Meet my friends, Ooga Booga cat, Bob Dylan, eye, and Princess Diana.IMG_1854
Basically, I've decided that if I dress like it's Spring, it will be Spring. Hence, shorts.
Untitled 1
queen michelle tee. gap blazer. thrifted shorts. pierre hardy x gap shoes. random buttons. tsumori chisato socks.
But we all know Chicago is teasing us. Snow will be back. And it will be soon.

Ok back to analyzing misogynist traditional Irish folksongs, brb~


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laia. said...

fuck yes tavi.

Katie said...

why are you so cool??

Anonymous said...

your hair is just awesome.

Ross said...

We all know this nice weather will pass, and the entire Midwest will blanketed in snow by nightfall tomorrow.

Ross said...

by the way, I love how your hair is growing out (not saying this on false-pretenses, it really does look cool)

lauren said...

your hair looks amazing!

Desired Youth said...

Your hair looks like one of my best friends, I love it so much.
Oh and I love how you changed the url name(:

Ynna said...

I like your shoes a lot.

Mila said...

You are totally rad. And so is your outfit. And your pins.

Bub said...


b said...

LAWD HA'MERCY; You finally got a domain name.

Sewon said...

gotta love the ooga booga cat. also love your style/sass, tavi!

Unknown said...


Catherine said...

Getting used to the hair.

And, the weather in general is being a mean tease. not justcha Chicago :(

Yuiko said...

I like your style,and you're very thin!

diptea said...

you are giving the "so called super models" a run for their money. you look more paris chic than all of paris put together tavi. fucking brilliant!

bobb said...

Lots of misogynist traditional Irish folk songs - and lots of misogynist traditional folk songs in general.

Juliette said...

Wow, great outfit! That blazer is epic.
Look how long your hair is getting!




Those socks look awesome with those shoes.

Lorena said...

The cat pin is the best! This makes me wish I had a pin maker so I could just make anything I wanted into a pin, little doodles and such. Your hair looks SO good now that it has faded, I actually prefer this to the blue even though I liked that too.

Unknown said...

i love your hair right now.

Unknown said...

i love your hair right now.

Pomeline said...

your hair is awesome!

Peacock's Hat said...

Fucking amazing... urgh, you just like summed up in one outfit how I want to dress in the summer.... unfortunately, I think it will not happen, due to just not being damn cool enough.
As everyone says, your hair looks EPIC :) Especially now it's grown out a bit.

samantha said...

your hair looks even better now that it's faded. every time i see your pierre hardy shoes i want to steal them even more.

Sheik-Chan said...

Eeeeeeeeee~!!!!!!!! I love those navy shorts on you! You have such tiny legs and the shorts look a bit overpowering, in a stylish way of course! xD

I love the jacket with the printed tee underneath. It's all nice and "punky". Your hair is the final touch ;)!

Chloe Michele said...

The blazer is the best part x

Madeline Veenstra said...

I adore your new do! Looks so so pretty with your skintone. How many people can look this cute with ice blue hair?

Amanda said...

dope outfit tav!

DuckyGirl said...

Your awesome blue-ness is overwhelming; freezing my socks off.
Oh, if only my hair could turn blue.

shiyunmao said...

Hey Tavi,

I like how your hair looks in the picture!! You can see how cool it is when it grows out! Your bangs remind me of that chick from Beetlejuice, a young Winoda Ryder (my spalling is apaling, forgive me) in that role.


<33 Mao

Unknown said...

This is so awesome. And your hair looks sick! The color is perfect in my opinion. And as usual those socks are the coolest thing ever. Overall Love it.

Shelley Noble said...

Hot cuteness all over the place. You look adorable (in the way you want). The hair is gorgeous off the charts.

Anonymous said...

I love the Princess Diana button! Also, you look absolutely badass in that outfit with that hair. You have inspired me to go thrift shopping again!

Sarah from The Etiquette Cult

poniesonspeed said...

Yes, today it was beautiful in Chicago, but it's going to be more rainy. No more snow, Tavi, I'm sure of it. I hope Tom Skilling is right..

Sam Harvey said...

hey - I see the roots and I am liking them! Looks great! Now, was it you that got me started reading Madelaine L'engle? I love Wrinkle in Time. Eva and I read it before bed. I love Charles!

Samantha said...

Oh oh!
your hair is growing out amazingly well, and so are you. the socks are amazing!


xeroxahippo said...

your hair looks great

Scorpion Disco said...

i lurve ur hair little friend.


