way. :) You're super lucky to be able to wear Miu Miu!

chrisjinkim said...


Claire said...

OH MY GOSH these are amazing, you wear the clothes beautifully and you look fantastic, i could go on and on and on and praise you until I ran out of adjectives for good but I stop here hopefully before you think Imma crazy. Well done!

Cypriotchick said...

You loook GORGEOUS!!!! i was sitting here going wow did u develop inbetween posts??? but i realised it was the wonderful cut of the dress!!!

and the bluess gone :(


Typhaine said...


Shelley Noble said...

Holy shit! Tavi You are a beauty! WoW!

Maz said...

I am so baffled by how someone your age can be SO COOL! Great photos! You look amazballs with the red lips and bright blond hair!


Unknown said...

holy schmoly! you're pulling a dakota fanning on us and looking all pretty and grown up

Anonymous said...

Holy fuck. I love these and I want those shoes. You are incredible.

lol said...

Did Spencer take those photos? They are amazing!
And what happen to your blue hair??!! Miss them.

Kitty said...

Wow, you look stunning! Could totally tell it was courtney inspired by looking at the photos, I was obsessed with courtney as a teenager and still completely influenced by her early 90's style, never gets old! Totally jealous of those heels especially! xx

Passport Smiles said...

You are one lucky dog. I think Miu Miu's collection haunts everyone's dreams and Tumblrs these days, but not everyone gets to just ask Miu Miu if they can borrow some of the outfits for pictures!

Lookin' gorgeous with the C Love inspired look.

Ashley Morgan said...

first picture I automatically thought.. hey that looks like Courtney Love. SUCCESS!
brilliant as ever.

Rikke'M said...

Really beautiful photos. Really. And you look absolutely stunning.

Anonymous said...

These are brilliant photos! You look fantastic! I'm sooo jealous you got to borrow that stuff!


Ana said...

you look just great and I have always loved about you that you like playing with the clothes and giving such a dramatic and artistic touch to your outfits, you really are an inspiration:)

brunchatthebeach said...

These photos are great--definitely got the Courtney Love vibe. :)

-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach

Unknown said...

Yes! fantastic. i love the light and the styling is gorgeous. U look so grown up and ethereal:-) good job!


Anonymous said...

the whole look is just amazing!
i love your miu miu shoes so much! ^^

Eline said...

Uh you look so GREAT. Obviously omgomgooooooomg Miu Miu I am incredibly jealous, but also you look like you suddenly aged 4 or so years and are in the middle of the horrid thing we call teenagedom. It's probably the lipstick. Whatever the case, you look divine and I def. see the Courtney influence.

Unknown said...

very cool. courtney can be pleased with this tribute, and so can miu miu.

Cadie said...

You look so pretty!!


AnAzevedo said...

OMG Tavi!!! these are amazing photos, well done. The clothes suit you perfectly and you are becoming prettier and prettier.

chwalisz. said...

OMG! I thought that's professional model. Fantastic photos, you're so lucky.

BRIE ET CHAR said...

omg, love your photo's! and your look, of course!

Fashionista:London said...

A pointless comment, to say that I'm speechless. Truly blown away.

epeaa said...

oh my lordy, you look absolutely stunning

zoomslow said...

:-))) The photos seem to indicate that these clothes are an extension of your soul - which I have no doubt is the case! Well, even if you can't have them, at least you will have these images to remind you of what a killer combination "Tavi + Miu Miu Spring Collection" is.

HumanAdult said...

I assume these pics are taken before the one with the shorts and the Gap Jacket and the badges? Lookin stunning miss.Lovin the Sherrie Currie hair as much as I love the one with the dark roots from previous.

Lily said...

I immediately thought "ohmygod Tavi looks like a young Courtney Love", justice done!

Libertad said...

I must say that you look much better than Courtney Love in any of the younger years, Tavi; you look more sane than her (and more stylish, dear).

Charlene said...

You look fantastic. Love your hair this way!

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious said...

ommgg taviii . you look so amazingly pretty ! light light colored hair and red red lips . ohh so like something out of the 80s !!! and yes you are such positive influence .

Annabel said...

oh my god youve grown up

Kristina MikalauskaitÄ— said...

sooo beautiful...

Hash Draws said...

Our little tavi its growing soooo fast... *sob sob sob*

Fox said...

love these, nice job

Fox said...

love these, nice job

Ola Rybacka said...

I always knew you'll be a beautiful woman

Lu said...

wow!! u look awesome! much older than u are. It's nice to see your cute face behind those glasses. You should take them off more often! :)



SuzieM said...

oh, returning back those shoes must have been too difficult... but the pictures are great!!

