Um, long time no post? Long story. In short, I was house hopping and staying with different friends and didn't have internet access. Basically, my week consisted of watching Korean soap operas, killing -2 people on Star Wars, playing tag in an empty movie theater, having a sleepover with a preschooler, constructing fabric trees, clinging to dear life when the Joker was being creepy, riding 30 year old bikes, being mistaken for a boy, and chasing 2nd graders for not smiling.
And how are you?

Thrift thrift thrift thrift
Dress: Gap, everything else: thrift

Put those fangs away.
Thrift thrift thrift.I attached a hacky sack Caroline (WHO IS HOME! YESS!!!) gave me to a gold chain. Intense.
Thrift thrift DIY.
I love the shirt under the hacky sack necklace.
muy bien Tavi!
The hacky sack necklace is really clever! I want to make a necklace out of a pinecone and drill some holes in porcelain animal figurines and make necklaces out of them too.
these outfits have an almost costume tell a story edge about them but then again so do most of your outfits great style
ha i love your description of the week. getting mistaken for a boy is never fun, but having an old man ask you if you're expecting is even worse. trust. (in my defense, i was wearing a maternity-esque-floaty-top but STILL).
Tavi! Please tell me you wore all those outside!
you are so cute. the first and last are my favorite.
ahhhh im in love with the last outfit! L-O-V-E I-T!! Chee-WA-WA!
You are fabulous!
how could YOU have been mistaken for a boy?
people are crazy.
what thrift stores do you go to?
i mean, i don't know where you live but i love finding out new thrift stores across the globe.
Hey Tavi, I'm new to your blog, but look forward to reading it! You have such great style. Anyway, my favorite is definitely the second!
I love the first one esp. the hat. The one in the red dress is pretty fly too
Holy incredible AMAZINGNESS! I love everything!!!!! Any chance you bought anything waaaaaaaaaaaay to big for you???(being a couch potato all summer tends to end in a few xtra pounds, teehee)
uh, whaaaat HACKEY SACK NECKLACE?!? next levz, mon ami.
Luv the outfits!!
i luv the last outfit. That hacky sack necklace is neat ^_^
you are my new blog addiction! what a muse!
haha, i love the poof that is so apparent in the outfits. i guess cuz ur so small it's funny how the clothing just billows over u. but still cute!
Nice DIY. Loving the last outfit.
awesome week you had
I'm not sure if you saw, but you were featured on urban outfitters' blog the other day. i don't have a fashion blog myself but i'm quite the fashion blog lurker.
i love the first outfit, the proportions look really cool
The last outfit is :D
The necklace gives so much to the outfit. :)
Love the second outfit alot.
Please can i have that hat?
you're the coolest! :D
You're so great!
oh my gosh. You're so cute [:
You make me smile.
i absolutely love the 2nd outfit. well..all of them are amazing. especially that hacky sack necklace. did i really give that to you?? haha anyway, wear one of those the next time i see you or something..
i love those hats
well, I've been here missing chu!!!
wahoo! You're watching Friends. Which is pretty much why I love you. AND KOREAN SOAP OPERAS!!! I love how a tiny little kiss is like losing their virginity. It's so much less intense than American television. But, I love it!
Lots of love,
Haha, Tavi;D Go easy on the 2nd graders...I love all your outfitts, as usual. Can I please adopt you?
You're a thrifting genius. Love how fun and quirky these looks are.
KYAAA, everything you do is adorable. you could roll around in the mud and then eat a jar of mayonnaise with your bare hands, and i'd still think you were the cutest thing in the universe. god, you better hope i never go to chicago.
Hi Tavi!
Your creativity always inspire me.
Thank you ladies!
Caroline-duh duh duh you gave it to me as part of my last B+B gift. You've been at camp for far too long.
so imaginative and so fantastic!!!
a kiss my friend!
you are great!
Hi Tavi,
it's the first time that I visit your blog.
The outfits and photos are great!
I like so much your navy cap in Blondie's style.
Kisses from Italy.
definitely intense, haha. love the first outfit!
missed you girl, so excited to check out the T Styles story.
aghahha. your too brilliant haha. i love that necklace. and the whole look and such.
come and check todayspost, i shared my blog with my boyfriend whos awesome writer, singer and poet and he has amazing style so come and give him a feed back!
comments, comments!
you look gooooood!
I WANT THOSE SHORTS!!! Ohmy, & the first & second picture is perfect! You go girl!!!
ahhh tavi ilu lol. i do that sometimes, just stay over at like EVERYONES houses for like 5 nights and dont go home, haha. glad you had fun! you got some nice stuff thrifting there. i especially like that rose sweatshirt in the last one, for some reason...