Angeles Almuna said...

Love the outfit!
Original and superb as always.
Kisses Lady Tavi

chelsea said...

i love how you make proportions that would otherwise be somewhat awkward, work so welll. aaaaand your hair is amazeballs. period. YOU GO GUR

Robyn said...

It was far to warm when I was in Chicago yesterday~

Your hair has become an amazing colour!


Tranbeena said...

And the suit is just great! (:

SarahPeslar said...

socks and sandals.. knew it! check out my blog.

Crystal said...

That hair, man. Sooo killing it. This is one of only like two times I wish I had straight hair.

gabi said...

Melissa said...

You're in Chicago too? I'm gonna find you. But not really. I'm not a creep. Digging the hair now.

casey said...

So I've been looking at fashion shows and whatnot for awhile, yet I only just noticed tsumori chisato. I love her. She's a genius. Those socks are genius. I am jealous.

Love the hair.

Daphne said...

THIS is the way to do your hair!!! I loveee it.

Bianca said...

omg when did your hair grow??? you have to post pictures from yourself more often... love your socks

Bianca said...

omg when did your hair grow??? you have to post pictures from yourself more often... love your socks

Kat said...

adorable!! your hair looks amazing, and i love those socks/shoes!


Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

I'm loving the regrowth, so grunge.

M . said...

Your hair!

zoomslow said...

OK, first, Rodarte fall 2010...

"painfully familiar" - Oh my! <3

That whole white shoe strap around arrangement is some kind of wonderful.

& now...Spring. Hence, shorts.

The second image, um intimidatingly awesome...sheepish smile...sweaty palms, um, :-))

WendyB said...

Your hair is getting longer! I like it!

superawesomeman said...

i thought your hair was blue, it looks blond here. did it wear off or something?

Also just curious how does your school react to all your fashion stuff? You're dressing like this while most of the kids your age just stopped shopping at Limited Too (or Justice?). Although you may have answered this question already idk. You should do a FAQ or something.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

feel your pain... like all the light was sucked out of my spring day when i heard we're supposed to get snow this weekend. :(
i like your hair though. channeling kurt cobain now.

Unknown said...

Lady. I never comment on your posts. I wasn't even sure if I could (since I use a reader and blahblahblah not important).

Anyway. The reason I felt the need to comment (or figure out if I could comment) was because your hair is absolutely gorgeous right now. Length, Color, WaveySquiggle.

basically perfect. and i'm jealous.

Ashley said...

Your hair is adorable at this length, love it!

Great shorts too, I just love the colour palette.

Ellie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellie said...

People have been saying there is some rivalry between her and the 14 year old guy that runs << Runway fashion blog. I am not sure if its true or not...

Tokyo fashion-HOLIC said...

Awesome outfit!
and cuuute your hair<33
Where do you get Japanese brand items?
If you interested in Tokyo Japan,please check out my blog.

Under Urooba's Umbrella! said...


<3 it.

Anonymous said...

your hair looks very stylish! you can wear anything casual and basic and look absolutely chic with that hair, so it's a successful transformation!

plus i must say, the more i look at your posts, the more you are totally look like michelle williams!! :)

Anonymous said...

such a fun look! ^^
love your socks and shoes!

NextDayRunway said...

Awesome outfit and love the hair!

Clare said...

Your hair is looking wonderful! It's grown out to a perfect length. The colour is so cool as well.
This outfit is really inspiring. Makes me want spring...
Clare x

lizaloof said...

your hair is somewhat extraordinary. i've never met you before...i'm liz and i live in melbourne in australia. i'm excited for autumn so i can wear scarves. melbourne people are quite obsessed with scarves...and black. in autumn/winter i wear black, black, black and a scarf - hopefully colourful.

peace & pancakes

Typhaine said...


Studded Rose said...

haha gorgeous outfit and love love love or better word ADORE the Rodarte collection x

P. said...

Waaaw you are so cute with this haircut and without the glasses, this long fringe is perfect for you!! And I love this color! The jacket is beautiful...

Kisses from Paris! ;)


AnAzevedo said...

pretty girl, preety clothes, great style. Love the hair.

Emma Westbrook said...

Your hair is actually just amazing and I love the shorts with the orange socks and white sandal/shoes!

Siru said...

I wish spring would be here! I'm sorry to spam, but I have gorgeous giveaway going on in my blog right now! Please come and see!

juliet xxx

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh myyyyy God. Your hair, fuck, I love it! Your outfit, yes!