Bobby Blue said...

you look amazing and I can definitely see some courtney love in there.

UshiSato said...





Larie said...

You look really cool, like Courtney Love or Kat Bjelland...love it.

Anonymous said...

WOW. Beautiful. Everything about this is amazing!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

the first thing I thought when I saw the pictures was "kinder whore" "courtney love!", and then I read that was your inspiration, so congrats, you totally nailed the references!

seeyouinthenextlife said...

Cada día estás más guapa...

fashion child said...

you look so much older in these photos... the dress is really cute


Tokyo fashion-HOLIC said...

Wow, what a beautiful pics!!
You are too amazing...and sooo jealous!
I adore your gold hair and red lip.

Ms. Wedgie said...

Lord have mercy...you look beautiful on these pictures. These have got to be my favourite ones so far. The colour of your lips and your pale skin works so well with the whole outfit.

Like everyone else I thought "Wow...she looks just like CL" when I saw the first picture.

Sending all that stuff back must have been hard...I feel your pain.


Graham said...

way amazing.

phantom; said...

Oh dear you are so lucky to have been able to borrow those items! The red lipstick and shade of your hair looks really good, recently you seem to have developed such a lovely more mature style if that makes sense.
You really should consider modeling at some point or something!

Caddy said...

WOW! Lucky, lucky girl!! Miu Miu let you borrow their stuff!!! The pictures are very Courtney Love! :)

Jade Andersen said...

Go Tavi! you look pretty awesome in that miu miu dress and heels. god knows i would kill for some miu miu shoes! but not you tavi i love you and reading your blog to much :D
love Sid xx

Emily said...

I know how much you love love love the Miu Miu stuff, so you must have CRIED when you had to send it back!! You look incredible in the outfit. It totally fits your personality and style


Unknown said...

So cute !


Peacock's Hat said...

It makes me sad that there exists something so beautiful in the world that I will never get to see or touch, let alone wear :( You look awesome, but then again, that Miu Miu collection is so beautiful it makes me want to cry a little bit....

Jessica said...

Oh wow - the clothes are gorgeous. I bet it was an amazing experience to just hold them!

But I have to say that you look especially beautiful in these photos.

su said...

I'm in love with your hair and shoes.

Any girl or woman that can be as original and creative as you are is always a positive influence. You show that passion doesn't come with age, passion is always inside of us.


Lucy Bear Johnson said...


SEISM said...

You look luvley!!
I posted a picture of you and your hair on my blog, hope that's ok :D

For more hair inspiration: http://www.SCALPTURE.com

1087705145 said...

Oh wow, you look stunning! Did you see Keira Knightley in Miu Miu? That collection was amazing and she worked it amazingly :D I'm incredibly jealous of you! Haha

Sarah Bentivegna said...

Tavi you really look gorgeous in these pictures.

Jorge Alexander said...

: )

Anonymous said...

yup. very grown up, but in a very good way ;)

really good photos. and you should keep your hair just like that. it looks great on you.

Erin said...

I didn't even recognize you in these pictures! You look really, really, really GREAT! I love the hair color now.

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

As soon as I saw the first picture I immediately thought "Courtney Love". Then I scrolled down and say that she was your inspiration. Nicely executed my dear.

Unknown said...

I like your haircut!!!

Anonymous said...

tavi...you look incredible. like, these are soooooooooooo beautiful! and i dont mean to sound like your great aunt maude here but, you are blossoming into SUCH A FINE YOUNG LADY. seriously, look totally non-gremlin like here (dw i love the gremlin) and just like a pretty sophisticated whimsical yet edgy porcelain doll. not in a creepy way. you never fail to inspire!

xx come visit!

CAROLINE. said...

Wow, you really look so different in these photos! I wish I could borrow a few pieces from Miu Miu spring '10 too! I want to eat it up like a deranged unicorn.


cancercowboy said...

Sweet Jesus

i'm lost for words

Lisbeth said...



Tanya Lee said...

Is that you? You look stunning !! Love the dress !

khelsaoe said...

I'm going to agree with Alana on the Dakota Fanning bit. It's like you've grown right in front of my eyes and blossomed into a beautiful young woman. Gorgeous!

Hannah said...

you look great!

Correspondencia Ajena said...

Ahhhh you are so beautiful! Love it!

lahlah said...

AH.I loved this collection... and you got to wear them... AH AH AH.
U look grownup in the pics heh :P

Christina said...

Haha! I love it. Looks a little like Blondie.

Zoe_Deluge said...

you look uber good with the red lipstick, and I like how you did your eye makeup, its like a little gold in certain areas it looks to me or that can just be your skin tone, anyways, I love this post, and you look great!