Oh darling Tavi. I can never get enough of you totally pulling off outfits that would make the rest of us look like escaped mental patients. It just makes my day.
my 1st time here..
and i LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
way to go gal!
u rock!
where do you find these amazing clothes?!
what an eventful week! haha. "house hopping," so cute :] i start school in a week; ill be so busy...but for now im just nervous!!!
Great description of your week. I love the way you write ! :)
And the outfits are usual !
I love that dress with the bonnet!!!!!!!!!!!! I watch Korean soap operas too. :D
these outfits are so cute! i don't know how you manage to find such good stuff thrifting, we don't even really HAVE thrift stores here, i am jealous, i especially love your sailor hat.
I was looking around your blog trying to find something wrong with you, and then I realized I was jealous! Crazy, right? So now I'm going to stop from being jealous of your really cool blog and start loving you and the blog-im-totally-not-jealous of. Cheers!
You really are something else. Live life to the full girl!! love ya attitude and lvoe the style. How the heck do you get fashion so well at 12!! By the time you are 22 you'll be an icon!
OH my! Your style is fantastic!
Your sailor hat is so cute.
I put you between my links (:
hey cutie! i've been reading your blog, as i love your adorable outfits and humour, and behold this morning as i drink my earl grey and eat my croissant-there you are in the living section of the toronto star! pretty cool =)
WTF, Tavi?? You are totally a celebrity, but it looks like some peeps are worried!
oh Tavi, they're not fangs. your gorgeousness is blinding, so the 100-watt smile is enhancing the situation.
i love the way you're playing with prints in the last outfit, but the red dress is FAB.
stay sweet and swell,
p.s. i'm so in love with she & him right now too.
I have no life so Ima comment twice on this, youve probably already gotten 100, but I just gave you a diamond award!
wow! i just found you r blogg and im so glad i di d ilove it!!
want to trade links?
i already added u to mine
i adore your style!
Wow, sounds like a fun/crazy time! The outfits are amazing, as usually.
You are absolutely one of a kind, love your blog and your style =)
Keep it up!
Just wanted to let you know that I was so impressed by your blog I wrote a post about it, .
xoxo melissa
I love the sailor hat! I want!!
I had absolutely no sense of personal style when I was your age so kudos to you for finding yourself so early :)
I love the first outfit. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. Tag in an empty movie theatre sounds like a blast! I shall have to try that.
you are an amazing little girl. not only are you one of the most fashionable people i have ever seen who don't live and work in the fashion industry, but you are extremely articulate and well-versed for your age.
i hope i have kids like you one day. keep it up-- you are an inspiration!
the last outfit really does it for me. once again, you kill it!
You are really the cutiest! Lina <3
super styyle! kis
Love the hacky sack necklace
Congrats on your New York Times mention!
youre freakin A++++! Love the first and second pic.
hi tavi
im 11
and i just startd blogging so if u have any tips
please tel me
i love our style
and i am so not the type to beg someone to visit my blog i only have one post up but tell me what
u think
you're awesome!!!!!!!! That is all :)
I've just started reading your blog. But oh my god how cute are you?! I feel like kidnapping you! haha! I wish I had a little sister as cool as you ;)
Dress up like there's no tmrw sweets xx
heyy!! i really love your sailor pic!! thats sooo cool its really...'debbie harry' i guess!! its awesome!! you could be a model, have you thought about it? 'cuz i've got connections girl!!! just gimme a call or write on my blog! xoxoxo cant wait! <3 ema
You have the best 12 year old brain in the world...and it'll only get better!
congrats on the nyt article! keep up the great work. you are just so cute! love it xo
You were in the New York Times' style magazine! Whutwhut.
Anyway, this is a spectacular blog and you have the BEST sense of style. also also the hackey sack necklace is splendid.
korean soap operas are so addicting right? which one is your fave? i love full house.. great blog!
kokostiletto-That's tough! My favorite had some really weird name..."Moms Dead Owns", something odd like that xD
your hair is unbelievably cute!!!!
flippin' love how you rock the sailor hat.
Fabulous! You are a rockstar of the fashion world, little bit.
as soon as i saw this i re-thought thrift store shopping oh and showed it to my mom,
l♥ve it
l♥ve it
In the first outfit, was it a skirt? dress? whats up with that? i like it.
It's a tee and skirt, belted :D
I love your sailor hat and the black tulip skirt! It really works on you.
love the first outfit !! and the two next as well !!
the sailer or sailor ( don't remember how you americans spell it ) the sailor thing i love that !! the hat and the skirt in the middle of the bust..and the almost oversize shirt... love it !
i know it's an old post of yours but i've just heard about you some weeks ago..
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