Honestly I've been kind of really excited for the school year to start because I wanted FALL more than anything, and there were getting to be too many days in the summer where I wouldn't get dressed or do anything until 4 in the afternoon and during the school year I've fought a battle every day by that time, whether it be wearing uncomfortable BUT VERY PRETTY AND THEREFORE VITAL necklaces or not getting killed in gym class (the latter is every. single. day.) Once I actually got to school it was like...ewwww. Why am I here. For the first couple hours I was as bitter and deadpan as all the ladies Lula issue 6 was based around but by the end of the day I was a) really happy with all of my teachers and b) really happy with how I decorated my composition book (McQueen in the front, Comme in the back. WUT.)
thrifted dress and necklaces. random doily and bracelet. tsumori chisato socks and vintage boots, gifts.
I was trying to be a warm colored granny? Sure, we'll go with that. The dress is pretty big on me so I gathered and pinned lots of the excess fabric with a doily. I really am way more creative in dressing during the school year.
My lucky socks!
Highlights of the day:
-Being mistaken for a boy
-Being mistaken for being in the sixth grade (I'm in eighth)
-Being asked if I was AT THE WRONG SCHOOL. I can't even choose between the different sarcastic ways to react to this.
-Coming home and sleeping.
OH who saw Anna on Letterman last night? Man oh MAN you guys! It wasn't as climatic as the 60 Minutes one where the interviewer guy said, "SO Anna, what do you think about people calling you a-ahah, heh-bitch all the time? What do you think about being called a-(holds back grin)-bitch? Why do you think people call you a-heh, hehehmehhhh-BITCH?" a billion times, but it was enjoyable and way more interesting than that baseball player guy that came on afterwards (totally blah.)
She was nervous in the beginning and her voice was sorta shaky which I actually really liked. She plugged everything you'd expect her to, and even though I love Dave~ I was totally rooting for Adubz when she would give him backhanded compliments or flat out insults. He went into the whole "Do people actually WEAR those things on the STREET?" about designer clothes, and I felt like throwing my fork at the TV screen and then jumping in myself and giving him the rant I give every person in my family/every one of my friends that asks the same thing. He also was being an ass and asked questions she's answered all before, only without saying "bitch" repeatedly and smirking each and every time. OH WOW MR. LETTERMAN, ANNA WINTOUR DEFINITELY HAS NEVER BEEN ASKED ABOUT THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA BEFORE. As soon as he mentioned it she rolled her eyes and who can blame her? There are a million other things he could've asked. Anyway, I can't wait to see The September Issue.
I was trying to be a warm colored granny? Sure, we'll go with that. The dress is pretty big on me so I gathered and pinned lots of the excess fabric with a doily. I really am way more creative in dressing during the school year.
Highlights of the day:
-Being mistaken for a boy
-Being mistaken for being in the sixth grade (I'm in eighth)
-Being asked if I was AT THE WRONG SCHOOL. I can't even choose between the different sarcastic ways to react to this.
-Coming home and sleeping.
She was nervous in the beginning and her voice was sorta shaky which I actually really liked. She plugged everything you'd expect her to, and even though I love Dave~ I was totally rooting for Adubz when she would give him backhanded compliments or flat out insults. He went into the whole "Do people actually WEAR those things on the STREET?" about designer clothes, and I felt like throwing my fork at the TV screen and then jumping in myself and giving him the rant I give every person in my family/every one of my friends that asks the same thing. He also was being an ass and asked questions she's answered all before, only without saying "bitch" repeatedly and smirking each and every time. OH WOW MR. LETTERMAN, ANNA WINTOUR DEFINITELY HAS NEVER BEEN ASKED ABOUT THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA BEFORE. As soon as he mentioned it she rolled her eyes and who can blame her? There are a million other things he could've asked. Anyway, I can't wait to see The September Issue.
Lovely outfit. I like your school highlights list, bahahaha. I saw The September Issue at a film festival this past June, and I assure you, it is amazing.
I'm happy school worked out, I have to say most folks are a lot more productive during the school year. I'm totally missed Anna last night :|
dude i JUST wrote a post for Worn that said pretty much the same thing you just did about the Letterman interview, except in more words.
How can anybody mistake you for a boy? you're wearing a DOILY! Unless your school is more progressive than I thought...
offers of praise and/or worship for your elephant necklace. your entire outfit looks awesome, it's really cool that you're so creative with clothing.