Noh'A said...

u look like Scarlett Johansson. You are very cute. I love your blog.
Your universe makes me think of CocoRosie. Strange&Beautiful.
Love from a french fan

samantha said...

mmmmmmmmmmmm yes.

NorwegianWood said...

Yes, just yes.

Isabel said...

Oh man, Courtney was the first thing I thought of when I saw these! You totally do her justice and I'm so happy that you got to fondle some of that Miu Miu! Pass on the good vibes, dude.

Tavi said...

Thanks guys! I credit the photo editing, dress, and shoes for how uh mature I look...will be back to stumpy grandma mushroom soon unfortunately.

aaa-No, I did these with the tripod
and self timer.

FND-Nope, they were taken after! A couple days ago.

Nicole said...

Love, love these pics of you!

Samantha Nandez said...

Looks great! You definitely nailed the Courtney Love look. No more blue hair?

Kirsty said...

tavi you look so beautiful in these photos! and i am so jealous you got to wear clothes from such an amazing collection. i'll try to see it as me living vicariously and be a bit less bitter...hmph!

Vanessa said...

wow, I am in love with different interpretations of miu miu, and in fact did a massive ode to the SS 2010 collection on my blog. I love the way you have conveyed the ambience with the setting & red lips. If you want to check out my blog, here it is themondayissue.blogspot.com. Hope you had a wonderful time with the miu miu :)

xxxooo Vanessa

Kristen said...

My, my... aren't we getting all gorgeous, and older, and Virgin Suicide like...

Nicely done my dear.

Jasmin_Smerneluv said...

i love the miumiu collection. that's not fair!
you look pretty good though.

Anonymous said...

you look so much older all of a sudden! absolutely gorgeous. and im in love with that dress - fabulous

Becca said...

You have really pretty eyes. Wear contacts more often (:

These pictures are lovely.

Emma said...

I just cannot believe that you are wearing those amazing clothes. I think that that collection is my favorite ever. First off, it has been haunting me too! And the thought that I will never own something from that collection is terrifying. You look great in these photos, can't wait for more!
Also, we are in a poem unit for English and we had to write ballads, and odes, etc. All of mine were praising either Miuccia or the collection.
I am so happy to see these pieces on you! How do those amazing shoes feel? Do they make you feel amazing? Super, even?
Let's hear all of the details about how you felt about this collection. Thanks for the great post! You really know how to put a good start to the day!

helen said...

God I totally LOVE the hair!!! Perfect for this summer, matches perfectly with the red lipstick, you look so much older now! I like that. The heels are totally awesome.. LOOOOOOOOVE!!

xx helen


helen said...

wait a minute, a miu miu dress AND shoes??? how can you afford this?? WOW! you lucky girl!!

Gale said...

Wow kiddo - great photos and your look in that miu miu dress and shoes is awe inspiring. I actually like the B&W photo best - looks straight out of a magazine layout. You do look like you jumped straight past high school and into college. Love the hair - although I loved your hair ALOT in your last photos too!

Amanda said...

you rocked the hell out of that..def. got the courtney part down and that lipstick color is fab on you

Sewon said...

You're so badass!!

Gwendoline said...

It's incredible seeing how much you have grown up in just three months!
You look more and more pretty everyday!:)

Sorry for my english!=S

Elle said...

Holy cow little lady - you are truly transformed in those pics. You look amazing! Thanks for sharing...as if I didn't want those heels bad enough already...

kelli said...

wow, tavi, you are gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

omg you look beautiful in red lips..
and of course the pics and the look are amazing

meowsk said...

Lucky girl! How I long for that Miu Miu cat print. This outfit and these photos are beautiful. I really enjoy your fashion insight and very much look forward to your posts.

Heebie Jeebie Jaya said...


The Scientist said...

Shit! I really like your pictures and I love the clothes!! :) Very nice!!

Unknown said...

Nice !!!
Your hair is lovely~!

Val said...

I really like the style you're showing off in these photos, and the dress is awesome!

Jacqueline said...

Tavi you amazing in the pictures! You look so much older than usual :]
Beautiful collection too, of course.

WendyB said...

I'm all about the cheap child labor. Give them my number.

ita darling. said...

did you read the prada piece in the WSJ? Sart linked to it on his page. THey are Definitely finding the *right* bloggers to help virally market with. very nice job.

t. said...

you're gorgeous an I want that dress too :((

Nikki Ashley said...

Definitely see the Courtney Love influence, beautiful pictures.

kate cait sith said...