Ruda said...


Emma said...

Yay! That looks good! :D

The Sew Convert said...

Love the socks!

cr said...


La Traficante de Zapatos said...

good morning sweetie!!!
and T-shirt!!!

Skooter said...

I love, love, love this outfit. And ack, those socks are so amazing!

Anonymous said...

Like the T-shirt you look great!!! OMG your hair love the color !!!! LOVE IT

jenn. said...

love this look. you look like an anime character; which i always appreciate in everyday outfits.
i'm not always bowled over by some of your outfits (no one's perfect!) but this is cool and cute and quirky without being too much ^_^

Devery said...

Holy Moly your HAIR! It's perfect! Even if the weather is being lame, you are having an amazing hair day-- I love it!!!

helen said...

wooow love the light shine of your hair!! amazing, love the socks and the white plateau's , got some similiar shoes :)
xx helen

RiotGrrlPixies said...

heart the jacket and shorts

cardinal arts said...

glad you are back to pictures of your daily what to wear - and love the hair!

Diane said...

Hy, you look great in these pictures, I especially like your hair :)


U-NI-TY said...

Nice outfit, and haircut that totally suits you!

Thrashin' Threads said...

your hair matches the outfit perfectly

poppy bird. said...

i am in love with your hair tavi. x

Tørlich said...

The new hair is looking great!

Izzen said...

So cool. Love the badges and the new hair!

Little Miss Violet said...

That's it. I have to dye my hair blue. The roots actually look awesome. Cool Princess Diana pin.

davidikus said...

Hope you don't get cold despite the shorts. Cool socks! They make the outfit. Deffo.

Isabel said...

You little grunge kid you!! Can't believe how well your hair is growing out. Tavi, you are a wunderkind.

Sammi said...

You always look sooo cute.

Ann. said...

your hair is lovely!

chicfaced said...

personal opinion here but this haircut is your best yet! it's seriously just perfect. the color, cut, bangs, length, everything. I also love this outfit. This whole thing may be my favorite ever

thwany said...

your hair looks really great

rebecca said...

um i am in love with everything about this. the hair, the outfit, the pose. love it.

Unknown said...

love the hair. i do.

Faith said...

Of course, I'm with everyone else on the hair. I'm digging it mightily. :D

I've also noticed that you're not wearing your glasses in the last couple of posts. Didja get contacts? Because I really love your glasses, but the difference in your look without them is equally as pleasing. In my non-necessary opinion, anyway. (I wore glasses until I was 14, and my mother FINALLY let me get some contacts. I still love my glasses, but I'm so glad I don't have to wear them all the time anymore!)

Unknown said...

is that bryan ferry on your shirt? love it you look fab and the shirt is way cool.

Miss Tik said...

someone took your glasses!

cancercowboy said...

lol, ready to slit some throats ^___^

all those editions of you, they never cease to surprise me

C said...

Actually, what caught my eyes are: Your hairstyle and the blazer. Really like how they match (colour and style-wise)

Unknown said...

Wow you look so much older!

Unknown said...

Wow you look so much older!

JULIA said...

I kind of mention you in my latest post, i think you should read it because i think you'll have alot to say about it. it's very opinion oriented.

Unknown said...

You know, I think that these are my favorite pics you have done.I love the shorts, the hair the poses.keep up the awesomeness <3

Chloe Tweeny said...

your hair is just looking epic beyond words basically

can i have it? ;)

Jenna said...

This outfit is just sosososo inspiring! And luv Bob Dylan.

Tay said...

Just listened to your interview on Q and ate french toast, both made for an excellent morning. ;-)
It is a shame that some people cant appreciate you because of their own ageism. Ooga Booga dude!

Tay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bon Dylan is such a king. Also I like your new hair, it reminds me of Lady Gaga's on Fame Monster.

meagan said...

snow this weekend in chicago. FFFFFUUUU

sassy kitten said...

ahhh, your hair is beyond perfect. love the shoes as well. the whole outfit actually!!!!

Neekoh said...

I am loving your hair like that.
And you're unstoppable when it comes to mixing patterns. <3


Anonymous said...

omg your hair is amazing! love the bob and bangs!

kate cait sith said...

Good GOD, can we talk about your hair for a second?!

Anonymous said...

Love your socks they're really fun!

Little Miss Violet said...

i really need those shoes.

