I woke up this morning and not knowing which character to dress as so I broke away from my book idea and threw on an outfit I had in my mind the other day. Proof I can't keep promises? I guess you could call it Little House on the Prairie or Caddie Woodlawn or something country-like if you wanted, but it wasn't intentional.
If you take away the CDG/Tao shiz happening I do kind of look like a married couple that would own a farm, what with the lace/plaid deal going on. I am already my own spouse anyways so this surely works (rather, I am married to Belle, but our minds are identical, so that counts.).

I also revisited the Tao inspiration I took during those easy summer days (some of you will remember) and wrote Be Inspired Always across my face with eyeliner. I fail to see the appeal of caked on eyeliner that is smudged by the end of the day, typically sported by our beloved eighth graders. I'll take strange phrases and wobly writing instead, plz and thank you.
I miss summer but am also very glad winter is upon us-we get off school tomorrow and I won't be in that hellhole again til next year! The thought is so lovely. It makes me want to do a dance. On ice. A real evil knievel, I know.
My bangs got trimmed tonight and *gasp* I can see the world again! Whenever I look in a reflective surface my face is all up in my face and it's frightening. I took these pictures beforehand, but you'll see soon enough. The rest of the hair still needs a cutting though-if it was possible I would love to go Bob Dylan but genetics seems to think differently.
After your guys' amazing comments on my cat post I feel very encouraged and hopeful. Thank you x1000.
proof my hair needs cutting
I cinched this kerazy plaid dress over a wonderful lace crinoline I've been getting full use out of, as you can see from my last few posts. Both were gifts from Yokoo. I also wore my thrifted bloomers for warmth (no old men to question them, luckily), black childhood closet tights, and Slow and Steady Wins the Race shoes.

And of course, the CDG for H&M jacket. Do not touch.

In other news, my teacher said OHNOSHEDIDANNNNNNT today. It was surreal.

