My, this weekend was full of non-internety things and it was rather enjoyable. Ella and I went to Starbucks, wiped two face-size circles of fog away from the windows, stuck our heads in them and acted like The Biggest D-Bags Ever. Meaning, I wore a beret and held a Diana up to my eye and pretended to take pictures of anyone that passed. And Ella put on huge black sunglasses and held a mystery stories magazine up to her face. We are so obnoxious slash pretentious slash very much like the stereotypical Wes Anderson fan hipster (I mean, I love Wes Anderson! My header font is the one he always uses! And I love it! But, you know. The type. I'm talking about.)
Oh, and Hanukkah! Happy Hanukkah, fellow Jews!
Oh, and Hanukkah! Happy Hanukkah, fellow Jews!

This is one of the dresses from the Rodarte for Target collection, worn last week I think? And since this dress was inspired by Rosemary's Baby, I tried to style my hair like Mia Farrow like I used to when it was shorter. And by "style" I mean "not clip my bangs to the side with some type of butterfly hairclip from the 90's." Beauty is hard work, I'LL TELL YA.
Well, it's not like if I don't have a good picture of the bottom of the Rodarte flowery dress from SS07 anyone will DIE, or anything. This is my new excuse for my laziness: WELL, IT'S NOT LIKE I'LL DIE IF I DON'T [insert something having to do with medicine, turning off stoves, making sure our numerous tractors aren't roaming around our house sans supervision.] Well, that and: I WAS JUST IN TOKYO A FEW WEEKS AGO SO I'M KIND OF OUT OF IT. This one I will keep using for a few months, I'm sure it'll still work by May, right?
And on the back of the dress, my weakness: REDDI WHIP. Wait, no, my other weakness: REBA MARATHONS. Wait, no, my other other weakness: BOWS.

Allllsooo, because of that new law, I am supposed to let you know that I receieved compensation and pieces from the Rodarte for Target collection for my collaboration with Target.
Once I was home from school the day I wore this all plain I actually tried a more interesting outfit.
I need, need, need, need, NEED to just start waking up earlier. I miss being creative! Oh farts.

Rodarte for Target dress, blue dress kind of showing underneath, and denim jacket. Random buttons. Vintage belt and yellow necklace. Other necklace, hat, and ring from Monsoon Accessorize. Celeste Stein tights via Comme des Garcons shoes.
Inspired by this spread from the P.Y.T. issue of i-D this past September:

So basically, mixing blue, orange, yellow...a little red, a little black. And animal print. Argh such good styling.

Details, etc etc. The hat is EPIC and has peaccok feathers embroidered on using sequins. Whaaat. The wonderful folks at Monsoon Accessorize sent it to me along with this chunky necklace and ring and some other goodies that will pop up here eventually because they are insane.
Time to find a baby picture for the yearbook. I was thinking of bringing in one of an old man, Y/Y/Y?
leopard dress is just incredible! And your mix of jeans vest and this dress is also very bright, bravely and interesting.
Very good look%))
Jeez Louise - your shizzle is incredible. Plus one for the red shoes + pearls and facepalm to the Diana. You need to get yourself a Yashica TLR =]
Oooo whatcha gunna do with all that cheddah from Target?? Something fabulous I know, like buying an elephant. Imagine rolling into school everyday on Dumbo... sweet.
And yeah, my weakness for animal prints (and of course, bows) might send me on a day trip to the states to get that dress. The rossette dress looks great oversized on you like that... more interesting than your regular old party mini, non?
ahhh i love the dress!
Sounds like a nice time at Starbucks, I'm gonna try that some day.
First of all, props for not one but TWO references to Clueless... makes me want to go rollin' with the homies, I'm telling you! :) Also, the bows integrated into the back of that dress are KILLER!! Hopefully my paltry small-town Target will carry it; otherwise I will venture into the murky waters of online shopping in pursuit of its leopard-print goodness!