Unknown said...

i agree with the sentiment to dress for the weather you want. will it to work. also loving the hair.

Azede said...

Hey I've never left a comment on your page before, but i've always read every post. I really love your Style. visit my blog: I am an emerging designer, let me know what you think

Katie said...

Woww I love your hair even more now!

xoLauraox09 said...

You are too cool.


L. said...

HAIR = PERFECT !!!!!!! said...

YES, Miss Thing! You are giving some full-on Kim Gordon circa '93 REALNESS here. Slouchy accessorized denim + andro punk rock outfit + advanced Japanese prints + chunky white shoes = A+ AGAIN! Keep it up! xx

agata said...

i'm so in love with your hair and shorts! and buttons. oh everything about this look.

hello birdy said...

Awesome in every way possible. Glad i'm not the only badge (sorry Americans, buttons) lover too :D

Sarah said...

You were great on Q!!

Anne said...

yeah ooga booga cat! i love it.

Noa Gur-Arie said...

If Anna Wintour was an albino oompa loompa

Anonymous said...

haha their all fantastic!

Brianna said...

I love your hair in this post!!!!

Anouk said...

You are amazingly cool and beautiful in these pictures. Your hair looks great! Tavi you're so awesome :)

Me said...

I'll have you know you have some Irish readers Tavi and we're rather proud of our traditional folksongs! :P

Great outfit & your hair looks great!

Tzoulia Kadoglou said...

hello tavi!
i hope u are ok ? =)

So I never had heard something about u . But today I read an article about the Fashion week @ paris , in the h&m magazine.

U was there? Did i understand it right?

Where is your follow button?

u seems to be a really cool 13 years old girl.u are brave with ur outfits.and i wnat it to know if it is easy? are the pupils kidden u?

so i hope a read an answer @ my blog.

greetings from germany.

Cora said...

You look bloody amazing. the clothes.....

Miss Tami Lee said...

Love the socks with those shoes!

Jem said...

i love your outfit and ofcourse your princess di pin! she was such a kick ass person, glad to see that someone else thinks she's cool too! :)

Masha said...

I like your look with your hairdress and your socks and your prints t-shirt))
and by the way I like your hair! and your they're long now! you're pretty)) really)

Anonymous said...

Amazing outfit! Esp love your socks and hair!



Sailor Jamee said...

your hair looks so rad right now!

D said...

Tavi twists my brain.

Ada said...

You're amazing! ;)


Anonymous said...

i'm really loving your new hair!!!

Marlena said...

Tavi, you are too cool for words! <3

Isabelle said...

Vos cheveux est grand! Je ne sais pas si vous pouvez parler français. Si vous ne pouvez pas ...

Your hair is great! I don't know if you can speak french, If you can't...

Anonymous said...

Those are the cutest socks!!

Cherie said...

this outfit reminds me of...


well, the shorts do anyway.

firefly said...

lol. I like your philosophy. It goes with your outfit.

mar said...

hairstyle looking great on you!!

julia aka garconniere said...

heard you on Q this morning! was strange to see your voice since i've only been seeing you online for the past year or two. but i just wanted to let you know you sounded super articulate and i really agreed with a lot of the points you made.

i think a lot of listeners would have quickly wrote anyone (regardless of age) talking about fashion as something that lacks substance or meaning, but i feel like you showed them that you're basically just doing what you love.

i laughed pretty hard when he asked you about your hair colour, and the story about the kid asking if you needed help across the street.

i really enjoyed what you had to say. just wanted to let you know!

Laurel said...

It's supossed to snow on Sunday-yuck! I like the socks but I dislike the shoes, way to chunky and clunky looking. ciao..

Everything Pretty said...

Very eccentric wardrobe from head to feet :))

Not my kind of style...but I admire the creativity.

HumanAdult said...


Haley Winter said...

This is the Tavi sophisticate look. Darling, if I squint you almost look all grown up! Love the hair + you’re such a hysterical writer. I hope you’ll stick with fashion! :) Your new do is pretty ethereal and reminds me of that towhead boy in Gus Van Sant’s Elephant.

Anonymous said...

Love your new hair cut! looks so sophisticated! and i love how you added bright orange socks to the whole pale-ish coloured outfit!

NorwegianWood said...

Yes to the hair, but I'm actually thinking that YOU have grown quite a few inches...maybe I just haven't noticed until now. So, how excited are you about being able to find EVERYTHING in your size?!?!? Yay to that! Growing out of old favorites is not fun though...but yay for length in both hair and height...