I think I'm going to take a break from blogging for these winter days, so as to fully indulge myself in my favorite time of year. I think after this weekend I'll stop, so I can get in one more book character. I'll still take tons of pictures and make one big New Years post once break is (no! don't say it!) nearing its end.
comme des garcons for h&m jacket. dress and skirt, gift. shoes, slow and steady wins the race. childhood closet tights. nyc liquid eyeliner in black.
Fabulous blog! I only discovered it about a month ago and I love it =) Can I adopt you?
And do you not like school? You really think it's a 'hellhole'...? Fair enough, I say! ^^
wow Tavi, you are THE coolest 12 year old i (dont really) know!
seriously almost every morning im just about jumping out of my boots to read your new posts about cats and pippi longstockings and the mysterious Rei and many other exciting things :-)
i love that your brave enough to wear shoulder pads and bloomers
its uber cool
sadly, we Australians dont get H&M and American Apparel down here >:-(
maybe next time you go there you could ask them to expand down under?
please and thankyou
love rosie
Hi Tavi. I really like your blog and I admire that you're 12, on the internet, and manage not to fall into the trap of being oversexified. I was a camp counselor for some 10-year-olds and they told me they had myspaces! They wanted to be my friend and I always saw pictures of them trying to look too sexy. Keep being innocent! Don't turn into young Drew Barrymore.
Ilovethelaceskirt. Argh, why does it have to be summer here? All the good fashion inspiration on these blogs are for opposite seasons to me. There's about a total of 1.0 New Zealand fashion bloggers *lame*
I have the Little House on the Prairie TV series on DVD... Yes I'm cool... I'm totally watching that tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration to watch unknown actors prance around in long lacy skirts like your one =] (?)
you're brilliant!!!
the wITch girls love you Tavi G!! xxxxx
Your blog, your pictures are very amazing. See ya. A french fashion blogger.
anonymous, you can get american apparel in their sydney store and melbourne store :) newly opened this year.
I like the lighting in the pic of just the shoes and the bottom of your skirt. It looks very elvish. how'd you get it to look like that? Just the winter light plus heightened contrast?
i'll be waiting for the big new year post!!
LOL, i bet your teachers were like almost speechless!
love what you did with that plaid dress!
and than paneling on the jacket is pretty epic
Hey, I love your blog! May I ask where you get your fashion inspiration from? :)
Enjoy your break!! I'm sure we'll all be looking forward to your big New Years post! Be really creative this next week!!
Ahh! That shirt/dress thing is epic! Like, it could be CDG! And haha my evil school is making us go back for two days next week, but fingers crossed for a snow day on Monday...
you're my hero.
stay in touch !!
I love your blog, and your pictures are great.
see you
You do great things with eyeliner. I love the plaid.
Have a wonderful break! I would like to say that my break from school has been rejuvenating so far but i cannot because I have been working full-time! Sheesh, i think I'm a workaholic. I adore the outfit, I can totally picture as the angry old woman in Grant Wood's American Gothic. Well, not really, but you get the picture.
Lace + plaid = awesometastic. All that lovely photogenic snow isn't hurting, either.
hey you should totally check out Camille's blog at http://childhoodflames.blogspot.com. she is SRSLY a DIY guru- can you say shredded tees and hammer-time pants? yeah yeah you'll love it!
I needed to tell you that today I found you/your blog/your wonderfullness and that you are just AMAZING!
thank you for brightening up the interweb/world for me and keep it rocking girlie!
Great outfit.
I love your book character idea.
Have an amazing winter break
I love the little comments under your pictures-hilarious. I hope you have a lovely break and look forward to when you start posting again!
when are people going to understand that your age has nothing to do with your amazingness??? Do they even read your blog or just look at the pretty pictures? I commend you because your brave my dear. I live in NYC and still get stares from people for my outfits and they are not even close to as amazing as yours. xx
i love your new header!
you are wise beyond your years! keep up the great posts!
Thanks to a 28 year old boy, that happens to be a fan of yours (not a creepy fan) I know about your blog. YOU my darling are a shining star. FART is ART! oh I love it!
keep on doing what you are doing, the world loves it.
SIMPLY lovely, TAVI. That jacket is darling I want about twelve of them! I love the way you pose your pictures. All super cute and fun fun fun. Alright, nice work/keep it up.
have you ever read to kill a mockingbird?
if they were to ever remake the movie version, you should definitely definitely definitely try out for scout. your perfect.
love the skirt the best!
Are you still looking for literary characters even if you aren't going to blog about it? Because she may not be from real "literature" but you should definetely pull a Claudia Kishi from the babysitters club (whatclaudiawore.blogspot.com).
Ps: Contrary to the others, I don't think you are amazing for a 12 year old, I just think you're amazing, period.
Yeah, bloomers are good stuffs to keep warmy.
you are totally ahead of yourself on fashion. keep it up.
ps. i saw you on current.com
Many many thanks for your wonderful and inspiring blog. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and enjoy your winter break!
Sweet outfit! ("Sweet" is in "rad" not "sugary".) Urgh, I know what you mean about the 8th-grade-eyeliner thing. Yesterday I walked into the bathroom of the school to see a fellow 8th-grader straddling the skin with her knees, putting on WAAAAAY too much make-up. Yeesh.
Character suggestion: Galadriel. C'mon epic elf queen! Or, hmm, problem is a lot of my favorite characters are male, and you seem to wear a lot of dresses/skirts, so... I'll know some other idea will come to me eventually.
(First-time commenter, by the way, but I dig your blog. I'm a firm believer in the idea that if you're dressing... why not dress up?)
that plaid is BEYOND fantastic.
you make
p.s. next time you come to the city, i'm making sure that elizabeth let's me know..i would lovelove to romp around+take some fotos with you!
Loves the commentary on the eight graders' eyeliner. Very impressed with your site and insights. Keep doing it! You would make a fab Alice from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," although I think the Claudia from Babysitter's Club is a very good idea too. Just a thought...
you are too cool. seriously, i can't handle it.
have a little package for you. now just need to find the energy to make it to the post office...
wot iz written on your face?
Love that crinoline.
Thanks guys! The picture of my shoes was edited using the cross process effect on picnik. My face says Be Inspired Always but I mentioned that in the post. And Kirsty Lee, thankyou!!
Tavi, i LOVE your blog so much! it has inspired me in so many ways and your fashion is super cool!!
i invite you to check out my blog too!
you inspired me to do it and now its really successful!
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