I wasn't sure about that dress but dude, I love what you did with it! Plus the bows in the back are so fun. Denim plus leopard very flashback yet definitely now.
hahaha reba marathons. isn't it always middle of autumn on that show? it's the best.
i love the dress... :)
your CDG shoes are awesome!
Love ur style Tavi
Hello Tavi,
Hello Everyone !
The Leopard 's dress' back is just....Whaouuu ! ^^
Kisses to all !
=Friend Jean-Pierre MATTEI=
DYING for the Rodarte stuff to come out in Target, you made the dress look amazing, of course!
awesome outfit, Tavi, your style is so amazing i love it!
I haven't purchased new clothes in four years. You are my research.
Naw your style is one of a kind amazing my dear!!
thanks dudes <3
Julie, you made me laugh so hard with your comment. IT'S TRUE!
1) Clueless is AWESOME
2) your outfit with the vest and the leopard forced me to make incomprehensible noises for about 40 seconds. So good.
3) y/y/y to the old man baby picture idea.
You have TWO "glorified craft projects" from the rodarte ss2007? that crazy. nice reference to cher.
wait, sorry. did'nt read the post entirely before commenting. did you get to keep either?
I don't even know what to say about you watching Reba marathons...
Also, you look fantastic in the Rodarte. They better be compensating you my work pretty damn hard.
Also, also...old man for the yearbook gets my vote. Perhaps a hand drawn mustache to top it off? Brava!
Very cute outfits, I must say. Never was too big of a fan..of flowers but it still looks cute on you! ^-^
I love the tights especially...I love leg accessories... D:
I MUST SAY....those bows are tooooo cute! At first I thought they were dinosaur spikes...xD I don't know, I'm silly...!
OH! And I LOVE that part on Clueless. I always laugh hard at the dad's comment. XD He's hecka mean to the new friend...he could careless who she is, it's his chair. rofl.
I'm so excited about this collaboration! I loved this post and the leopard dress so much, I did an illustration of it!
Ross-nooo just borrowed one!
also, if you bring in a photo of an old man, you shall be my heroooo.
ahh! the dress! the Rodarte for Target dress! i have loved it for so long but how do i get to it all the way here :/
ohhh i do love the rodarte for target dress!!! i am pumped for when they release it in stores, its going to be mega cool. happy hanukah to you, my fellow jew! :)
fabulous. and yes, happy Hanukkah
much love,
The second that dress becomes available to the general public, I'm buying it! Looks amazing on you.
I adore leopard print when it is done in the right way, like you have :)
AMAAZING!! i can't wait for the collection to be in stores
Love the bows down the back of the leopard print dress it is so cute.
Check out my giveaway
Clueless FTW
oh and happy hunakkah fellow jew :))
The jacket is definitely my favorite part of the look. Love the Andy Warhol pin :)
well. that's a sad sad tale of the lost encounter with free real rodarte.
tweeting tenenbaumfail. so good.
Two Clueless references and a Reba tie-in? Hellz yeah.
This is my first visit, but I'll definitely be back.
So, im just gonna say something, i read about you last week, i bought the Mexican Vogue (yes, im writing from Mexico) and i just get fascinated with the words about you, but, what it amazed me the most was that you're just 13.
So congratulations for been such a creative girl, also for your great sense of style, i mean you are really an inspiration for lots of true fashionistas.
although ngl i used to do that as a kid with R rated moves my parents wouldn't let me see - South Park movie and American Pie, I'm looking at you.
happy chanukah!!
good luck in school
i like the bows on the back of the leaopard dress and what you did in the outfit with it after wards
The leopard dress is probably my favorite dress in the Rodarte collection! You look good in it. I have a jean jacket almost exactly the same as the one your wearing! (even if jean jackets look almost all the same!)