Oh man HOW DO LOOK SO COMPOSED IN THOSE PHOTOS? I would have been floating on clouds. Or grinning like a creepy mad woman.

aufashionnaturel said...

omg you look absolutly adorable on those photos girl!

Unknown said...

i'm not really one to ever leave comments, but this is really fabulous. perfect for you, and you know how to make it work. a+

Unknown said...

The RED LIPS make me think of Scarlett Johansson in the best way possible.

Mercedes Morales said...

I really really love this dress.

Unknown said...

Oh My Gosh
Oh My Gosh
You Look amazing and the hair :D
Love the Lipstick
And i love that Dress
Yup im Geoulus
Visit my Blog.
I assure you if i was to get a comment of you i would die. . . But i would be happy before i died Xx

Unknown said...

god you look like dakota fanning in the runaways movie

you're growing upp !


You look so beautiful! xo


the producers said...

You totally rockZ this outfit ,tavi!
Your are my style icon !

I'm so in Love


MissKimmy said...

beautiful photos!!

XO Kimmy

Miss Hulk said...

This is so lovely. Your amazing with amazing photos on top.

rachel said...

Wow you look incredible! And all that Miu Miu really, really looks perfect on you :)
That must have been so much fun wearing it!!!

365 said...

you look absolutely amazing!

Anonymous said...

Tavi, I love the miu miu shoes!

gretchen said...

i'm in love with these pics! you look so old, in a great way of course

ps- miu miu collection was amaze, i agree

Katey said...

I have to say that as soon as I saw this collection it brought you to mind. I love reading your blog! Good luck and keep up the awesome blog!

This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You are like the katamari ball in that game. You just keep rolling around, picking up awesome. Eventually you'll just be this massive ball made of awesome. See picture for reference: Katamari Ball

GabyosaurusRex said...

Tavi, I love your look! I'm obsessed with those shoes now.. where can I get them?


Lovvvve the styling and the way your hair had faded. : )

chad said...

i loooove these pics of you

Agent Lover said...


Anonymous said...

Spotted, on italian Vanity Fair, with me screaming 'Ah! Tavi!' with a gorgeous and morbid italian accent, sit on my tablecloth with lemons on it.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE SHOES. Sigh, naked people is such a cute motif.

chelsea said...

Totally thought of Courtney Love before I read your explanation. Apparently you became a very strong likeness.

Mr. Jerry Seguin said...

um, this is amazing. when did you become a model?!

Mery said...

You really look like courtney love! the color of your hair is ok now

xoxo Mery

Marlena said...

this is AMAZING!

Amber said...

Love it!
these look looks so good on you!
really fresh and clean!
x amber

Emma said...

Love all of it. Amaaaazing.

Anonymous said...

omg wow! these photos of you are the best yet! you look so grown up and sophisticated, you could so be a petite model!

Unknown said...

Amazing! the entire outfit/photoshoot is Fantastic!
What dreams are made of.

Lies said...

Oh Tavi, you epic little creature. The picture where your eyes are closed is amazing! And so is the Miu Miu (obviously!)

Jenny said...

You look ridiculously amazing! First picture is stunnin'
Your hair is looking lovely too :) xx

mademoiselle créative said...

Amazing pictures!

Sandy Joe said...

Favorite collection ever! I live for patterns upon patterns upon patterns! You are definitely channeling ms. love.

katherinemcconnellclothing said...

fantastic prints from the skirt, sleeves,and collar!
Katherine McConnell Clothing

Lula said...

You look like Courtney Love - after an overdose.

Anonymous said...

I always wonder whether you read ALL these comments (coz there's just so many...), but I just have to write this - when I saw these photos - and especially the second one, I thought - OH, god, is she trying to make a Courtney Love pose? Because she totally does :)

Anyway, the dress is gorgeous and, as for Courtney, all I can say is - I wish she get back to her awesomeness, because she's such a mess sometimes lately

Insomnia said...

You really look like young Courtney, or Taylor Momsen, but she looks like Courtney. So Courtney it is!
Great pictures, red lipstick suits you big time!

Neekoh said...

Stunning!! You look so grown up. And gorgeous! Love theeeeese!


Ana said...

Wow TAVI! You look older in the pics and a lot like Courtney Love! I like the whole grunge vibe with such girly clothes! It would never crossed my mind! i like that creative mix!

Stef said...

God, you shouldn't have posted this. I am so jealous right now, that was the most amazing collection ever.
And you look so pretty in these photos!

Ross said...

Oh my gawd, I was wondering who you were reminding me of, and then I read the last paragraph and it hit me. I'm sorry everything had to be sent back, but is better to have loved and lost.....

