Today I wore patchwork shorts.
Not that kind, silly!

I bought them a little while ago for my
wife (who's healthy now, yay!), but well, I just couldn't help myself and wore them today...God, I know. I'm so ashamed of myself. I just feel terrible. I haven't been able to eat, or sleep...actually, I haven't gotten the chance to sleep since I wore them, and I actually
have eaten...but I still feel absotively posilutely
awful. Ask anyone, I was in a bad and solemn mood all day, except for when I was dancing and jumping around at lunch, but other than that...I KNOW, OKAY? But it wasn't my fault! I was enticed! There they were, in the corner of my room, neatly folded, fresh out of the dryer, and I couldn't find anything to wear. So, I put on my Mozart shirt, red headband, watches, gray I-feel-like-a-business-man socks, Tao-ish boots, pulled on the shorts and headed out the door. (I grabbed my backpack and lunch too, obviously, but for the sake of dramatic effect we'll pretend not.)
In my defense, you've been wearing my potential studded hooker leggings, too. Call it even? Yay! God I love our superficial relationship.

Anyways, these photos really don't do Shawty here any justice. If I wasn't a generous individual I would keep them for myself, they are just too rad. Since they're big on me it's like a polka dot/tribal/paisley/floral pre-Yohji-draped skirt. Mmm. You have my approval, demode ones.
Karl moment.I'd like to experiment more with accesories here. More jewelry and possibly a belt.

You guys seemed to like my venetian mask, so I thought I would show you my Jamaican and New Orleans ones, too. The Jamaican and venetian ones are both gifts from
Stephanie's sister since she's cultured and travels
abroad and buys me masks to play with at home while I watch Family Guy and Friends since I never go on any world traveling adventures. The Mardi Gras one is my sister's, as is my new room that my pictures are in, but she could not take either to college. HI HAG.

^^We're the best of friends.
I wore two watches, courtesy of Sophie (and ate breadsticks!)
ahhhh those shorts are amazing! that whole outfit is amazing! MEOW MEOW! I lourve breadsticks and hate social studies teachers. Cool masks
if it makes you feel any better, i think my english teacher hates all of her students. seriously.
the shorts are killer. when i saw "patchwork" i wondered what you meant - glad i found out!
man what do i have to do to get a freaking aa skirt with my poor self?!!
also thank you dear. are you partial to granny sweaters?
j-My teacher hates all students and humans ever. Her only friends are food. (Not kidding, I wanted to get help with my homework from her at lunch but she was OUT GETTING SHRIMP.)
And belle I am so sorry. This just proves that you can never, EVER trust hipsters. It's official.
And yes, I like grandmama sweatas.
Love the skirt with the businessman socks. Very nice.
the skirt is great, and the tee is rad!I just used rad though I am not a surfer/skater/pothead
uhuh. okay. no one is blaming you for wearing that divine shorts,missy. *psst psst i wouldve done the same..!*
and the skirt! i love the patterns! especially the blue ones!
oh, do you mind me putting your blog on my read lists?
i'll be glad if you could also put mine up!
oh the skirt is looking great.
manoman I just saw that you're listening to Neutral Milk Hotel. Excellent choice my friend...excellent choice. and two watches makes you look like a spy.
Jeff Mangum=God. Though when I saw a picture of him I thought he looked like a polygamist. But that's beside the point.
I felt like a spy too, ya darn straight. I was wearing 3 to start with but one fell off in gym. Unfortunately, none of them work. I was sprinting to school, looks at watches, "Dammit!", keeps running.
ah social studies, i've got us history, and all we ever do is have pop culture/jersey trivia quizzes and make intense note passing sessions. it is the LIFE. and that your teachers love of shrimp cracks me up. cannot say why. perservere, tavi, anyone with the ability to wear 2 watches without looking crazy can surely survive a year of pilgrims and eastern european immigrents, or whatever they teach you wippersnappers these days.
Hahahaha! Both hilarious AND awesome.
I used to be a social studies teacher. But not in America.
Oh man, I'm sure you would've been a far more interesting and fun teacher than the old hag I have to deal with x_x
i adooore your skirt muchly! wish i could pull off that look, unfortunately the hips might cause a slight problem...
ps. forget booze, the only drink needed in ife is nesquik fo sure
You are the coolest little kid ever. I'm in freaking college and i'm mad that you have more fashion sense and guts than me. I want to come adopt you and make you my super cool little sister that picks out my outfits for me.
OH MY GAWD those shorts are awesome. They don't even look like shorts. They look like... awesome.
I'm not a fan of my social studies teacher either. But don't you worry that she'll find this and kill you for it?
OMG, my social studies teacher hates me too. INTERNET HIGH FIVE!!
I love the editorial you posted somehow I usaully wind up with pretty cool socail studies teachers
kd-eh, she already hates me anyways. I don't think she's capable of killing anyone.
tavi i love the skirt. super cute and can be dressed up or down. i also think it would look great with a tight little tank and a mix of pearl / glass necklaces and bracelets... fish net tights and ballet flats? keep up the good work!
ps. what is that food looking yellow substance under your wrist in the watch photo? interesting..
Watch out, I'm gonna steal that Mozart shirt while you're sleeping.
I'm scared, Isabel!
And tess, that's a breadstick.
love how the shorts drape like a skirt (tablecloth- esque!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The shorts are just freaking amazing, did I miss where they came from?
lol youre face is so funny in the lasts pictures
I don't understand, why do you like Karl when he has opposite views on fashion then you do? Is it because he's funny?
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