Anypoo, these are my favorites (it was pretty hard to narrow down from about 150). The cheesy text is mostly just how I would describe them and a product of my poor vocabulary...and no sleep, and way too much caffeine. Ahem. Which is your favorite? Tell me!

i love everythingg!
Bob the builder and optical illusions are my favoritess (:
great catwalks!!!
a kiss friend!
That must have taken FOREVER! Kudos, dude. Did you use paint?
Stephanie-Nope, photo filtre. Free!
I actually like some of these, like the Cool Colored Ropes. That shade of purple is so amazing!
Cool pieces! My favorite are childhood prints :-)
uhm, i love you? seriously the names of the collections (tan whoopie cushion to be specific) made me giggle.
What color and patterns!
i loveeee the childhood prints one!
PS. i admire your patience to amke all these collages!
i think we share a brain!
hmm, i actually like the gray sweatshirt one the best...i suppose it's simple almost to the point where it's boring...but i like how it can be so versatile.
on the contrary, the bob the builder prints are awesome.
great do you find the time???
red white and blue with a twist for sure
classic american style is really appealing this summer for some reason
Sugar Pop-Not boring at all! I like it a lot because it's so inspirational. I've had a lot of time on my hands, meaning I have no life xD
HaHA! Your labels are so cute!
I like censored simplicity (HAHAHA), tan whoopie cushion, and Bob the Builder. Oh, you are too funny.
TAN WHOOPIE CUSHION?!!!???!!! Well, my favorite is probably the second one. ^-^
The tan whoopie cushions are simply delightful; I would pay in souls for that first one-sided, draped epaulettish creation, on the condition that it were white and tan instead of black.
really cool especialy since my mum went to st martins b4 it bcame csm anyway
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