I love your school outfit! I am feeling really inspired by that color family at the moment and you do it total justice.
My sister had her first day of school today too, although her take was far less optimistic than yours. Hope it's a great year!
you're just the coolest little girl... Something great is out there for you ..
love E
I can't believe I didn't watch it! Curses. Well, at least I have pictures of your amazing outfit to cheer me up.
love the socks...ill be looking for this interview on the internet...
shittttt. your socks! how nice how nice. you are charming
love the review on letterman ! true true
I love Letterman. I think he asks what the general public want to hear. He also isn't afraid to make someone feel uncomfortable and will usualy do that to the people that deserve it. I'm glad he poked and prodded and in my opinion he came out looking like a light hearted jokester and she like a dead fish with a forced smile.
Noone can take on Letterman and win, O'Reilly attempts to all the time and even though he's a tit, he does have alot more smarts than Anna.
Blah blah blah i've written an essay. I should've just written. Dave Rules, Anna is a dead fish.
x great blog!
far out, those are the best socks i've ever seen
i cant wait to get the September Issue & the documentary about it
I completely adore those boots (especially with the combination of the socks) The elephant necklace, the flower detail on the dress, it's all very- Tavi. :-) Love it!!!
Your blog is seriously one of the most inspiring things out there, dude! I'm so glad I got you into it every time I read. :D
Also, definitely feeling ya on feeling more inspired clothes-wise during the school year, even if it's so much busier. It's like there are finally people for you to dress up for, even if they constantly just make fun of the outfits anyway. Haha.
the pattern of your dress is quite fantastic, totally in love with the doily idea. I am definitely going to try something like that.
#1. What, is that stephanie commenting two above me?
#2. Nancy Magoo, I agree that Letterman is ace when he gets talentless wastes of space on his show, aka Paris Hilton or Hills cast members who don't have anything interesting to say, but this is Anna Wintour. Fashion is the third largest industry in NYC (I think the first two are finance and real estate) and whether you love her or hate her, she is the most powerful force in fashion, at least in New York. And, she hardly ever does public interviews. There are a million things he could have asked her that only she could give specific insights on - even his typical edgy, uncomfortable questions, things surrounding her ocmments describing Minnesotans as "little houses" or her thoughts on Vogue Italia's all black issue, etc.
The fact that he focused on things that have been discussed at length a billion times before by others just goes to show how stale the interview was. Not to mention it was a little sexist - do you really think if Anna Wintour was a man, she would be getting all the "ice queen" comments she does?
Anna or AFitz-Well I was sitting in a desk when mistaken for a boy, they probably didn't see my dress/doily. And you replied to that comment with my exact thoughts. I still think we're twins.
Stephanie-Aw man believe me I'm glad you got me into it too! And yeah, I don't know why I'm so uncomfortable when I wear a boring outfit to school. It's very unfulfilling, and getting teased is mostly just funny!
Nancy Magoo-Magoo! I like it. But anyway, pretty much what AFitz said. I love Letterman as well and I usually do like it when he pokes fun, but his questions were pretty bland and probably every fashion blogger knew the answer before she opened her mouth because they've all been asked so many times before. I think she would've warmed up to him and answered the questions less dead fish-like if he'd made it less us-against-her. Even though US Vogue lacks immensely in creativity, Anna Wintour is very smart. Vogue is what makes numerous labels sell, and Anna is what makes Vogue sell. It's like what Victoria Beckham said about Madonna-if you're a man who is a good businessman you're a good businessman, and if you're a woman who's a good businesswoman you're a cow or a bitch or whatever.
your always so creative with your outfits, how do you do it? i need to try to wear more intresting combos like you do, but i cant get the guts up to do so. i saw anna on letterman, i got to give it to her, she totally rocked it. i liked that she was nervous in the beginning but then got more courage as the interveiw went on, it showed that even people of her caliber still get nervous. im totally stoked to see the september issue... it looks freaking amazing!
the colors and textures in this outfit are killer. i especially love the socks and boots together. fucking brilliant.
anna wintour is a brilliant woman. yes, vogue isn't as edgy as vogue paris or vogue italia or whatever, but it doesnt have to be. it serves a different purpose than the other editions.
letterman was kind of a jackass. i think he is just getting old and is no longer funny, just crabby. anna does not deserve the same treatment as sarah palin.
and thats my two cents.
I watched The September Issue on Monday because it's already out here for some reason and I think you'll enjoy it. Especially Grace Coddington undermining Anna's authority and their inside fashion jokes.
