Before he went out and bought it Claire (who I've mentioned before here and here) came over and we did a Geek photo shoot with the sister's crap cam. A while ago we were going to make a magazine and do a geek chic article/photo shoot in it, before we saw that Nylon did so. Suckers. We also decided to call it Flare until we realized it existed....unrecognized geniuses, we are.
Speaking of geniuses...

Sweet! That is AMAZING!!
aw adorable! i Like the second outfit the best. I also just checked out high fidelity :)
I love all the photos & the clothing is fantastic!
awesome! i don't if this was editing or the camera, but the pics have a very cool vintage color muting to them
Mikkle-Haha, I edited them. Cheater!
HEY you have a red book copy of catcher!! have you read it? the red copy is classic, it was banned back then, so youre really lucky to have a copy. i love your new haircut by the way, its very cute and summer appropriate. sweet photos! tell your friend thumbs up!
ooh love these! ..ok so i love anything dorky haha
woah i checked my blog like right after you commented me! wierd...ok enough rambling
so books. i read A LOT, but i have a lot of guilty pleasure chick lit stuff, which something tells me you wouldn't like...i dont know what you have or havent read, but i just finished reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower which was you might like Running with Scissors (seriously the wierdest thing I have EVER read, but its a true story so its ok)...everybodys been reading the Twilight series, but you might want to read them before the movie comes out...Crank for intense drug stuff...anything nicholas sparks for romance...if you havent already read them, in highschool you'll have to read stuff like to kill a mockingbird and the great gatsby which are both amazing... sarah dessen for the teen stuff, but still well written.
ok now i am being my usual rambling self! why is there never anyone to shut me up? :D
Ooh, thanks! Skirts and rooms are great joys!
About your photoshoot, the clothes are really amazing, but the one that hit me was the last picture of you. The pants are unbeliviable cool, and they look comfortable too!
I don't read Freud either, wish I did, though... :)
Summers and suns
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!!!!!!!!! And the clothes :) can't wait too see more outfit photos.
Oh, and I love your new hair style :)
These look great!
Beautiful pictures, and I like your hair :-)
the camera gives an effect that an amazing camera couldn't! it look so dreamy but cool, i love it!
ahh, i love it!
that little photo shoot is adorable!! =]
TAVI!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY COW! you want to hang out with me??? I WANT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU!!!
my friends are much too lame to be lame enough to participate in a photoshoot. oh nos.
cute pictures by the way, if you haven't already realized my enthusiasm. :P
Tavi these are ridiculously charming photos. I love the third and fourth shots especially.
If you sent this to a magazine, I bet they would make it an editorial! Well, maybe not. But i think its cute enough to be one!
Oops, sorry. I didn't realize you had already done that Tag.
*Mea culpa.
But I still thought of you anyway. ;)
By the way, this shoot is superb. Love the angles, the clothing; the idea behind it. Quite lovely. Perfect, as your art always is. ♥
That was awesome! I love your photo shoots, keep 'em coming! :D
That look is very cute. I'm definitely trying to embrace it this summer!
haha how cute!
youre so funny.
Holy crap this is AMAZING! I'm so glad I got you started on this whole photoshoot thing. XD
Very funny post! Lovely shots :-)
Thanks for the archie info! I wish I could show this AMAMAZING dress betty wore. I looooove these outfits. mind If i completley and totally copy you?
Oh this is so great. awesome. amazing.
I love you guys. And I like how all the pictures have that nice faded look.
i love this!
i have never seen a blogger do something like this before. well done : )
wait i lied...
fashion robot did something similar to this and you were one of the models, lol.
Love! Especially the glasses.
Oh my GOD, you don't know how much I love this. Especially the pants. The pants are the best. I want your pants. You guys look amazing in those pants. Ok, I just love, love, love the whole thing!!
Tavi, the photos are seriously gorgeous! I am IN LOVE with all these pictures! they look like straight out of the Vogue! You look sooooooooo sweet and cute!
Great outfits..loved the last line of your post.
I actually think that you would read a book by freud.
AWESOME PHOTOSHOOT~ The second and last outfit are my favourites. The cuffed printed pants wit suspenders are beyond amazing!!
This post is FANTASTIC. The styling was great, even if there were no shoes! haha. Your equipment (i.e. camera) may have been amateurish, but the photoshoot looks very professional, as though it were actually from a magazine! I absolutely love it.
amazing shots! i love the first pic of the glasses on the books =]
wow! this is amazing!
ahh brilliant.
these are fantastic. i especially love the last one.
This shootings is great great great !!! I love old school style !
Your blog is wonderful !
excuse me. ur site is very good and so informative.. looking forward and thanks alot. may u have a great future...
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