Oh my Jesus H. Garcia (Freaks and Geeks reference, laugh with me here)! That outfit with the leopard dress and the denim jacket is WAY TOO GOOD. When we have the epic blogger meetup or my (our?) dreams, I will snatch that outfit. Gahhh, you are toocoolforme.
Totally relate to wearing one outfit to school and then make it all awesome once I got home. I used to babysit in the best outfits, but was always too scared to wear it to class. Also yay the Clueless reference.
OH! I just love the denim jacket, you know .. with the random buttons on it and all. :3
You have a great blog.
"You’re welcome." = :-)) <33
happy chanukah, fellow jew, to you.
you look adorable as always tavi!
Yep, I love Futura too (the font)!
I think you're kind of incredible. Really, you are. Keep it up!!
Okay, so you're probably going, "Is this like a Noxzema commercial or what?" But seriously, I actually have a way normal life for a teenage girl
More prints, please! Loving the balance of the Leopard Rodarte for Target with blue dress underneath and denim jacket. And yes, please get up early more often.
hey man you are wayyyy cool
WoOoo... i REALLY LOVE this post & all you are wearing.. the leopard amazingg!!... I LOVELOVE ur BLOG!!!
visit my blog & follow me! =;-D
your style is unique!!!
Hi Tavi!!
I love your blog, thank you for all the inspiration! I just started my own blog because I feel a desperate need to express how inspired and enthusiastic some clothes make me. It's in Swedish so you might or might not be able to read it.. :)
Love love love from Emma in Sweden
desde mis
CON saludos de la luna al
reflejarse en el mar de la
LOVE how you styled the last Rodarte dress! UGH I WANT it so baddd. Leopard and bows? Satorial heart attack!
Beautiful dress! But ( pink ? ) tights?
- Originally. :)
Oh I love your leopard print dress! It looks so cute on you.
With love,
hm............. i actually like this post. hehe i think i have a leopard print just like that :)
Leopard dress with Comme des Garcon shoes looks gorgeous!
LOVING the Rodarte dress matched with the denim jacket and red shoes!!! Looks so unique and stunning as always :) <3
That leopard dress and its bows are amazing!
The leopard dress is amazing. I find if I don't get up early I don't have time to think my outfit through too. Very annoting. Someone suggested that i get it ready the night before..far too organised. Then I spend the whole day feeling self-concious about my medioca outfir. :) Can't imagine you ever look medioca.
oh tavi I love your blog!
and I like the leopard print too ;)
love your style. Lepoard dress is gorgeous!
leopard- never unfashionable.
Omg, the necklace is insane!
you look fabulous! I love the mix of a little bit of everything. Just great.
i LOVE the pink dress!
Geeze, how do u manage?
You're only 13! Wait... I'm 13 too LOL *laughs*
And u can go to Starbucks... Here in Portugal are only 2!!! In Lisbon and thank GOD I live there...
I think by now you're my idol! Seriusly! I saw u in a magazine here in Portugal (:
When I try to do this outfit I look like an elephant but... that's not hard at ALL *smiles*
Take Care and... YOU'RE AWSOME (:
Mia @
Oh my god, the leopard dress is sick. (Good sick).
Love the title! Made me lolz. x
Sweetheart, your blog is groovy.
Reminds me of the fashion magazines I pass, but never pick up... Alas.
I am nowhere near a fashion person, but I do like to dress with class.
You on the other hand have it all together.
Do you go out in public like that... to like school or mcdonalds?
If so, rock on.
I don't know if I would have enough guts to do that. :/
I like basic jeans, a shirt and pearls.
That's it.
I also hear you write for Bazzar. Whoa. I do a little magazine part time, so I know what it's like to write a magazine, but not a big one.
Well I must stop writing- Just want to say YOU are groovy, you're only 13, but you are showing all those grown-up's that you don't need to be 37 with a college degree to DO AWESOME things! :) Change the world for the good and you'll look back someday and smile at how well your teen years were spent. :)
Nice visiting your blog... I'll be back.