But yeah I agree, US Vogue is pretty bland.
Amazing school outfit btw.
I've seriously missed your outfits. These necklaces are genius. Oh my.
I LOVE YOUR OUTFIT! mostly because i assume it was effortless for you to put it together. You really give me the courage to wear all the "outrageous" outfits i have and to not care what people think so thanx.... stay awesome =]
The doily seems to be hiding a massive tumor but I LOVE this! Totes my fave colour combo atm.
The doily seems to be hiding a massive tumour but I LOVE this! Totes my fave colour combo atm.
I wish I'd had such kickass style when I was still at school. Your outfit rocks.
Elegant outfit....
like it!
Granny! Doily! Massive boots! It's like everything i love rolled up into one outfit. You do good work, missus.
I saw this really great vintage dress at my local thrift shop. I didn't buy it because it was so big. Now I realize I should have bought it and gathered it with a doily on my hip/ waist. Thanks for the inspiration.
i was surprised at this side of anna, she laughs at her own jokes even when no one else does. so much for brit deadpan.
love it!
loves the outfit! esp the doily idea - so creative.
Great first day of school outfit we in the sad uniform world envy you!
tots great outfit.. they mistook you for a boy? geez. they obvi. need to get there eyes checked haha. I love the dress & necklace combo.
You look is quite amazing and I applaud your ability to simple be your self young lady. When I was your age I spent way to much time trying to fit in and not be me. You are going become only a rich and wiser person for it in the long run... Bravo!
love the look! perfectly balanced as always. i didn't care for the letterman interview like you said, it's like i've seen the same one time and time again...
fabolus outfit!
Hi, your blog is fantastic, and you are insanely well-dressed.
I would never have had the courage to dress like that in eighth grade, even though you look freaking awesome.
Anyways, I'll probably stalk your blog all the time now, since I'm amazed by you.
love the look!
I think... I think I love you. Please just let me do some excessive fangirling for a second because my love for Anna goes beyond reality and you have given me an excuse to divulge.
I was dying DYING DYING DYINNNNG (and if there is a reference for a state beyond death: I was there) when I watched the Letterman interview that night and I am SO INSANELY HAPPY you mentioned her in a pragmatic light. Your commentary... basically is perfect. Just like your outfit in this entry meheheheh.
+ If you like Anna you should def. read up Oppenheimer's Front Row A.K.A GRANTED THE BEST BOOK YOU WILL EVER READ IN YOUR LIFE. If I said it has all the answers to life would that convince you to read it? No, but seriously.
YES YES YES. i am digging this outfit!
so cute!
You look awesome! I was totally creative with my clothes in high school too, and I assure you, there comes a point when all those assholes finally accept how jealous of and intimidated they are by your vision. They'll revere you entirely; I'll never forget the first time I was stopped in the hall by a lacrosse player, who proceeded to tell me how she, "wished to god she could get away with that."
you are looking like Michelle Williams -- that's a compliment :) she's looking gorg by the day!!
good luck with school!
PS: i wish i'm as blunt as you are! and that's another compliment!!
Your style is amazing and I just found this blog! Wow love it! I am inspired!
hahaha i'm in eigth grade too and everyone always thinks i'm in sixth or seventh grade:( i hate being short:P
seriously, how is one person allowed to be so beautiful/creative/hilarious/astute?
i think you're kind of proof there is no god because a supreme being would not concentrate so much power into one tiny 13 year old body.
keep it up lil' sis. you make the slow work days electric.
Hey, I found your blog when I read an article about you in Grazia magazine.
I'm also thirteen so you're pretty much an inspiration to us youngsters, haha.
Your blog's so creative - I love it! Keep it up.
I really love the silhouette you've created with the drapes and doily. quite feminine, actually, so its funny that you were mistaken for a boy!
I love when you write about school. I miss it so much, so I have to live vicariously through you.
omg, i respect the hell out of you for wearin' such experimental clothes and combos :)x
I love the highlights of the day comment, too good. For some reason those boots really call out to me, but then again so does the entire outfit.
Lovely work Tavi
i love love the lucky socks~
I lover your style.
If I had lots of money and if at my school we actually got to wear anything but ugly plaid skirts, I would have you demolish my wardrobe and will it with things like that.
great outfit!
tell me about it american vouge sucks check out my review and i love what u wear u inspire me so much
i really like you dress and shoes and socks. The stepember issue is fabulous
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