realizing this made me so excited, then i remembered THAT, and got all bummed

Ruth Gordon in Rosemary's Baby.

Peter Som Spring 2010.

Just another reason to love this collection, and this movie, and hate the fact that the director of TRANSFORMERS is doing a remake. He should totes get together with the, for lack of more perfect word, dumbass remaking Bonnie & Clyde and they can have a party where they plot to ruin more perfect movies. Their ladyfriends Megan Fox and Hillary Duff will be there as well, and they will offer to play the Edies in their mentors' new project, a remake of Grey Gardens.

Oh wait, taken.



Haha. OH NO.

Style, She Wrote said...

Love the movie.
Love the collection.
HATE remakes!! should organize an online boycott

Emily Cato said...


That collection is amazing.

calivintage said...

YES. ruth gordon in rosemary's baby. so good. and i'm pretty much obsessed with the styling in that movie in general.

Hannah said...

ugh are you serious?? transformers was bad enough, totally ruined my childhood memories of the toys...


Katy said...

Peter Som rocks.

Bradley Higgenbottom said...

Hello! I LOVE your blog, you have amazing style and i love your honesty in posts! i think your blog has to be a favorite of mine! so i actually illustrated you in my newest post. i have been working on a series of illustrations, So take a look! i hope you like the picture :) hope to hear back from you!
and cant wait for your next post.

Anonymous said...

Those yellow sunglasses are amazing.

blukats said...

Very cool outfit, turban, glasses and all! Nice to see 1950's influence without having to be totally 1950's.

As for the remakes, I hear Lindsay Lohan isn't busy now...

Anonymous said...

much much too skinny
but thanks for sharing

check out my blog @

Ella said...

grr remakes. MTV is planning to remake rocky horror picture show:( so agitated. amazing blog i must say! if you dont mind me asking, how did you get that killer header? answer would be appreciated!:)

Meaghan Kelly said...

this is the greatest post i've read of yours! i seriously agree with every single last word. i think especially on the (stupid stupid) megan Fox point especially.
i had no idea they were remaking rosemary's baby. KILL KILL

bray said...

she's super skinny, but very gorgeous with it. love the whole look. boo-hoo for remakes! can't wait for more posts. check mine out!

C A said...

Hi! Don't like the sunglasses, but the whole look is cool ;) @ Versace Versus by Christopher Kane

Barima said...

Bay's doing what, now?

The Peter Som creation and syling's delightful, but the shot, for me, is mad by the skilful Photoshopping on the shutterbugger in the jeans in the background. Good times


WendyB said...

You have an amazing knowledge of movies that are way older than you are!

mro said...

your knowledge of movies blows my mind. I didnt get around to most of these (ie: rosemary's baby) until my 20's. so question: have you seen 8 1/2 (fellini)?

Elizabeth said...

gah the first picture isn't loading and i really want to see it! I've never actually seen Rosemary's Baby and I used to think it was a quirky little 60's movie with cute clothes and haircuts and Mia Farrow, and then my dad explained how it was really creepy and about Satanism apparently.
but yeah, that peter som dress is cool too.

Shelley Noble said...

This wasn't the topic but that model is emaciated and it's disturbingly alarmingly horrifyingly depressingly sad.

spidercamp said...

In case you hadn't vomited enough already, Spielberg's remaking Harvey. gross

LincolnTaft said...

I know, next thing you know they will ruin Harold and Maude...

Claire Geist said...

if they ruin Rosemary's baby, so help me....I'll...I'll...cry in a corner and throw out my white,t-strap flats

okay, maybe not, but I have my fingers crossed

Urban Fashionisto said...

oh snap! no good lol

Closet Full of Nothing said...

Love this look on the model but the legs are freaking me out a little bit...

Mr. Jerry Seguin said...

good eye! what great inspiration. i'm pretty sure the remake is out ( we can all R>I>P) according to IMDB + wikipedia the project was dropped in 2008. XO JS

Lindsay Harrison said...

Now I need to watch Rosemary's Baby! I'm tired of remakes. I wish something new and original would come out. It would be so fun to do costume design for a modern movie... and use this yellow dress!

Sheik-Chan said...

Almost reminds me of the Girl with the Pearl Earring...

..Maybe it's just the yellow and blue combination. Hehe. :3

SO. said...

i know her wardrobe was exceptional! come to think of it, everyones wardrobe was amazing. and yes, dont remind me. as a film buff, i honestly LOOOOATHE film remakes..

Unknown said...

These models look like coming out of a death camp....

zoomslow said...

simple shapes, clean lines, beautiful colours - also reminds me of Jean-Luc Godard's "Contempt". Have a look if you ever get the chance, Tavi - all philosophy, visuals, and Brigitte Bardot :-)

zoe. xox said...

I love the collection, i hate remakes. (:

RedPoppy said...

Perfect comparison! LOL

darwin said...

haha, so true

Eline said...

Omg, you are my hero for linking those looks.

But a remake? REALLY? WHY? I will never get remakes.

Anonymous said...

Remakes - agreed never as good. Loving this collection though

Polly x

sofiasophie said...

I'm gonna watch the movie!
good idea....

Anonymous said...

if megan fox and hillary duff play the edies i will literally gouge my eyes out with spoons and it will be horrible.

p.s. i love your wonderful writing. you're way cooler than i was at the age of 13... and am now. so, rock on.

Stjarna said...

Rosemary's Baby, what a great film. why people like to ruin precious things?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I think you are going to be Rose Gordon when you are older..........that pic looks like you that has been aged by about 70 years ☺☺

Angeles Almuna said...

NO remakes, please!!!!but the collection is fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

Rose Gordon is copying your bow ;D

Agatha Blue* said...

Felicidades! Es maravilloso que con tu edad tengas unas ideas tan claras sobre moda... te espera un futuro prometedor!

Sigue tus sueños, no abandones las cosas que te gustan... seguro que has nacido para dar muchas lecciones de moda y ser una estrella con nombre propio.

Un abrazo desde España,

Agatha Blue*

katie said...

why are you so brillant, and will you be my friend? i mean, i love last reference to the edies, and you're precisely 8 years after my existence!

cam|william said...

I'll have to check out the entire show later! It looks promising.

Anonymous said...


MFRBooksandFilm said...

I hate remakes; they are lazy film-making for people out to make a quick buck!

Ruth Gordon is very much a favourite of mine (Harold & Maude forever). They don't make them like her anymore.

Unknown said...

Rosemarys Baby is allowed to watch when you´re 16, young lady!

Unknown said...


roman polanski directed "rosemary's baby", michael bay directed "transformers" and the mayles brothers directed/filmed the documentary "grey gardens".

i am always confused why people just mention titles of films but rarely name or give the directors credit.

thank you.

kimby said...

ugh, isn't it a bit guache to be lauding Polanski at this time? Especially since you are at the exact age as his victim, Tavi? Maybe I am being overly sensitive, but it's giving me the creepies...

B said...

michael bay will never get away with that. there are no explosions in rosemary's baby.

Lucinda said...

Michael Bay is remaking Rosemary's Baby?? Did I get that correct? Even the thought of it makes me upset :(