Erin McLeod said...

illinois weather is psychotic.

rachel said...

Your hair looks sooo cool! And it's March. To me March=Spring. I like the cat badge the best :)

Ella Unread said...

Nice outfit! Love it! Plus, you're getting prettier and prettier with every day that goes by :)

/ said...

i've looked through your blog, it's nice-
here's mine
i'm a painter and.. i think sharing is caring

Fashion Hungry said...


NorthernAutumn said...

I found your blog a few years ago, thought it was really interesting then :)
Lo and behold, you were on Q here in Canada this morning while I was getting up! So wonderful to find you and your writing again :D
The interview was just great; you are so eloquent! I wish I had your poise :D

Bechara Baroudi Akel said...

tavi u re looking amazing, watch some of my art, u will like it, its psychedelic animation new retro style, take a look, im 25 from chile , and i think u are such a futuristic new icon.
kisses u crazy kiddo

Unknown said...

I love your hair,darling. You're the coolest 13 year old,hands down.

Anonymous said...

Tavi, know what I think? You look like Michelle Williams. She's really, super WOW pretty, and so are you. Not just that, obviously, you've got flair and intelligence as well......!

your ever avid reader.

Maz said...

I heard you on CBC radio this morning! I listen to it at work cuz I get bored of music lol. It was awesome to hear you though! Welcome to Canada officially :)

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka said...

cool outfit! as usual!

TMW said...

You look like a mini Debbie Harry from back in her early Blondie days!

Lisa said...

ooooh your hair looks much better
it s cool

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I really like how those shorts suit on you! And I agree with maaaaaany of the comments here above me...You hair is awesome! (besides here you look a lot like michelle williams)

Anonymous said...

Great this shoes and i love your hairs !!!

Jean-pierre MATTEI ( clothings maker who shares some fashion sketches .............................. ) said...

I find you are especially pretty here, and BRAVOOO for your hair !
Have a great day,

Jean-Pierre MATTEI

Tanya Lee said...

wow Tavi you look cool in the pictures !!
and i like your hair so much!! :D xx

Anonymous said...

haha out comes the spring logic...the hair is looking seriously cool, my friend.

Brianna said...

NICE HAIR! sometimes i wish my mom would let me cut my hair, but she says i can't. I guess I like it long sometimes, too
PLEASE visit my blog
Thank You!

Brianna said...

kimberly said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your hair, love that outfit!

i've always had long hair, never thought of having short hair. But now you've just made me think.

LOVE your blog as well!

she who shall not be named; just coveted said...

love the hair, love the clothes, love the ooga booga for sure! I am completely in awe of you! I'm a thirteen year old who is completely obsessed with anything fashion related, i love to write but i just dont have that special touch! bleh, the thing is you DEFINITELY do! When I first heard of you i thought you were some spoiled kid with too much time on your hands but now i realize your awesome! keep up the style ;)

VâniaMoure said...

I love your style. you look so good in this outfit.

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks fantastic here.

Anonymous said...

I love how your hair looks in these shots! But, oh! Now that you're on your own domain I can't read your blog at work :( bummer

Simply Me said...

my i love your hair, its wonderful. i love the whole outfit of course. but i want that hair. my hairs too thick to do something like that but yours is perfect

Dorm Bedding said...

Hey, if it's warm enough for shorts, go for it :)

Anonymous said...

love your hair cut <3

visit me and comment


Sean said...

You remind me of a younger Sia! Cute shorts :)

Vincent said...

Tavi, your hair continues to amaze me.

Little Miss Violet said...

Ooga Booga. Your shirt's wicked.

Laura said...

I think this is my favourite outfit of yours that I've seen. Looks amazing with that shock of platinum hair.

AlbaD. said...

Hi Tavi! I'm a blogger from Spain. My blog is not as good as yours, but I would be very happy if you look at it. I like your style, it's so original! :D Sorry for my bad english! I think you have a lot of talent and luck. The first time I hear about you it was in 'Glamour' magazine! And with only 13 years! I'm 14, and I'm not going to be as famous as you never! Hahaha kisses from Spain!
-Alba .

Isabella said...

tavi your hair is sooooo amazing!!! i mean i know you wanted it blue and such but this is so springy and awesome! :)

A(squared) + M said...

I love this outfit! You look so cute!

Ester said...

Really... 4 words....
I love your style!!!

You should know that I admire you.

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