Xoxo- Emily Anne
Waiiiiiiit, the white dress with pink flowery things attached, that's Rodarte for Target?!
oh wait, it IS Rodarte.
Correct me if I'm wrong please :)
that leopard dress looks amazing on you :)
love the bows. it's like... extra vertebrae.
but cute, not icky.
The leopard dress is adorable! And so is the jacket!
God, I envy you so much the i-D PYT issue!
the leopard print dress is sensational ...
Your "not gonna die if's" totally crack me up! Style Rookie is my new fave!
You should check out this great article about Wes Anderson from The New Yorker, a few weeks back. Sadly, there is only an excerpt available online - but you could probably find it at the library! Great article!!
I love the colors - so calm and nice!
gentle, lovely
love love love the dress! The targets in ol Iowa dont have the collection,,, sadface. :(
Anyway the jean jacket is adorable.
love the leopar dress and the tights!
you look fab as usual!i really like your leopard dress!it's cool and your tights as well!
i love your ring , too!in other words..i like every single piece of you outfit!:)
Thanks! HAPPY CHANNUKA to you too!!!!
Love your blog by the way :D It's genius
I am SO jealous!
oh man! your cdg moccasins, those are beyond.
i'm very happy because i finally found the commes des garcons play converse!
and happy hanukah!
Oh my gosh I came across your site from another fashion blog, and I you astound me. :)
Thats a really nice leopard print. The dress looks killer with the denim jacket!
oh wow the leopard dress is marvelous! for some reason it strikes me as something a fabulous but despicable gold-digger/widow would wear to the funeral of her wealthy (ex)husband, then wears it to meet her young boy-toy. golly i think i should write mils and boon. and the red shoes!! wow!! im thinking some DIY is required on my part.....
keep it classic!
haha I love those Comme des Garcons shoes! I saw them in black at Colette... the red ones look really pretty on you!
i outta say..tres belle ma' dahhlin' ! it's so near yet so far away! I do have to compliment you on your a la mode! i really enjoy reading your blog. TRES AUTHENTIC!!
Dakota Fanning wore that leopard print dress for Teen Vogue! I want to get it! I love how you paired it with a denim jacket!
What's the name of the "anderson font"? I love him too;)
You look great!:)
LOVE the back of the dress with the bows! Gorgeous!
go on, girlfriend!
the flowery dress also looks a lot like the ones from benjamin cho's fal; 2008 rtw. just thought i'd put that in too.. (:
Wow,you must have a lot of time on your hands! Your so different (in a great way)!
love everything! love your style, tavi! :)
I love your style!! < 3
I love that dress! much! And how you put it together with all those stuffs.. mmm bows!
I wonder if she reads all these comments?
I love Monsoon and Accessorize! The stupid Swiss don't know a good thing if it hits them in the face so they closed the Accessorize store in Zurich :-(
I really like how you accessorized the dress!
girl those shoes!!!
your 13. A very unique stylish and funny 13 year old. go out and play instead of wasting your time in such an awful industry.
Ugh. why the hell are you so lucky? I would sell my soul for those shoes.
well not literally, but y'know..
cute as a button.
my best Congratulation Miss Tavi, Ur a fabolus trendSetter,
around world people know about ur blog, my town newspaper talk about tavi Blog, so my respect.
i read U !
Wonderful shoes!
Wow, I have to say I really enjoy your blog and I am fashion-challenged. Oh, and I am 25 which makes me a total creeper...whatever. Hopefully reading this blog will help me develop my ever-illusive sense of style.
Kudos to you for your awesomeness.
I HAVE THIS DRESS ToOO!!!!! Can you please check out my blog!!!
your outfits are amazing dahling!
Tavi!!!! that outfit with the Jean Jacket and animal print dress made me buy a jean jacket! I have fallen in love with your blog, your style, your writing and everything else in-between!!! thx sooo much for posting! never stop!!!!
Thank you.İts very nice
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