Briana Le & Merissa Ren said...

god. such perfection.

zeeta said...

holy crap! you gained three years since the last picture! I thought this was an editorial picture you posting up as inspiration! It's really pretty and I love the nice combination of your hair and makeup and pale skin (if that makes any sense).

zeeta said...

holy crap! you gained three years since the last picture! I thought this was an editorial picture you posting up as inspiration! It's really pretty and I love the nice combination of your hair and makeup and pale skin (if that makes any sense).

Anonymous said...

this outfit it's incredibly amazing! nice heels!
but the thing I love the most is your hair and make-up. you look gorgeous!

Sheik-Chan said...

OooooooooOoooOooOOOOooooOOOOOooooOooOOoOOohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!! Tavi!!

You're completely edible! I just want to squeeze ya XD This outfit is quite the treat and I just love the colors and pieces here and there....the shoes look great. You have great legs and skin. w00t! Great shots! ^_____^

You did much justice!

Anna said...

Gorgeous pics!

no said...

plz let miuccia know that i would actually kill to have that entire collection in one of my shoots thxplzbye..

Naomi said...

well heck, you look grown up!
amazing stuff.

agata said...

i'm in love with this look (make up!). and i wish i had those shoes.
you took my heart now, toootally.

Diana Quintana said...

WOW! First you look too gorgeous and beautiful with that hair, second, I totally envy you. MIU MIU SPRING COLLECTION. Too good. If you see someone stalking you, It'll probably be me cause I'm totally obsessed with that collection.
You are always great :D (Am sounding like a pshyco?)


daniela kate morosini said...

the cut of that dress! just the cut! it's so perfectly executed. love the pout :) xo

Devery said...

WOW! jesus, Tavi! those are amazing! I LOVE the whole styling and I thought "Courtney Love" right away. And also you are so beautiful! XOXOXOXOXOOX

GiGi said...

Gorgeous pics, hair, shoes, stylin!

Anonymous said...

You look amazing! That dress - wow, I am jealous!

bravegrrl said...

sososo amazing and you totally did courtney justice :)

total cinderella moment!!!


Chloe Scheffe said...

You look so gorgeous!

Brittney said...

You look absolutely stunning in these pics. I love the new hair and the red lips.

Katjana said...

Holy crap! How awesome is THAT?! Wow, and you look so great in the pics and the clothes are just stunning...wow
you're sure you're only 13?!

Meagan said...

you look amazing!!! to wear anything miu miu would be fabulous!


What we four say said...

Stunning dear, It's really amazing to have seen your transformation from a girl to a full on woman!! A lucky one at that! :)

Suze said...

tavi dude! i wanted to say.. quit school start a job in fashion!! but that's not a good thing to say.. 'stay in school kids'.. haha.. anyways.. you looooook gorgeous!! hair = blonde??? wooooow! fierce! love it!

Anonymous said...

you'll be a woman soon!

take care, piece of jewelry

Anonymous said...

I have to second the lyrical comment above me. All growed up. Just awesome. Well done.


Frockspotter said...

The Miu Miu clothes are so chic and yet so kinda... grunge?
Until you mentioned her in the end paragraph, you didnt really remind me of Courtney Love.
Love the red lips!

Anonymous said...

these look awesome.

mine are on the way!

Catherine said...

Amazing photographs, those shoes are in my dreams!

Anonymous said...

i was going to say you look so beautiful and lady like here... but 191 people beat me to it!

very grown up, which i think it's the first time i've seen you in a pic that made you look that way... well done!

Poulet said...

At the first look I didn't even thought about Courtney because it was actually kinda you, but now that you mentioned it, yes, you look like her; great job xD

noosa vintage said...



Lola ^^ said...

Beyooooond cute!

Tavi said...

Thanks guys! <3

Brianna said...

wow... is that u, Tavi?? I barely recognized you! You look great!!!
Pleeeeze visit my blog!!!

Unknown said...

you are gorgeous in the first picture.
not that you're not in the others,
but the first one is just amazing !

mirae. said...

So pretty, my friend :)
you're so lucky to have gotten Miu Miu!! even if you're not keeping it, stillllll you got to wear them!!! ahhhhhhhhh :O
you're so pretty in these pictures. and to be real, i haven't even known about Miu Miu until you mentioned it!

i know, i suckkk but Miu Miu will rockk forever~ :)

indigotangerine said...

As much as i loved the blue, this platinum color is just wonderful on you. Perfect styling and photos.

too young to swing said...

woahh, you look gorgeous!

Clara Marinelli said...

Is that you ? I can't recognize you.

Anyway these shots are just AMAZING !


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